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Task 1. Read the text and write out unknown words


Many trade organizations display different kinds of outdoor and light indoor wear at annual fairs. A wide range of clothing and foot wearing compel customer's attention.

The traditional and most widely accepted system of classifying non­food stuffs consists of some categories: clothing, footwear haberdashery, perfumery, sporting goods, textiles, rockery and glass wear, household goods, electric appliances, jewellery, stationary, toys, etc.

Traditionally clothing may be divided into three groups according to the sex and age of a person: men's wear, women's wear and children's wear. But nowadays women's wear is gradually becoming identical in many cases with men's wear. The names of many articles of clothes are the same in men's and women's wear; for example, heavy-weight, light-weight coats, rain-coats, two-piece and three-piece suits, trousers, shorts, jackets, anoraks, cloaks, cardigans, pullovers, slipovers, sweaters, vests, shirts, etc. The opposite trend in clothing development is the diversity of types of clothes. For example, women's dresses unite a multipurpose dress, a Jumper dresses, a dress and a vest, a print dress, a dinner dress, an evening dress, etc. The name "trousers" may include slacks, pants, jeans, cords, each with its own peculiarity.

The dressing of children movenow towards the miniaturization of adult fashion, including cords, velour skirts and stretch, jeans, dresses and suits. There is a heavier emphasis on the differentiation between boy's and girl's clothes, except for same articles (jeans, sweaters, shirts, etc.).

Speaking about clothing it's impossible not to mention footwear. Footwear is used not only for completing costumes. It has much more important functions, such as to protect the sole of the foot from the heat, cold, dampness, dirt of the ground; to protect the upper part of the foot and even the leg from the cold, rain, insects or other bites; to assist the foot to perform some abnormal task in sport, dancing, in some trades; to overcome the abnormalities of the foot itself. In the department stores you can buy many varieties of food: furlined boots, bootees (low shoes), dressy courts, bare footed shoes, evening (dancing) shoes, overshoes, slippers and so on.

Textiles are divided into cotton, silk, wool, velvet, cotton velvet, tweed and so on. Besides clothing and footwear we need household utensils: crockery, china, electric appliances, cutlery, pots and pans, vacuum cleaners, washing machines, cameras, radio and television sets computers and many other things.

Haberdashery goods are handbags, combs, wallets and purses, pins and needles, thread, handkerchiefs, umbrellas, watches, clocks, gloves.

As for women, they and fashion are inseparable. Fashion may be achieved by using shoe variable, visible component: upper appearance (amount, material, decoration, and colour), so shape and height, heel height and shape, and fastening.

Many people try to have in their wardrobes cloth in natural colours and made of natural materials. The prices on such cloth are rather high, but it would be probably explained by the fact that consumers are looking for durability, value and quality and are prepared to make a purchase which will cost them more but which is expected to last them longer.



Task 2. Translate the following words. Consult a dictionary

annual, range, compel, fair, article, impossible, inseparable, shape, appearance, amount, variable, material, visible components, shape, heel height, fastening, sole, abnormalities, adult, fashion changes, behind, wardrobe, cloth, miniaturization, quality, explain.



Task 3. Suggest the Ukrainian for the following words and word combinations from the text

haberdashery goods

perfumery jewellery

textiles, crockery and glasswear

household goods

electric appliances


sporting goods

hosiery knitwear


men's wear

women's wear

childrens wear

heavy-weight coats

light-weight coats

rain coats

anoraks cloaks

cardigans pullovers

sweaters shirts


pots and pans

vacuum cleaners

washing machines

cameras fasterning

radio and television sets


heel height

sole shape


Task 4. Find in the text English equivalents to Ukrainian words and word combinations:

взуття; асортимент; одяг; спортивні товари; галантерея; парфуми; тканини; посуд; фарфор; ювелірні вироби; предмети домашнього вжитку; канцтовари; жіночий одяг; чоловічий одяг; дитячий одяг; костюм; штани; предмети одягу; плащі; плаття; світер; відповідно до віку; стать людини; годинники; сумки; рукавички; пральні машини; радіо і телеприймачі; широкий вибір; невід'ємний; видимі компоненти.



Task 5. Match the words in column one with their synonyms in column two

1. range   to deal
2. to sell   to finish
3. categories   kinds
4. to divide   assortment
5. to complete   to get over
6. to mention   to do
7. differentiation   to separate
8. varieties   difference
9. display   show
10. to perform   types
11. to overcome   to say

Task 6. According to the text, are the following statements trueor false? If they are false, give the correct statement

1. Many trade organizations display different kinds of outdoor and light indoor wear at annual fairs………………………………..

2. The names of many articles of clothes are not the same in men's and women's wear………………………………..

3. The dressing of children move now towards the miniaturization of adult fashion……………………………….

4. Speaking about clothing it is impossible not to mentionfootwear……………………..

5. Footwear is used only for completing costume……………………………….

6. Most people try to have in their wardrobes cloth in natural colours and made of natural materials…………………………………….

7. Textiles are divided into cotton, silk, wool, velvet, etc…………………………….


Task 7. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words or phrase from the brackets given below

Although modern.............................................. have been of enormous benefit to people in general, they have created... for manufacturers andretailers. Many different synthetic.................................................. and.................................................... have been

developed and can be made...................................................... linen, cotton, silk, and wool even fur and leather. These are by no means................................................... to the real thing; but is up to manufacturer and the shop where they label their goods clearly, so that the public know what they are getting. It is also essential that the.............................. should say how the garment...................................................... A short time ago everyone wore.................................................... and know that cotton and linen could be boiled, white wool and silk must be........................................................... Now a white shirt may look like cotton, but........................................................ or wrung, just washed. Natural............................................ are often mixed with artificial fibres in different proportions.

(resemble; special problems; fabrics; fibres are sold; fibres and fabrics; must be treated; natural fibres; handwashed)

Notes: fibres - волокно

fabrics – тканина

to resemble - бути схожим


Task 8. Look through the text again and answer the following questions

1. What kinds of non-food goods do you know?

2. What groups can clothing be divided traditionally?

3. What cloth do people prefer to have in their wardrobes?

4. What important function does footwear have? '

5. What is the most important factor in footwear designing?

6. Are women and fashion inseparable? Will you give you' reason?

7. What style of clothing do your prefer?

8. What clothes do our children wear now?



Task 9. Translate the following sentences into English

1. Вчора я купила шкіряні туфлі для свого чоловіка.

2. Хутряні чоботи будь-яких розмірів продаються на третьому поверсі у відділі чоловічого взуття.

3. Парфуми відомих іноземних фірм продаються в спеціалізованих магазинах. Ціни на них досить високі.

4. У чоловічій галантереї продається все для чоловіків, крім черевиків і костюмів.

5. У відділі шкіряних товарів великий вибір пасків, сумок,гаманців, рукавичок.

6. У магазинах мережі „Фокстрот" ви можете купити всі видиелектротоварів, а також аудіо та відео техніку.

7. В найбільшому магазині Європи - Harrods ви можете купити все — від голки до слона.


Task 10. Complete the crossword


Across Down
2 worn around the neck 6 you wear them on your feet 7 you wear it when it's cold 8 top for men 10 worn around the waist 1 cover your two legs 3 clothes for bed 4 they keep your hands warm 5 short coat 9 covering for the head




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