Task 1. Read the text and write out unknown words
Food spoilageis due to the growth of microorganisms in the food. In the course of their development these microorganisms produce, in some cases, harmless products, but very often harmful toxins are produced. Food preservation has both hygienic and economic aspects. From the point of view of hygiene, food is preserved in order to prevent the formation of products which are harmful to the body. Microorganisms. In all living tissues microorganisms are found which assist either in the growth of the plant or animal or in their decay. Thus any food is subject to either decay or spoilage by the growth of microorganisms. There are three classes of microorganisms: molds, yeast, and bacteria. They are characterized by their extremely minute size and their wide distribution. Microorganisms multiply more rapidly at moderate temperature and their growth is checked at very low temperatures. Microorganisms may multiply in two ways. In one, a microorganism splits off a part of itself which resembles the original organism in appearance and method of reproduction. In the other, a rounded mass called a spore is developed, which is unlike the parent form. Sporebearing organisms are more difficult to destroy than those which multiply by simple cell division Molds. The conditions for the growth of mold are less rigid than for any other class of microorganisms. For this reason we may find molds on many substances: on acid foods, such as lemons, oranges or tomatoes; on neutral foods, such as bread and meats; on sweets such as jellies and jams; on salty food such as bacon and ham Most molds are spore bearing. The more common mold has bluish-green spores, but others with black or red spores are seen often. Molds multiply most rapidly at temperatures varying from 20° to 35 °С and in damp, dark places in which there is little circulation of air. Low temperatures retard the growth of mold. Many molds cease to grow if exposed to bright sunlight. Circulating air is destructive to mold growth. Yeasts. Yeasts, unlike molds, will grow only on foods containing sugars. Yeasts multiply either by spores or by cell division. Yeasts are easily destroyed by high temperatures (100°C). Bacteria. Bacteria are widely distributed. Like yeast, molds, they may be found anywhere - in the air, water, soil and in all foods. In a less acid medium they multiply most rapidly, and, therefore, it is the less acid foods which are most subject to bacterial decomposition. Bacteria require moisture for growth. Exposure to sunlight for sufficient length of time destroys bacteria but not their spores. The temperature for optimum growth will vary (20° to 55°C) with the kind of bacteria. Bacteria are more difficult to destroy than the other, microorganisms.
Task 2. Translate the following words. Consult a dictionary spoilage, microorganism, toxin, preservation, hygienic, hygiene, tissue, either, decay, yeast, bacteria, characterized, minute, distribution, multiply, temperature, resemble, ; appearance, reproduction, organism, cell, rigid, substance, neutral, circulation, destructive, medium.
Task 3. Suggest the Ukrainian for thefollowing words and word combinations from the text food spoilage growth of microorganisms in some cases food preservation hygienic aspects in order to prevent in all living tissues which assist wide distribution multiply more rapidly at very low temperatures split off original organism method of reproduction is unlike the parent form by simple cell division less rigid acid foods bluish-green varying from retard the growth of mold if exposed to bright sunlight is destructive to mold growth unlike molds either by spores or by cell division soil; most rapidly destroys bacteria vary
Task 4. Find in the text English equivalents for the following words and word combinations шкідливі речовини з точки зору гігієни продукти зберігаються для того, щоб мікроорганізми піддаватись псування гниття вони характеризуються надзвичайно маленький розмір помірна температура ріст припиняється який нагадує по зовнішньому виду спороутворювальні організми умови для розвитку плісняви з цієї речовини незначна циркуляція повітря дріжджі продукти, які містять цукор бактерії дуже широко розповсюджені в менш кислому середовищі бактеріям необхідна волога для росту значний проміжок часу залежно від виду бактерії
Task 5. Find in the text the words and phrases which have the following meanings causing harm very small fungus organism that can only be seen under a microscope poisonous substance causing destruction to check to display to increase in size to make useless, put an end to to be like, to be similar to Task 6. According to the text, are the following statements true or false. If they are false, give the correct statement 1. The changes in food are usually due to the growth of microorganisms........................... 2. Microorganisms multiply more rapidly at high temperature and their growth is checked at low temperatures............................................... 3. The conditions for the growth of bacteria are less rigid than for any other class of microorganisms.............................................. 4. Exposure to sunlight for sufficient length of time destroys bacteria and their spores........................................... 5. There are three classes of microorganisms - molds, yeast, and bacteria and all are characterized by their wide distribution..................................... 6. Yeasts grow only in the presence of sugar, they may be found widely distributed............................................
Task 7. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words or phrases from the brackets given below It is important to realize that................................................ are constantly changing in some way. Food is a dynamic, not a static commodity. Some foodstuffs change.............................................. in warm weather, like milk and meat, and others, like vegetables and fruit, change only slowly, but they all change in some way. All foods become unfit for............................................... in a shorter or longer time. The changes........................................... the growth of microorganisms which contaminate the food. In the course of their development these microorganisms produce harmless products and......................................... If................................ are dangerous we get food poisoning. (the organisms; all foods; very rapidly; consumption; are usually due to; harmful toxins)
Task 8. Look through the text again and answer the following questions 1. What is food spoilage due to? 2. What products do microorganisms produce? 3. What classes of microorganisms do you know? 4. How are they characterized? 5. What are the ways of multiplying microorganisms? 6. Why may we find molds on many substances? 7. What retards the growth of mold? 8. What is destructive to mold growth? 9. What foods can yeast grow on? 10. Where do bacteria multiply most rapidly? 11. What destroys bacteria?
Task 9. Translate into English: 1. Псування продуктів відбувається через ріст мікроорганізмів у них. 2. Зберігання продуктів має як гігієнічні, так і економічні аспекти. 3. Мікроорганізми характеризуються надзвичайно маленькими розмірами та широким розповсюдженням. 4. Мікроорганізми поділяються на декілька класів: пліснява (гриби), дріжджі та бактерії. 5. Гриби утворюються в темних, а інколи і світлих місцях. 6. Низькі температури припиняють ріст грибів. 7. Дріжджі з'являються лише на продуктах, які містять цукор. 8. Псування консервованих продуктів - м'яса, молока та овочів також відбувається у результаті дії бактерій. Task 10. Find the words in the grid. Words can go horizontally, vertically and diagonally, backwards or forwards.