Task 1. Read the text and write out unknown words PACKAGING AND LABELING
Human beings have always protected food and drink in containers, using skins, leaves, and then baskets, pottery, and, as early as 1 500 BC, glass containers. In 1746 the first packaged branded product was launched in England. Dr. Robert James sold his "Fever-Powder" in a box. A few years later, Yardley of London began selling its famous lavender water in glass bottles, and Cross Blackwell began selling olive oil and mustard in jars. Packaging, the technology used to contain, protect, and preserve products throughout their distribution, storage and handling, and at the same time to identify them, provide instructions for their use, and promote them. Packaging consists of all those activities involved in developing and providing a container for a product. The package is actually a vital part of the product. It can make the product more versatile, safer, or easier to use. Some 60 per cent of all packaging is used for food and drinks, and it is also essential for cosmetics, domestic chemicals and electrical goods, Pharmaceuticals, agricultural chemicals, seeds, and feeds, and industrial goods of all types, such as motor parts, and computer hardware and software. Packages have both functional and marketing value. Their primary function is to protect the product, and they should be strong enough to do so. Packages must maintain the condition of its contents. If this is a food, for examples, it must exclude air to prevent it from becoming unfit forconsumption during the period designated as its shelf life and indicated by a sell-by date marked on the pack. With regard to marketing, packages should be attention-getters ifthey are to be displayed at the point of sale - as in supermarkets. Various sizes of packages may be used to reach particular target markets. Single-portion food packages for single-person households and the "giant economy size" for large families are examples. Such packages as reusable containers and no-drip bottles may also attract consumers to particular products. Labelling is very closely related to packaging. The label can be used to facilitate the identification of a product by presenting the brand and a unique graphic design. Labels can describe the source of the product, its contents and major features, how to use the product, how to care for the product, nutritional information, type and style of the product. The label for many products includes the brand name and mark and the registrated trademark symbol, product claims, safety precautions, a list of ingredients, the name and address of the manufacturer. It includes a universal product code, sometimes known as a barcode, which is a series of thick and thin lines that identifies the product and provides inventory and pricing information that can be read by an electronic scanner. Notes: "Fever - Powder" - порошок від жару BC - before Christ - до нашої ери
Task 2. Translate the following. Consult a dictionary human, lavender, olive, mustard, preserve, throughout, distribution, identify, instructions, vital, versatile, easier, Pharmaceuticals, chemicals, functional, primary, exclude, consumption, designated, target, identification, precautions, ingredients, nutritional, manufacturer.
Task 3. Suggest the Ukrainian for the following words and word combinations from the text human beings using skins, leaves pottery lavender water storage to promote seeds and feeds computer hardware and software functional value maintain the condition exclude air with regard to marketing attention-getters at the point of sale to reach particular target markets reusable containers no-drip bottles closely related to packaging a unique graphic design registrated trademark symbol inventory and pricing,information can be read by an electronic scanner
Task 4. Find in the text English equivalents for the following words and word combinations шкіра глиняний посуд почали виробляти в Англії оливкова олія гірчиця; в банках зберігати продукти суттєва частина продукту більш безпечний косметика; побутова хімія промислові товари головна функція непридатний для споживання зазначений на упаковці строк придатності те (той), що привертає увагу в супермаркеті різні розміри упаковок; упаковки, якими можна користуватися повторно вимоги до продукту перелік складових частин заходи безпеки виробник штрих-код інформація може бути прочитана
Task 5. Find in the text the words and phrases which have the following meanings vital part- significance - to make easy - producer - barcode - to indicate - concerning - those which attract attention - a list of components-
Task 6. According to the text, are the following statements true or false? If they are false, give the correct statement 1. He first packaged branded product appeared in England.......................................... 2. Packages must maintain the condition of its contents......................................... 3. Packaging is essential only for food and drinks.............................................. 4. Such packages as reusable containers, no-drip bottles, see-through plastic packages are attention-getters...................................................... 5. A series of thick and thin lines that identifies the product and provides inventory and pricing information is called a barcode................................................... 6. The label for products includes the name and address of the manufacturer, the brand name and mark...................................................... Task 7. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words or phrases from the brackets given below Since the coming of the supermarkets,............................................ has developed to allow customers to serve themselves. Packaging, once it has done its job of............................................ from factory to home, is discarded as household waste. Household waste accounts for around four to five.............................................. of all waste in Western countries. Nevertheless, it attracts a great deal of environmental concern. The European Union and many other countries have introduced legislation attempting to reduce.................................................. and to promote recycling of materials. Used packaging can be collected and recycled into.........................................., paper, films, and cans. Environmental considerations have resulted in a trend to make packaging as light as possible without impairing its.............................................. (protecting its contents; per cent; packaging waste; new bottles; protective properties; packaging)
Task 8. Look through the text again and answer the following questions 1. What do you know about the history of packaging? 2. What is packaging? 3. What does packaging consist of? 4. Can the package make the product more versatile, safer, or easier to use? 5. What products is packaging used for? 6. Packages have both functional and marketing value, don't they? 7. What is used to facilitate theidentification of aproduct? 8. What can labels describe? 9. Can a barcode be read by an electronic scanner? 10. The label can be considered a vital part of the package, can't it? Prove it.
Task 9. Translate into English 1. Упаковка відіграє значну роль при виборі товару покупцем. 2. Покупці можуть знайти інформацію про товар на його упаковці чи на ярлику. 3. Універсальний товарний код має бути на етикетках усіх товарів. 4. Штрих-код надає інформацію, яку можна прочитати за допомогою електронного сканера. 5. Використання штрихового кодування дає можливість впровадити автоматизовану ідентифікацію товарів на базі комп'ютерної техніки, що значно підвищує продуктивність праці, є економічно ефективним. 6. Цифровий еквівалент коду вкладається з 13 цифр. Він позначає державу-виробника або продавця товару, реєстраційний номер фірм, товарний код та інше.