Experience. Languages: Ukrainian (native), Russian (native)
From 01.09.2003 ************************ From 05.03.2005 ************************ Other information: Languages: Ukrainian (native), Russian (native) English (fluent, spoken/written) PC: User of PC Certifications: Driving licence, given in 2006.
Task 3. Make your own curriculum vitae
Task 4. Complete the sentences as in the text 1. When a person is eager to get a job he is often to fill in 2. The forms can be laid out in different ways but 3. The information given by the candidate can be very helpful in 4. It is important that the candidate 5. CVs should contain the following information 6. CVs and application forms will require the name and address of at least 7. The referees may be contacted and asked 8. Normally the firm will ask for the names of present
Task 5. Read the text and write out unknown words
for an interview. Come in time to the appointed place for an interview. Don't forget to take all the necessary documents for your better presentation (references, characteristics, diplomas). Don't be nervous and tense with the interviewer, be polite and listen attentively to all the questions you are asked. If you are confident in what you talking about it will make a good impression on the interviewer. Try to give full and clear answers to the questions. Be ready to discuss the details of your future work. Try to persuade the interviewer that you are the best candidate for the chosen position. Don't talk about personal questions if they are not connected with the future work. Don't hesitate to describe fully your responsibilities and regular duties at the previous job if you are asked. Show that you are thinking ahead in your career development. Be ready to explain the reasons of your desire to change the work. Tell about your educational history and obtained degree. Don't forget to mention your computer skills, language fluency if it's required by the company. At the end of the interview thank the interviewer for his/her attention. Don't demand the immediate answer about his/her decision, appoint the certain date for it.
Task 6. Find in the text English equivalents for the following words and word combinations важлива подія бути добре приготовленим призначене місце необхідні документи краща презентація уважно слухати ясні відповіді намагатися впевнити не вагайся описувати повністю отримана ступінь володіння мови вимагати негайної відповіді кар'єрне зростання
Task 7. Give the English for офіційна зустріч; особа, яка дає інтерв'ю; представники компанії; рекомендації; перспективний кандидат; відібрати кращих кандидатів; запропонувати посаду; прийняти/відхилити пропозицію про роботу; підписати трудовий контракт; узгодити умови праці та заробітну платню; кар'єра; досвід спілкування з трудним клієнтом; довгострокові цілі; роботодавець. Task 8. Look at the words and phrases. Match them with the correct definition from the list below interviewer, interviewee, employment contract, job interview, reference, salary, a promising candidate 1. a meeting at which a person applying for a job, is asked questions about his/her work, experience, interests to see if he/she is suitable 2. a person who is interviewed, esp. for a job 3. a person who carries out an interview 4. a written report on a job applicant's character or ability to do the job 5. a legal agreement made between an employer and an employee, giving details of salary, hours of work, holidays, etc 6. a regular fixed payment for work or services 7. a person offering to take up a post or job
Task 9. Fill in the missing prepositions Interviews The employment interview is perhaps the most widely used selection technique. Job candidates are usually interviewed.............. at least one member.............. the HRM staff and................ the person................... whom they will be working. Candidates................ higher-level jobs may also meet....................... a department head or vice president. Interviews provide an opportunity...................... the applicant and the firm to learn more...................... each other. The candidate has a chance to find........................ more................... the job and the people..................... whom he or she would be working. (by (2), of, for (3), with (2), about (2), out)
Task 10. Answer the following question 1. What is a job interview? 2. Who interviews the candidates? 3. What will the interviewers follow up after the interview? 4. What document is signed when the person has been officially appointed? 5. What does an employment contract agree? 6. What should an interviewee do in advance?
Task 11. Write the appropriate word or phrase in the following spaces. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian 1. He is out of work and looking for 2. He has got a highly-paid in the oil business. 3. There are several for administrative staff in today's newspaper. 4. Although the pay is low, there is a high level of. 5. We cannot afford to lose skilled. 6. My is coming up next week. I hope they decide to pay me more money. 7. The union is demanding greater. 8. My actual is departmental manager. 9. She is and always open to new ideas. 10. She is responsible for the of new staff. 11. After working for the company for 20 years, he was offered a good. 12. She was a successful, with her own tourist agency. 13. She used to work for a design agency, but now she is. (Businesswoman, pension, recruitment, flexible, job title, job security, job evaluation, personnel, job satisfaction, job advertisements, job, employment, self-employed.)
Task 12. Look at the words and phrases. Match them with the correct definition from the list below Vacancy, covering letter, headhunter, curriculum vitae, golden hello, post, applicant, jobseeker, job description, employment agency 1. an account of the main aims and tasks of thework done by a particular employee; 2. an organization that provides information about available jobs and finds employees for companies 3. a job or position 4. a person who is looking for a job 5. a specialist consultant who searches for high-level executives 6. a large sum of money or some other financial enticement 7. a person who asks for a job, usually by answering an advertisement andattending an interview 8. a letter sent with a document or goods explaining the contents 9. an account of a person's qualifications, interests and work experience usually sent with an application 10. a post to be filled by a new employee
Task 13. Write the appropriate word or phrase in the following spaces. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian 1. In the last four months he has............................................. six jobs. 2. Please send a full CV with a............................................. stating your current salary. 3. Twenty................................................. have been invited for interviews. 4. I've contacted several............................................, without any result. 5. She rejected approaches from several.............................................. but decided to stay in her present position as Head of Sales. 6. Several employment agencies have set up atelephone advice line for............................ 7. She was promoted when a........................................... came up in their London office. 8. We received hundreds of.............................................. for only 5 positions. 9. All job applicants are required to submit a............................................ 10. She made a.......................................... to repay the loan in a week. (promise, curriculum vitae, applications, vacancy, jobseekers, headhunters, employment agencies, applicants, covering letter, applied for).
Task 14. Make the dialogue between interviewer and interviewee Task 15. Supply the prepositions where necessary. A letter from an applicant for the secretarial post advertised in a newspaper:
Dear Sir,
I am interested.............. applying for the post of secretary....................... your company, which was advertised...................... the Daily Telegraph, 4 January 1998. I am.......................... present working......................... Watson and Sons Ltd in Crawley, where I have been Personal Secretary................... the Head..................... the Legal Department...................... the past 2 years. This position also includes responsibility.................. translating and occasional interpreting................ meetings.................... overseas clients. I enclose my curriculum vitae and will be happy to give you any further information, should you require it.
Yours faithfully,
Task 16. Complete the crossword
Task 17. Find the words below in the grid. Words can go horizontally, vertically and diagonally, backwards or forwards.