Task 1. Read the text and write out unknown words FOODSTUFFS STORAGE
Foods in storage must be preserved as nearly as possible in their original condition. Protection from theft, wind, water, heat, cold, animals, and from natural deterioration is essential. The physical condition of the goods must be determined by inspection on arrival and on delivery, as well as from time to time during storage. Satisfactory warehousing of perishable foodstuffs commonly calls for the installation of special equipment to provide refrigeration in warm weather and heat in cold weather. Storage of canned food. It should be remembered that the canned food is stored at low temperatures. Low temperatures hinder development of any spores in canned food. And low temperatures are also unfavourable to the reactions which take place between the food and the tin of iron. It has been shown that the natural colour of fruits is preserved much better by storing fruits in a warehouse at 0°C, than at higher temperatures, no discolouration being observed after two years of storage. It is recommended, therefore, that canned food which is not to be used within a very short time should be stored at a temperature as near 0°C as possible. Dried foods occupy less storage space and may be stored without consideration of temperature. Wines and some other drinks should be kept away from excessive heat water pipes or hot units. Heat does far more damage to wine than the cold. Ideally, wine should be stored in a cellar which has a northerly aspect and is free from vibrations, excessive dampness, draughts and unwanted odors. The cellar should be absolutely clean, well ventilated, with only subdued lighting and a constant cool temperature of 12,5°C to help the wine develop gradually. Higher temperatures bring wines to maturity more quickly, but this is not preferable Table wines should be stored on their sides so that the wine remains in contact with the cork. Spirits, liqueurs juices and mineral waters are stored upright in their containers, as are fortified wines. Successful storage of fruits and vegetables respires a good product, theproper temperature and atmospheric humidity, the right stage of maturity for the products to be stored, and freedom from disease and other injury. Most of the root crops such as beets, carrots, parsnips, turnips keep best in arelative cold, humid atmosphere, while sweet potatoes, pumpkins and squashes keep best in a relative warm, dry atmosphere. Potatoes should be stored in a dark, cool, airy place, well away from the cooker. Never store in a refrigerator.
Task 2. Suggest the Ukrainian for thefollowing words and word combinations from the text protection from theft, wind, water, heat, cold, animals, and from natural deterioration from time to time during storage perishable foodstuffs special equipment to hinder development of any spores discolouration to occupy less storage space excessive heat water pipes or hot units cellar free from vibrations, excessive dampness, draughts and unwanted odors well ventilated subdued lighting to develop gradually bring to maturity more quickly in contact with the cork upright in containers fortified wines atmospheric humidity the right stage of maturity freedom from disease and other injury airy place
Task 3. Make short stories about storage of canned food dried foods wines and some other drinks fruits and vegetables
Task 4. Answer the following questions 1. How must goods be stored? 2. What must be determined by inspection on arrival and on delivery? З. When is it necessary to install special equipment? 4. What do you know about storage of canned food? 5. What is the best temperature for storage of canned food? 6. Why are wines usually kept away from excessive heat? 7. How are table wines stored? 8. What does successful storage of fruits and vegetables require?
Task 5. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the infinitive used after modal verbs 1. It was the vitamin D that wasdiscovered in 1922. 2. It is freezing that is considered the most popular method of food preservation. 3. It was GERRI JAN MULDER who found out in 1838 a certain substance which he called protein. 4. It was not until the beginning of the 18-th century that potato was brought to our country. 5. Great losses can occur during prolonged storage of food even at room temperature. 6. He can't have refused to help her to lay the table for dinner. 7. AH cheeses may be considered rich sources of protein. 8. It must however be emphasized that the mineral and vitamin recommendations are high enough to cover the needs of practically all healthy people. 9. Vitamin Dis necessary for maintaining the level of calcium in the blood. 10. Calcium is the most wide-spread mineral in the body. 11. In 1922 a new vitamin, called vitamin E, was discovered. 12. The composition of cheese determines its usage in cooking.
Task 6. Translate the following 1. Понад 170 років люди всього світу використовують для харчування консерви. 2. Консервування—це спеціальна обробка харчових продуктів з метою зберігання їх протягом тривалого часу. 3. Наша консервна промисловість випускає понад 250 видів різних овочевих консервів. 4. Швидке заморожування є одним з нових методів консервування.
Task 7. Complete the sentences translating the second part of them 1. In 1947 Ramsbottom concluded that (зберігання яловичини у замороженому стані протягом 7 днів при температурі —23 °С і нижче не впливає на її смак). 2. Dawnson and his assistants found that (існує різниця між продуктами, які вже були заморожені ітими, що ще не були заморожені). 3. More than 40 years ago Professor Tokin determined that (у плодах і овочах існують особливі речовини, які здатні знешкоджувати мікроби).
Task 8. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the use of the verbs "to be", "to have", "should" 1. Cider is an English wine. It is made from apples in factories. 2. Ukrainian soups are almost thick with a lot of vegetables and meat in them. 3. The task of the International Dairy Federation, which was founded in 1903, is to solve the scientific engineering and economic problems of the dairy industry. 4. The English have different words for the meat and the animals it comes from. 5. The effect on beef quality by microwave cooking as compared to a standard cooking method has been investigated. 6. Before having a meal we have to lay the table. 7. Vegetables should not be cooked long before they are served because a lot of vitamins are ruined when heated, 8. One should remember that potato is an excellent source of energy, containing starch, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins.
Task 9. Translate the words given in brackets into English and then translate the sentences 1.Since onions are not blanched in preparation for dehydration, the storing and processing of raw material.................................... (може) affect the safety of the finished product. 2 Onion and garlic...................................(можуть) not only enhance the flavour of a dish, they are also known for their antibiotic properties. 3. For proper balance more starch..........................................(треба) be taken than sugar. 4. If it is dinner, we..............................................(треба) put soup-plates and dinner-plates before each of the diners. 5. You..................................................(повинні) know that all pastas without exception are prepared in the same way. 6. The students...........................................(буде дозволено) to take any book on nutrition at the library. 7............................................(Чи можу) I have another cup of tea? Task 10. Find the words below in the grid. Words can go horizontally, vertically and diagonally, backwards or forwards.