Task 1. Read the text and write out unknown words SOME METHODS OF FOOD PRESERVATION
The methods of food preservation may give temporary preservation by checking the growth of microorganisms or permanent preservation by destroying them. Refrigeration or cold storage is the most common method of temporary preserving food. Indeed, it is one of the most satisfactory of all methods of food preservation, as it does not markedly alter either the taste, appearance, or nutritive value of the food. Refrigeration is practised in the home and commercially. Considerable success is now being experienced in the preserving offish, meat, many fruits and vegetables by freezing. Other methods of food preservation are effective over a long period of time. By these methods either the microorganisms are destroyed, or the conditions are made unsuitable for their growth. Canning. Canning is the most common form of food preservation. Preservation is ensured by the use of sufficient heat to destroy all microorganisms which might develop in the canned product during storage. There are two methods of canning. The cook-in-the-kettle method consists in cooking the food in an open kettle until all has reached sterilization point, or longer if desired. The food is then packed and sealed in clean sterile jars. From a bacteriological point of view it is obvious that this method of canning is applicable only to foods which provide a poor medium for the growth of microorganisms, such as acid fruits or fruits in sugar syrup. The cook-in-the-can method describes itself. Food to be canned is washed, blanched if necessary, cut into suitable pieces, and placed in tin cans or glass jars. Hot water, usually containing either salt or sugar, or both, is added to fill completely the can or jar, which is placed in a suitable cooker to destroy the microorganisms present. Tin-canned food is sealed before processing. Drying. Drying has been a means of food preservation for centuries and is still used for many foods. It promotes preservation by removing the water essential for the growth of all microorganisms. We find dried fruits, vegetables, berries, mushrooms, meat, milk in the market. Most dried foods require soaking before cooking in order to restore the water lost by drying. The disadvantages of this method of preservation include the time and labour involved in rehydrating the food before eating.
Notes: cook-in-the-kettle method - метод консервування в котлі з подальшим розфасовуванням cook-in-the-can-method - метод порційного консервування (в банках) Task 2. Translate the following words. Consult a dictionary processing, preservation, microbe, agent, consumption, palatable, texture, permanent, commercially, sufficient, sterilization, sterile, applicable, dehydrating, technologists, dioxide, nitrogen. Task 3. Suggest the Ukrainian for the following words and word combinations from the text the processes involved in protecting food to permit its future consumption should retain a palatable appearance permanent preservation, refrigeration is practiced the conditions are made unsuitable for their growth in the canned product until all has reached sterilization point which provide a poor medium for the growth of microorganisms food to be canned containing either salt or sugar tin-canned food is sealed before processing require soaking before cooking
Task 4. Find in the text English equivalents for the following words and word combinations обробка та зберігання продуктів захищати продукти від мікробів речовини (фактори), які спричиняють псування харчова цінність тимчасове зберігання значний успіх заморожування знищувати мікроорганізми метод консервування в котлі з подальшим розфасовуванням метод порційного консервування (в банках) видалення води, необхідної для росту мікроорганізмів потребують вимочування перед приготуванням соління маринування та копчення метод, який зараз вивчається вуглекислий газ використання антибіотиків та променевої енергії
Task 5. Find in the text the words and phrases which have the following meanings treatment of food, material in order to preserve it- drying and preserving (meat, fish) with smoke - method of doing something expertly - sense by which flavour is known - apparatus, stove, for cooking food - the cooling or freezing of food in order to preserve it -
Task 6. According to the text, are the following statements true or false? If they are false, give the correct statement 1.There is no single method of food preservation that provides protection against al microorganisms for an unlimited period of time.................................................... 2. Refrigeration is the most common method of permanent preservation of food...................................................... 3. The best way of preserving fish, meat, fruits and vegetables is by freezing.................................................. 4. Canning is applicable only to such foods as acid fruits andfruits in sugar syrup, acid vegetables................................................. 5. Microorganisms cannot grow in a water-free environment............................................. 6. Nowadays we don't have any modern techniques of food preservation............................................ Task 7. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words or phrases from the brackets given below
(techniques; canning industry; food preservation; all types ofbacteria; from multiplying; the frozen state; are blanched or heated; the advantage) Notes: ice cave - крижана печера with the advent of mechanical refrigeration - з появою механічного холодильника to survive - виживати in the frozen state - в замороженому стані to resemble the fresh product - мати вигляд свіжого продукту to avoid degradation of flavour - уникнути погіршення смакових якостей
Task 8. Look through the text again and answer the following questions
2. What is the most common method of temporary preserving food? 3. Why is it considered to be one of the most satisfactory of all methods of food preservation? What's your opinion? 4. What methods of canning do you know? 5. Can you describe the cook-in-the-kettle and the cook-in-the-can methods? 6. What method does your family use while canning? 7. What is the oldest means of food preservation? 8. What do most dried foods require before cooking? 9. What foods can we dry?
Task 9. Find the words in the list below in the grid. Words can go horizontally, vertically and diagonally, backwards or forwards.
1. Сьогодні є багато методів зберігання продуктів. 2. Різні методи зберігання продуктів використовують для того, щоб захистити їжу від мікробів. 3. Найбільш поширені методи зберігання продуктів - це консервування, охолодження, сушіння, соління, копчення. 4. Нові технології зберігання продуктів передбачають використання антибіотиків та променевої енергії. 5. Фрукти можна сушити, консервувати, заморожувати. 6. Є два методи консервування продуктів: консервування в котлі з подальшим розфасовуванням і порційне консервування (в банках).