| Date
| In-Class activities
| Home activities
| practical
| Self-analysis. Questionnaires. Teamwork. Professional communication skills.
| A Contract. Team building activities
| Lecture 1. Introduction. Complexity of Modern Communications. Communication Model. Goals and Prospects of the Modern BC Development
| Blundel, ch.1. Lahiff&Penrose: ch. 1,2. Lecture and hand-out material for self-study.
| practical
| Teams’ Poster Presentations. Discussion of a Contract. A team file management. The draft of the contract
| BC Reader (CM). Exercise: 1.
| Lecture 2. Communication Model. Recipient's role in the communication process. Four aspects of the message.
| Lahiff&Penrose: ch. 2. Lecture and hand-out material for self-study
| practical
| BC Reader. Exercises: 1 – 4. Negotiating the contract in small groups.
| C Reader. Exercises: 5,6.
| Lecture 3. Referential, expressive, relative and appealing aspects of communication model. Feedback.
| Lahiff&Penrose: ch. 2. Lecture and hand-out material for self-study
| Practical
| BC Reader. Exercises: 8-10. Discussion of home exercises
| BC Reader. Exercises: 7.
| Lecture 4. Communication Barriers. Sources of distortions. Explicit and implicit barriers.
| Blundel, ch. 2. Lahiff&Penrose: ch.2.
| Practical
| A role play: “Overcoming the barriers”. Training: Verbal and non-verbal communication.
| Blundel, ch.3-4. Lahiff&Penrose: ch. 15. BC Reader. Exercises: 11-12.
| Lecture 5. Communication within the organization. Management of communication flows. Influence of the structure on communication. Features and conditions of effective communication. Types of communication networks.
| Blundel, ch.6. Lecture and hand-out material for self-study
| Practical
| Training: Verbal and non-verbal communication. Case studies.
| Blundel, ch.3-4. Lahiff&Penrose: ch. 15.
| Lecture 6. Managing the process of group communication. Group communication for group decision-making. Four functions of group decision-making.
| Lahiff&Penrose: ch. 18.
Lecture and hand-out material for self-study.
| Practical
| Spot test on lectures 1-6. Exercises on group decision making. Beginning of Credit task #1 on group decision making.
| Work on Credit task #1 on group decision making.
| Lecture 7. Psychology of business communication. Psychological types of a personality according to Eric Burn.
| Blundel, ch. 2, p. 50-56. Teamwork on Credit task #1.
| Practical
| Credit Assignment #1. Presentation of team projects on group decision-making. Training on the audience analysis. Hand out Credit Assignment # 1.: Document draft due.
| BC Reader (W/P): Exercises:1-3.
| Lecture 8. Psychological games in the office. Advantages and disadvantages of the transact analysis.
| Lecture and hand-out material for self-study
| Module Weeks
| Practical
| Training on identifying types of transacts in business and interpersonal communication.
| Exercises on transact analysis.
| Lecture 9. Types of business communications. The Johari window. Cultural differences and communication styles.
| Lecture and hand-out material for self-study.
| Practical
| Analysis and writing of cases: psychological games of adults in business communication.
| Case study
| Lecture 10.Oral communications in business. Interview. Specific and non-specific tools for business communications.
| Blundel, ch. 2. Lahiff&Penrose: ch. 5. Teamwork on Credit task #2.
| practical
| Training in oral communication
| Case study. Teamwork on Credit task #2.
| Lecture 11. Written communication in business. Personal, group and organisational factors for effectiveness of business communication in management. Ethics of business-communications
| Lecture and hand-out material for self-study. Teamwork on Credit task #2.
| Practical
| Training in group communication
| Case study. Teamwork on Credit task #2.
| Lecture 12. Audience analysis and written communication. The concept of the audience. Types of professional readers.
| Lecture and hand-out material for self-study. Preparing Credit task #2 to hand in.
| Practical
| Document design on solving a problem and its presentation. Hand out Credit Assignment # 2.
| Lecture and hand-out material for self-study.
| Lecture 13.Writing and planning. Writing in rounds. Pre-analysis
| Blundel, ch. 11,13. Lahiff&Penrose: ch. 14. Lecture and hand-out material for self-study.
| Practical
| Business game “Mousetrap”. BC Reader (W/P) Exercises: 1 – 3. Discussion of home exercises.
| BC Reader (W/P): Exercises:5-6. Teamwork on Credit task #2.
| Lecture 14. Content analysis. Theme: divergent and convergent phase. Content diagram.
| Blundel, ch. 5. Lecture and hand-out material for self-study. Teamwork on Credit task #2
| Practical
| BC Reader (W/P) Exercises: 5, 6. Discussion of home exercises
| BC Reader (W/P): Exercises: 7, 8. Teamwork on Credit task #2.
| Lecture 15. Structure analysis: structure diagram and text model.
| Lecture and hand-out material for self-study
| Practical
| BC Reader (W/P) Exercises: 9. Discussion of home exercises
| BC Reader (W/P): Exercises: 10, 11. Preparing Credit task #2 to hand in.
| Lecture 16. Self-presentation.
Presentation of Credit assignment 2.
| Lecture and hand-out material for self-study.
| Module Weeks
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