The actions of a program are expressed using statements. C# supports several different kinds of statements, a number of which are defined in terms of embedded statements.
A block permits multiple statements to be written in contexts where a single statement is allowed. A block consists of a list of statements written between the delimiters { and }.
Declaration statements are used to declare local variables and constants.
Expression statements are used to evaluate expressions. Expressions that can be used as statements include method invocations, object allocations using the new operator, assignments using = and the compound assignment operators, increment and decrement operations using the ++ and -- operators and await expressions.
Selection statements are used to select one of a number of possible statements for execution based on the value of some expression. In this group are the if and switch statements.
Iteration statements are used to repeatedly execute an embedded statement. In this group are the while, do, for, and foreach statements.
Jump statements are used to transfer control. In this group are the break, continue, goto, throw, return, and yield statements.
The try...catch statement is used to catch exceptions that occur during execution of a block, and the try...finally statement is used to specify finalization code that is always executed, whether an exception occurred or not.
The checked and unchecked statements are used to control the overflow checking context for integral-type arithmetic operations and conversions.
The lock statement is used to obtain the mutual-exclusion lock for a given object, execute a statement, and then release the lock.
The using statement is used to obtain a resource, execute a statement, and then dispose of that resource.
The following table lists C#’s statements and provides an example for each one.
| Example
Local variable declaration
| static void Main() { int a; int b = 2, c = 3; a = 1; Console.WriteLine(a + b + c); }
Local constant declaration
| static void Main() { const float pi = 3.1415927f; const int r = 25; Console.WriteLine(pi * r * r); }
Expression statement
| static void Main() { int i; i = 123; // Expression statement Console.WriteLine(i); // Expression statement i++; // Expression statement Console.WriteLine(i); // Expression statement }
if statement
| static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length == 0) { Console.WriteLine("No arguments"); } else { Console.WriteLine("One or more arguments"); } }
switch statement
| static void Main(string[] args) { int n = args.Length; switch (n) { case 0: Console.WriteLine("No arguments"); break; case 1: Console.WriteLine("One argument"); break; default: Console.WriteLine("{0} arguments", n); break; } } }
while statement
| static void Main(string[] args) { int i = 0; while (i < args.Length) { Console.WriteLine(args[i]); i++; } }
do statement
| static void Main() { string s; do { s = Console.ReadLine(); if (s!= null) Console.WriteLine(s); } while (s!= null); }
for statement
| static void Main(string[] args) { for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine(args[i]); } }
foreach statement
| static void Main(string[] args) { foreach (string s in args) { Console.WriteLine(s); } }
break statement
| static void Main() { while (true) { string s = Console.ReadLine(); if (s == null) break; Console.WriteLine(s); } }
continue statement
| static void Main(string[] args) { for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { if (args[i].StartsWith("/")) continue; Console.WriteLine(args[i]); } }
goto statement
| static void Main(string[] args) { int i = 0; goto check; loop: Console.WriteLine(args[i++]); check: if (i < args.Length) goto loop; }
return statement
| static int Add(int a, int b) { return a + b; }
static void Main() { Console.WriteLine(Add(1, 2)); return; }
yield statement
| static IEnumerable<int> Range(int from, int to) { for (int i = from; i < to; i++) { yield return i; } yield break; }
static void Main() { foreach (int x in Range(-10,10)) { Console.WriteLine(x); } }
throw and try statements
| static double Divide(double x, double y) { if (y == 0) throw new DivideByZeroException(); return x / y; }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { if (args.Length!= 2) { throw new Exception("Two numbers required"); } double x = double.Parse(args[0]); double y = double.Parse(args[1]); Console.WriteLine(Divide(x, y)); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } finally { Console.WriteLine(“Good bye!”); } }
checked and unchecked statements
| static void Main() { int i = int.MaxValue; checked { Console.WriteLine(i + 1); // Exception } unchecked { Console.WriteLine(i + 1); // Overflow } }
lock statement
| class Account { decimal balance;
public void Withdraw(decimal amount) { lock (this) { if (amount > balance) { throw new Exception("Insufficient funds"); } balance -= amount; } } }
using statement
| static void Main() { using (TextWriter w = File.CreateText("test.txt")) { w.WriteLine("Line one"); w.WriteLine("Line two"); w.WriteLine("Line three"); } }