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Conditional compilation directives

The conditional compilation directives are used to conditionally include or exclude portions of a source file.

pp-if-section pp-elif-sectionsopt pp-else-sectionopt pp-endif

whitespaceopt # whitespaceopt if whitespace pp-expression pp-new-line conditional-sectionopt

pp-elif-sections pp-elif-section

whitespaceopt # whitespaceopt elif whitespace pp-expression pp-new-line conditional-sectionopt

whitespaceopt # whitespaceopt else pp-new-line conditional-sectionopt

whitespaceopt # whitespaceopt endif pp-new-line


skipped-section skipped-section-part

skipped-charactersopt new-line

whitespaceopt not-number-sign input-charactersopt

Any input-character except #

As indicated by the syntax, conditional compilation directives must be written as sets consisting of, in order, an #if directive, zero or more #elif directives, zero or one #else directive, and an #endif directive. Between the directives are conditional sections of source code. Each section is controlled by the immediately preceding directive. A conditional section may itself contain nested conditional compilation directives provided these directives form complete sets.

A pp-conditional selects at most one of the contained conditional-sections for normal lexical processing:

· The pp-expressions of the #if and #elif directives are evaluated in order until one yields true. If an expression yields true, the conditional-section of the corresponding directive is selected.

· If all pp-expressions yield false, and if an #else directive is present, the conditional-section of the #else directive is selected.

· Otherwise, no conditional-section is selected.

The selected conditional-section, if any, is processed as a normal input-section: the source code contained in the section must adhere to the lexical grammar; tokens are generated from the source code in the section; and pre-processing directives in the section have the prescribed effects.

The remaining conditional-sections, if any, are processed as skipped-sections: except for pre-processing directives, the source code in the section need not adhere to the lexical grammar; no tokens are generated from the source code in the section; and pre-processing directives in the section must be lexically correct but are not otherwise processed. Within a conditional-section that is being processed as a skipped-section, any nested conditional-sections (contained in nested #if...#endif and #region...#endregion constructs) are also processed as skipped-sections.

The following example illustrates how conditional compilation directives can nest:

#define Debug // Debugging on
#undef Trace // Tracing off

class PurchaseTransaction
void Commit() {
#if Debug
#if Trace

Except for pre-processing directives, skipped source code is not subject to lexical analysis. For example, the following is valid despite the unterminated comment in the #else section:

#define Debug // Debugging on

class PurchaseTransaction
void Commit() {
#if Debug
/* Do something else

Note, however, that pre-processing directives are required to be lexically correct even in skipped sections of source code.

Pre-processing directives are not processed when they appear inside multi-line input elements. For example, the program:

class Hello
static void Main() {
#if Debug

results in the output:

#if Debug

In peculiar cases, the set of pre-processing directives that is processed might depend on the evaluation of the pp-expression. The example:

#if X
/* */ class Q { }

always produces the same token stream (class Q { }), regardless of whether or not X is defined. If X is defined, the only processed directives are #if and #endif, due to the multi-line comment. If X is undefined, then three directives (#if, #else, #endif) are part of the directive set.

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