VIScan the text to fill in the gaps in each sentence with the prepositions.
1 The functions …. the switches are: Þ35%—turns …starter motor Þ95%—arms load control circuits, starts hourmeter, turns ….ignition Þ 106%—stops unit (….speed protection) 2 The lowestpercent speed adjustment spring acts ….the lever arm….the actuating …all switches. 3The starter providesinitial power … rotating the components …the gasturbine to self-sustaining speeds. 4 It rotates the compressorto a speed high enough …correct airflow … combustion. 5 The starter assists acceleration afterlight-….. 6 The starter motor rating is 1.5 horsepower ….14volts at 5,000 rpm. 7 The starter has a duty cycle …1minute … and 4 minutes …. 8 As an overrunning clutch, it provides the meansof automatically engaging the starter … the gear train… starting. 9 The clutch automatically releases it whenthe unit has reached a condition allowing it toaccelerate and run …. assistance. 10 The friction clutch section provides … torqueprotection. 11 The assembly will slip …135 to 145inch-pounds … torque. 12 The starter normally is de-energized … thecentrifugal switch …35%. 13 If the switch does not cut … … this speed, the starter may fail … overheating or itmay fail mechanically … … speed. VII Build a pyramid.The first student says a sentence, which is disputable. The second student repeats the sentence of the first student and adds his own sentence substituting the disputable part of the given sentence. The third student repeats the sentences of the first and second students and adds his changed sentence. For example: Student A: I say that the Shuttle-spaceship was launched on Monday. Student B:`A`says that the Shuttle spaceship was launched on Monday. But I say that Shuttle spaceship was launched on Tuesday. Student C: “A” says that the Shuttle spaceship was launched on Monday. “B” says that the shuttle spaceship was launched on Tuesday. But I say that Shuttle spaceship was launched on Wednesday. etc. Try not to make any notes, only listen to your neighbor. So, the original sentence is:
I say that the airline management should make the maximum effort to ensure safetyby analyzing incidents and accidents.