III. Scanthe text to match the clauses together to make sentences.
A 1 The rotating electromagnetic field induces 2 Using anintegral ac exciter eliminates 3 Two three-phase differential transformers provide 4 Onetransformer coils sense the current flow through 5 Theother transformer is at the main bus 6 A short in the feederline would cause 7 It consists of a softcopper strip embedded in 8 A bearing beginning to failallows 9 A device, such as an aircraft engine, that provides 10 As power requirements grew, itbecame necessary to 11 The hydro mechanical CSD unit converts 12 It holds thefrequency steady to within 13 Load and fault transients limits are within 14 Air or gas turbine drives, whichget the air supply by 15 Thepropeller mechanical governor will hold B a using bleed air from the jet enginecompressor or from a separate compressor, are somewhat smoother in operation and hold steady-statefrequencies to within ±10 Hz. b a few hertz of the desired400 Hz. c protection against shorts in the feeder lines between the generator and the bus (called feeder fault). d a 380- to 420-Hz range. e and senses currentflow through the three feeder lines. f the transformers sensing a differencein current to trip the g generator off line. h and insulated from thegenerator stator assembly. i the generator frequency to 400 ±4 Hz. j the driving force for a generator, is a prime mover. k an acvoltage in the three-phase, WYE-connected, outputwinding of the generator stator. l variableengine speed to a constant speed output. m the need for brusheswithin the generator, which minimizes radio noise inother avionics equipment. n each of the legs that connectthe ground side of the generator stator to ground. o the rotor to rub against the copper strip,completing a warning light circuit to ground. p furnish ac power at a constantfrequency, to save weight and improve performance.