IV Grammar.Skim the text to fill in the gaps with correct prepositions.
1 Most naval aircraft areusing brushless generators __voltage generation. 2 The advantage __ a brushless generator __a brush-type isits increased reliability and greater operating time ___ overhaul. 3 It has a 12-poleac exciter and a three-phase, half-wave diode rectifierrotating __ the exciter armature and main generator field assembly. 4 The exciter rotor is a hollow frameassembly __ the main ac field mounted __ the __ and connected __a common drive shaft. 5 A single-phasepermanent magnet generator (PMG) furnishes controlvoltage and power __the voltage regulator. 6 Threehalf-wave rectifiers are __ the exciter rotor and connected __ the exciter armature windings. 7 Agenerator shaft shear section prevents possible damage__ the engine or drive unit if the generator seizes. 8 A fan__ the drive end of the generator provides coolingairflow __ the rotor. 9 The generator __ air duct adapter allows a vent tube __ be attached __ the generator so that built-__ air and fumes created __ thespinning generator can be vented __the outside __ theaircraft. 10 Theaircraft engine or gearbox oil enters the generator__ an inlet port and leaves __ an exit port __the mounting flange __ the generator. 11 As the oil passes__ the generator, it absorbs the heat __ the rotorand stator. 12 __the same time, it cools the rotating seals,lubricates and cools the bearings, and is used __ theconstant speed drive operation. 13 Theelectromagnetic field, built __the excitation currentflowing __ the exciter, induces current flow __ therotating three-phase exciter rotor. 14 This current is half-wave rectified __ rotating rectifiers. 15 The rotating electromagnetic field induces an acvoltage __the three-phase, WYE-connected, outputwinding __the generator stator. 16 Using anintegral ac exciter eliminates the need __brushes__ the generator, which minimizes radio noise __other avionics equipment. 17 Two three-phase differential transformers provideprotection __ shorts __ the feeder lines __ the generator and the bus. 18 Its coils sense the current flow __ each __the legs that connectthe ground side __the generator stator __ ground. 19 Theother transformer is __the main bus and senses currentflow __ the three feeder lines. 20 A short __the feederline would cause the transformers sensing a difference__ current __ trip the generator __ line. 21 It consists __ a softcopper strip embedded __ and insulated __ thegenerator stator assembly. 22 A device, such as an aircraft engine, that providesthe driving force __a generator, is a prime mover. 23 As power requirements grew, itbecame necessary __ furnish ac power __ a constantfrequency, __ save weight and improve performance. 24 The constant frequency is obtained __ constant speeddrives such as hydromechanical constant-speed drive(CSD) units. 25 It holds thefrequency steady __ within a few hertz __the desired400 Hz. 26 Air or gas turbine drives, whichget the air supply __ using bleed air __ the jet enginecompressor or __a separate compressor, aresomewhat smoother __operation and hold steady-statefrequencies __ within ±10 Hz. 27 The constant rpmcharacteristic __ the turboprop engine gives good frequency stability __ the ac generator output. 28 Thepropeller mechanical governor will hold the generator frequency __400 ±4 Hz.