Federal state agencies
| Federal highway agency, Rosavtodor
Federal railway agency, Roszheldor
Federal air transport agency, Rosaviatsiya
Federal marine and river transport agency, Rosmorrechflot
State corporations
| "Russian Railways"
State Company Rossiyskie Avtomobilnie Dorogi
Regional authorities
| Moscow city government
State authority for highways, under the administration of the Vladimir region
State authority for highways, under the administration of the Nizhny Novgorod region
Yardorsluzhba State authority for the highways in the Yaroslavl region
Municipal authorities
| Administration of Nizhny Novgorod
Agency for municipal orders in housing maintenance and the utilities board of Yaroslavl
Department for city construction at the mayor’s office in Yaroslavl
Chief authority for highways and transportation of the Nizhniy Novgorod region
The department for highways and arrangement of highway traffic in Rostov-on-Don
Private customers and PPP concessionaries
| Private construction companies
Concessionaries for "public private partnerships"
North-West concession company
Source: Company Data, A-team analysis