a) is the system of derivative types of words and the process of creating new words from the material available in the language after certain structure and semantic formulas and patterns b) is the process of combining the root-morphemes c) is not typical for for English d) is very rare in English e) is based on the morphological analysis of the word.
153) The general study of words vocabulary, irrespective of the specific features of any particular language is called
a) General Lexicology b) Special Lexicology c) Lexicology of the French language d) Semasiology e) Phonetics
154) Linguistic phenomena and properties common to all languages are generally termed as
a) morphemes b) semantic groups c) lexico-semantic fields d) language universals e) analytical forms
155) Language universals are
a) analytical forms of the verb b) Linguistic phenomena and properties different in all languages. c) Linguistic phenomena and properties common to all languages. d) Phonetic system of the language. e) Grammatical systems of the language.
156) Descriptive Lexicology deals with a) the vocabulary of a given language at a given stage of its development b) the evolution of the vocabulary c) the evolution of phonetic system d) the vocabulary of a given language e) the vocabulary of the Frenhc Language
157) The vocabulary of a given language at a given stage of its development is the object of a) historical Lexicology b) descriptive Lexicology c) general Lexicology d) special Lexicology e) theory of Phonetics
158) The words”detainee,racialist,self-propelling,vitaminize” are a) partially motivated b) non- motivated c) completely motivated d) motivated on the level of the root morpheme e) motivated on the level of the suffixes
159) The compounds “ eyelash, air-taxi, crash-land, pressure – cabin” are a) completely motivated b) partially motivated c) non- motivated d) not important for English e) used only in colloquial speech
160) If the stem contains nothing but the root it is a) a derived stem b) a simple stem c) a compound word d) a bound stem e) others
161) The stems “ heart, plan, child” are a) a bound stem b) a derived stem c) a simple stem d) a compound word e) others
162) The stem containing one or more affixes is a) a simple stem b) one-morpheme word c) a compound word d) a derived word e) analytical form of the word
163) If after deducting the affix the remaining stem is not homonymous to a separate word of the same root it is a) a simple word b) a compound word c) a free stem d) analytical form of the word e) a bound stem
164) The words “ bronchial, radial, cordial” a) contain a bound stem b) contain a free stem c) contain a semi- bound stem d) are compound words e) others
165) The words “ arrogance, courage, coward, distort, involve” a) contain a free stem b) contain a bound stem c) are Italian borrowings d) are German borrowings e) contain a semi- bound stem
166) Which of the following words are French borrowings? a) jungle, wigwam, tobacco b) violin,portfolio, tomato c) father, mother, water, foot d) send, receive, get, play e) courage, distort, involve, tolerable
167) Which of the following words belong to the semantic field “ plants” a) teacher, classroom, pencil, table b) red,white, black, orange c) pine, grass, bush,tree, flower d) education, university, tutor e) money, bank, bill, cheque
168) A suffix is a) a derivational morpheme following a new derivate b) a derivational morpheme standing before the root c) a free morpheme d) a semi- bound morpheme e) an inflexion
169) Bound stems are espessially characteristic of a) Indo-European words b) Germanic words c) original English words d) loan words e) others
170)Functional affixes serve to a) convey lexical meaning b) convey grammatical meaning c) to form new words d) to form analytical form of the word e) fulfil other function
171) Derivational affixes serve to a) to supply the stem with components b) to form lexical and lexico- grammatical meaning c) to form a compound form d) to form a phrase e) to form a root morpheme
172) An allomorph is defined as a) a derivaitive affix in a post-position to the stem b) a semi-bound morpheme c) a derivaitive affix in a pre-position to the stem d) a root-morpheme e) a positional variant of a morpheme occuring in a spesific enviroment and so characterized by a complementary distribution
173) A positional variant of a morpheme occuring in a spesific enviroment and so characterized by a complementary distribution is a) an allomorph b) a preffix c) a suffix d) a root-morpheme e) an infix
174.Which of the following pairs of words contain allomorphs? a) good-bad, bue-sell, start-finish child-childless, mercy-merciless b) wonder-wonderful, care-careful c) strong-strength d) long-length, please-pleasure d) write-rewrite,open-reopen
175) Mark the verb-forming suffixes a) –ate, - er, -en, -fy/- ify, - ize, - ish b) – ness, - age, - tion, - sion. c) – ly, - ward, wise d) – fold, - teen, - th e) – ee, - eer, - er, ness
176) The suffixes “– ee, - eer, - er, ness, - age” form a) adjectives b) nouns c) adverbs d) verbs e) numerals
177) The suffixes “ – able, - ish, -less, - an” form a) nouns b) adverbs c) verbs d) numerals e) adjectives
178) The suffixes “ – ate,- en, - ify, - ize” form a) nouns b) adverbs c) numerals d)verbs e) adjectives
179) The suffixes “ - fold, - teen, - ty” form a) numerals b) adverbs c) nouns d)verbs e) adgectives
180) The suffixes “– ly, - ward,- wise” a) numerals b) nouns c) adverbs d)verbs e) adjectives
181) The suffixes “– age, - ance,/ ence, - dom, - hood, - tion, ism” form a) abstract nouns b) proper nouns c) concrete nouns d) verbs e) adverbs
182) Mark the diminutive suffixes a) – dom, - ship, - er, - ness b) – able, - ish, - full c) – ify, - ize, - ish d) - fold, - teen, - th e) – y, - ie, - ey,- en
183)The words “ airman, spacecraft, spaceman, airship” are a) derivatives b) simple words c) phrases d) collocations e) compound words
184) The words “ blackmail, blackleg, bluestocking” are a) derivatives b) simple words c) idiomatic compounds d) collocations e) compound words
185) State the type of the compounds “ heartache, heart-beat, heart-broken” a) compounds with linking elements b) juxtaposition c) morphological d) syntactical e) phrasal
186) State the type of the compounds “ speedometer, handicraft, statesman” a) juxtaposition b) composition with a vowel or a consonant as a linking elements c) morphological d) syntactical e) phrasal
187) State the type of the compounds “ down – and- out, matter-of-fact, son – in-law, pepper -and- salt”
a) compounds with linking elements represented by preposition or conjunction. b) juxtaposition c) morphological d) syntactical e) composition with a vowel or a consonant as a linking elements
188) The words “ filmstar, spaseman, spasecraft”
a) consist of derived stems b) consist of clipped stems c) consist of simple stems d) a simple words e) are analytical forms
189) Mark the compounds where at least one of the constituents is a clipped stem a) chain-smoker, drug- trafficker b) math- mistress, H-bag c)filmstar, air-man, spase-craft d)will have been working e) wastepaper-basket
190) Mark the compounds where at least one of the constituents is a compound stem a) chain-smoker, drug- trafficker b) math- mistress, H-bag c) wastpaper-basket d)will have been working e) filmstar, air-man, spase-craft
191) Mark the reduplicative compounds a) chain-smoker, drug- trafficker b) math- mistress, H-bag c) wastpaper-basket d)will have been working e) hush-hush, pooh-pooh, blash- blash
192) Mark the ablaut compounds a) chain-smoker, drug- trafficker b)knick-knack, chit-chat, riff-raff c) wastpaper-basket d)will have been working e) hush-hush, pooh-pooh, blash- blash
193) Rhyme – combinations are a) combinations with simple stems b)combinations where at least one constituent is a derived stem c) twin-forms consisting of two elements which are joined to rhyme d) combinations with functional affixes e) combinations with derivational affixes
194) Twin-forms consisting of two elements which are joined to rhyme are termed a) rhyme combinations b)reduplicative compounds c) ablaut compounds d) compounds with simple stems e) compounds with derived stems
195) The words “ boogie-woogie, walkie – talkie, harum- scarum” are a) reduplicative compounds b) compounds with simple stems c) ablaut compounds d) compounds with derived stems e) rhyme combinations
196) The words “ deli, SALT, divi, H- bag” are a) metaphors b) metonymies c) shortenings of various kinds d) compound words e) analytical forms
197) The words “ lab, deli, divi, story,fend,cello,affro” are
a)Acronyms b) clippings of various kind c) compound words d) denotatives e) etymological doublets
198) The words “ workaholic, talkaphone, mimsy, galumph” are blendings (fusions) a) Acronyms b) derivatives c) clippings d) etymological doublets
199) Mark the examples of clippings a) talkaphone, galumph, mimsy b) deli, lab,divi,story, cello c) chain-smoker, hot-red d) wastepaper-basket e) NATO, UNO,SALT
200) Acronyms are
a)clippings of various kind b) compound words c) derived stems d) simple stems e) graphical abbreviations
201) Graphical abbreviations are a) acronyms b) clippings c) blendings d) simple stems e) compound stems
202) Mark acronyms a) talkaphone, sleet, slummp b) NATO, BBC, CNN, UNO c) deli, divi, H-bomb, H-block d) prof, doc, slump e) geep, E-mail, E-money
203) Supply the missing word in the proverb “ the last straw breaks the…….back” a) camel’s b) elephant’s c) dog’s d) cat’s e) bee’s
204) Supply the missing word in the proverb “ A dead ……. is better than the living lion” a) camel b) elephant c) ass d) cat e) bee
205) Neologisms are a) new words and expressions b) words rejected in English speaking community c) abbreviations of different kinds d) set-expressions e) others
206) Standard English a) is the official language of Great Britain b) has no literary form c) is spoken in Australia d) is spoken in New-Zeland e) goes back to Latin
207) Lexical dialects a) have literary form b) are used on radio and TV c) are taught at school d) are varieties of the English language peculiar to some districts and having no literary form e)are not typical for the English language
208) Cockney a)is the regional dialect of London b) has literary form c) is used on radio and TV d) widespread in UK e) quite familiar to the majority of Londoners
209) American English a) is one of the British dialects b) has no written form c)is a variant of English d) widespread in UK e) is not understood by the English people
210) A loan word a) is a word of the English word-stock b) is the word of Indo-European origin c) is the word of common Germanic origin d) is a word taken from another language and modified in phonemic shape, spelling and meaning e) is the neologism
211) Is a word taken from another language and modified in phonemic shape, spelling and meaning a) is a neologism b) a loan word c) an archaism d) an obsolete word e) a poetic word
212) Translation loan a) is any loan of word b) the word rejected by a speaking community c) is a word or expression formed from the material already existing in the English language but according to patterns taken from another language d) is the word going out of use e)is a compound word.
213) A word or expression formed from the material already existing in the English language but according to patterns taken from another language a) an archaic word b) an obsolete word c) an abstract word d) a translation loan e) other
214) The term “semantic loan” a) is used to denote the development in an English word of a new meaning due to the influence of a related word in another language b) a word or expression formed from the material already existing in the English language but according to the pattern taken from another language c) is not typical for the English language d) denotes a compound word e) denotes a simple stem
215) Which of the folowing words are noun-forming suffixes? a) – dom, - ship, - er, - ness b) – able, - ish, - full c) – age, - ant, - ent, - ee, - sion, - tion, - ness d) - fold, - teen, - th e) – y, - ie, - ey,- en
216) Mark the adjective- forming suffixes a) – dom, - ship, - er, - ness b) – able, - ish, - full, ic, - like, - ical c) – age, - ant, - ent, - ee, - sion, - tion, - ness d) - fold, - teen, - th e) – y, - ie, - ey,- en
217) Mark the numeral - forming suffixes a) - fold, - teen, - th b) – dom, - ship, - er, - ness c) – able, - ish, - full, ic, - like, - ical d) – age, - ant, - ent, - ee, - sion, - tion, - ness e) – y, - ie, - ey,- en
218) Mark the adverb- forming suffixes a) - fold, - teen, - th b) –ly, - ward, - wise c) – able, - ish, - full, ic, - like, - ical d) – age, - ant, - ent, - ee, - sion, - tion, - ness e) – y, - ie, - ey,- en
219) The branch of Lexicology which studies characteristic peculiarities of the vocabulary of a given language is termed a) General Lexicology b)special Lexicology c) historic Lexicology d) Lexicology of German language e) phonetics
220) The evolution of any vocabulary as well as of its single elements form the object of a) General Lexicology b)special Lexicology c) historic Lexicology d) Lexicology of German language e) phonetics
221) Historic Lexicology is related to a) the evolution of grammatical structure of the language b)the evolution of phonetics c) the evolution of spelling of the words d) the evolution of any vocabulary as well as its single elements e) historic phonetics
222) Mark the internatoinal words a) disk, dish, coat, skirt b) pleasure, glamour, army c) government, navy d) paper, eyes, head e) administration, revolution, rector
223) The words administration, revolution, rector, constitution are a) internatoinalism b) archaic words c) neologism d) historism e) obsolete words
224) The term “ dictionary” is used to denote a) a glossary b) a newspaper text c) a semantic group d) a book listing words of a language with their meaning and often with data regarding usage, pronunciation, etc. e) other
225) Biolingual dictionaries (translation dictionaries) a) are reference books on different topics b) are glossary after the text c) pronunciation reference book d) are those that explain words by giving their equivalents in another language e) other
226) Dictionaries that explain words by giving their equivalents in the other languages are termed a) pronunciation dictionaries b) encyclopaedic dictionaries c) technical dictionaries d) biological dictionaries e) biolingual dictionaries (translation dictionaries)
227) The purpose of multilingual or polyglot dictionaries is a) to compare the synonyms and terminology in various languages b) to give definition of a word in the same language c) to give definition of a word in the different language d) to present encyclopaedic data e) to present new information
228) With regard to time the unilingual dictionaries are subdivided into a) specialized and translation dictionaries b) technical and biological dictionaries c) specialized and technical d) diachronic and synchronic e) encyclopaedic and explanatory dictionaries
229) Oxford English dictionary is the main example of a) specialized dictionaries b) technical dictionaries c) specialized dictionaries d) synchronic dictionaries e) diachronic dictionaries
230) Synchronic dictionaries are concerned with a) the description of current meaning and usage of the words b) presenting etymology data c) specialized terminology d) technical terms e) encyclopaedic data
231) General dictionaries represent a) specialized terminology b) the vocabulary as the whole c) encyclopaedic data d) types pronunciation e) encyclopaedic data
232) Special dictionaries represent a) specialized terminology b) the vocabulary as the whole c) encyclopaedic data d) types of pronunciation e) certain specific part of the vocabulary
233) Variants of a language a) are regional varieties of a standard literary language characterised by some minor peculiarities in the sound system, vocabulary and grammar b) have no literary form c) spoken in limited areas d) are found on the territory of a single country e) are not the languages of radio and TV
234) Which of the following words are Americanisms? a) pleasure, glamour, Army, Administration b) flat, undergraund, lorry, pavement, tin-opener c) apartment, subway, truck, sidewalk, editorial, administration d) foot, tooth, thousand, daugheter e) others
235) Which of the following are the local dialects of the USA? a) Northern, Midland and Southern b) Northern, Southern, Lowland c) Lowland, Highland, Western d)Yorkshire, Lancashire, Western e) Scottish, Western, Northerm
236) A derivational morpheme, following the stem and forming a new derivative is a) prefix b) suffix c) affix d) root e) a bound morpheme 237) A prefix is a) a derivational morpheme, following the stem and forming a new derivative b) a root morpheme c) a stem d) a false suffix e) a derivational morpheme standing before the root and modifying the meaning
238) A derivational morpheme standing before the root and modifying the meaning is a) a suffix b) an infix c) a prefix d) a bound morpheme e) a semibound morpheme
239) The suffixes “ –y,-ie,-en” are a)inflexional b) verb-forming c) noun-forming d) diminutive e) adverb-forming
2 40) Mark the negative prefixes a) - fold, - teen, - th b) –de,-dis,-ible,-ish,-tive, c) – able, - ish, - full, ic, - like, - ical d) – age, - ant, - ent, - ee, - sion, - tion, - ness e) – y, - ie, - ey,- en
241) Compound words are words a) consistihg of at least two stems which occur in the language as free forms b) combined with a root morpheme c) combined with the help of a prefix d)combined with the help of a suffix e) other
242) Mark the compound words a) childless, wonderfull, creative b) airman, spaceman, spacecraft c) resourceful, librian, nobility d) stem, girl, sheep, apple e) will have been working
243) The dictionaries may be roughly divided into two groups a) encyclopaedic and specialized dictionaries b) monolingual and biological dictionaries c) formal and informal d) encyclopaedic and Linguistic e) phonological and etymologycal
244) A book listing words of a language with their meaning and often with data regarding usage, pronunciation, etc is termed a) a dictionary b) the glossary after the text c) pronunciation reference books d) reference books on different topics e) a glossary