Which group of words are the formal words in;
a) Colloquial words. b) Dialect words c) Slang words. c) Basic words e) None of them
16. What do we understand by etymological doublets? a) Synonyms b) homonyms c) ambiguity d) Polysemy e) none of them
17. Informal words are used, … a) In family b) At work c) In office d) In banks.
18. Denotative Components of words are, … a) Second meaning of a word b) Third meaning of a word c) Bare meaning of a word d) Opposite meaning of a word
19. Susceptibility of grammatical employment of a word is; … a) Semantical changeability b) Functional changeability c) Phonological changeability d) Morphological changeability e) All of them
20. Connotative Components of words are, … a) Basic meaning of a word b) First meaning of a word c) Bare meaning of a word d) Situational meaning of a word
21. Internal structure of a word is; … a) Its sound b) It body c) Its meaning d) Its grammatical structure
22. Which one is NOT among the functions of Euphemism? a) To use the language rhetorically b) To use the round about way of the language c) To avoid of saying the direct names of threatening things d) To avoid of saying the annoying and offensive words 23. Which one is NOT among naming any newly created-invented item, phenomena and etc.? a) Word building b) Developing new meaning for old words c) Inflecting the words d) Borrowing e) All answers correct.
24. Which of them is NOT in the features of a word? a) It has semantical structure b) It has phonological structure c) It susceptible to grammatical employment d) It has morphological structure e) All of them
25. Which one is the definition of Homographs? a) the words that have same syllables but different pronunciation b) the word that have same pronunciation and same syllables c) the words that have different syllables and different pronunciation d) the words that have same pronunciation but different syllables
26. In communication the processes in order are:… a) Mental – verbal - mental b) Verbal – mental - mental c) Coding - decoding d) Mental – mental - verbal
27. Which one is NOT among the features of Phrases? a) they have transferred meanings b) there is direct relationship between the internal and external form of the phrases c) they don’t have to obey grammatical rules d) none of them
28. There is … connection between the word and the object it represents … a) Direct b) any c) no d) indirect