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Rescue boats


General requirements


Except as provided by this section, all rescue boats shall comply with the requirements of paragraphs 4.4.1 to inclusive and,,, and 4.4.9. A lifeboat may be approved and used as a rescue boat if it meets all of the requirements of this section, if it successfully completes the testing for a rescue boat required in regulation III/4.2, and if its stowage, launching and recovery arrangements on the ship meet all of the requirements for a rescue boat.

Notwithstanding the requirements of paragraph 4.4.4, required buoyant material for rescue boats may be installed external to the hull, provided it is adequately protected against damage and is capable of withstanding exposure as specified in paragraph

Rescue boats may be either of rigid or inflated construction or a combination of both and shall:

be not less than 3.8 m and not more than 8.5 m in length; and

be capable of carrying at least five seated persons and a person lying on a stretcher. Notwithstanding paragraph, seating, except for the helmsman, may be provided on the floor, provided that the seating space analysis in accordance with paragraph uses shapes similar to figure 1, but altered to an overall length of 1,190 mm to provide for extended legs. No part of a seating space shall be on the gunwale, transom, or on inflated buoyancy at the sides of the boat.

Rescue boats which are a combination of rigid and inflated construction shall comply with the appropriate requirements of this section to the satisfaction of the Administration.

Unless the rescue boat has adequate sheer, it shall be provided with a bow cover extending for not less than 15% of its length.

Rescue boats shall be capable of manoeuvring at a speed of at least 6 knots and maintaining that speed for a period of at least 4 h.

Rescue boats shall have sufficient mobility and manoeuvrability in a seaway to enable persons to be retrieved from the water, marshal liferafts and tow the largest liferaft carried on the ship when loaded with its full complement of persons and equipment or its equivalent at a speed of at least 2 knots.

A rescue boat shall be fitted with an inboard engine or outboard motor. If it is fitted with an outboard motor, the rudder and tiller may form part of the engine. Notwithstanding the requirements of paragraph, petrol-driven outboard engines with an approved fuel system may be fitted in rescue boats provided the fuel tanks are specially protected against fire and explosion.

Arrangements for lowing shall be permanently fitted in rescue boats and shall 130 sufficiently strong to marshal or tow liferafts as required by paragraph

Unless expressly provided otherwise, every rescue boat shall be provided with effective means of bailing or be automatically self-bailing.

Rescue boats shall be fitted with weathertight stowage for small items of equipment.


Rescue boat equipment


All items of rescue boat equipment, with the exception of boat-hooks which shall be kept free for fending-off purposes, shall be secured within the rescue boat by lashings, storage in lockers or compartments, storage in brackets or similar mounting arrangements, or other suitable means. The equipment shall be secured in such a manner as not to interfere with any launching or recovery procedures. All items of rescue boat equipment shall be as small and of as little mass as possible and shall be packed in suitable and compact form.

The normal equipment of every rescue boat shall consist of:

sufficient buoyant oars or paddles to make headway in calm seas. Thole pins, crutches or equivalent arrangements shall be provided for each oar. Thole pins or crutches shall be attached to the boat by lanyards or chains;

a buoyant bailer;

a binnacle containing an efficient compass which is luminous or provided with suitable means of illumination;

a sea-anchor and tripping line, if fitted, with a hawser of adequate strength not less than 10 m in length;

a painter of sufficient length and strength, attached to the release device complying with the requirements of paragraph and placed at the forward end of the rescue boat;

one buoyant line, not less than 50 m in length, of sufficient strength to tow a liferaft as required by paragraph;

one waterproof electric torch suitable for Morse signalling, together with one spare set of batteries and one spare bulb in a waterproof container;

one whistle or equivalent sound signal;

a first-aid outfit in a waterproof case capable of being closed tightly after use;

two buoyant rescue quoits, attached to not less than 30 m of buoyant line;

a searchlight with a horizontal and vertical sector of at least 6° and a measured luminous intensity of 2,500 cd which can work continuously for not less than 3 h;

an efficient radar reflector;

thermal protective aids complying with the requirements of section 2.5 sufficient for 10% of the number of persons the rescue boat is permitted to accommodate or two, whichever is the greater; and

portable fire-extinguishing equipment of an approved type suitable for extinguishing oil fires.[***]

In addition to the equipment required by paragraph, the normal equipment of every rigid rescue boat shall include:

a boat-hook;

a bucket; and

a knife or hatchet.

In addition to the equipment required by paragraph, the normal equipment of every inflated rescue boat shall consist of:

a buoyant safety knife;

two sponges;

an efficient manually operated bellows or pump;

a repair kit in a suitable container for repairing punctures; and

a safety boat-hook.


Additional requirements for inflated rescue boats


The requirements of paragraphs and do not apply to inflated rescue boats.

An inflated rescue boat shall be constructed in such a way that, when suspended by its bridle or lifting hook:

it is of sufficient strength and rigidity to enable it to be lowered and recovered with its full complement of persons and equipment;

it is of sufficient strength to withstand a load of four times the mass of its full complement of persons and equipment at an ambient temperature of 20±3°C, with all relief valves inoperative; and

it is of sufficient strength to withstand a load of 1.1 times the mass of its full complement of persons and equipment at an ambient temperature of -30°C, with all relief valves operative.

Inflated rescue boats shall be so constructed as to be capable of withstanding exposure:

when stowed on tan open deck on a ship at sea;

for 30 days afloat in all sea conditions.

In addition to complying with the requirements of paragraph 4.4.9, inflated rescue boats shall be marked with a serial number, the maker's name or trade mark and the date of manufacture.

The buoyancy of an inflated rescue boat shall be provided by either a single tube subdivided into at least five separate compartments of approximately equal volume or two separate tubes, neither exceeding 60% of the total volume. The buoyancy tubes shall be so arranged that the intact compartments shall be able to support the number of persons which the rescue boat is permitted to accommodate, each having a mass of 75 kg, when seated in their normal positions with positive freeboard over the rescue boat's entire periphery under the following conditions:

with the forward buoyancy compartment deflated;

with the entire buoyancy on one side of the rescue boat deflated; and

with the entire buoyancy on one side and the bow compartment deflated.

The buoyancy tubes forming the boundary of the inflated rescue boat shall, on inflation, provide a volume of not less than 0.1 7 m for each person the rescue boat is permitted to accommodate.

Each buoyancy compartment shall be fitted with a nonreturn valve for manual inflation and means for deflation. A safety relief valve shall also be fitted unless the Administration is satisfied that such an appliance is unnecessary.

Underneath the bottom and on vulnerable places on the outside of the inflated rescue boat, rubbing strips shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Administration.

Where a transom is fitted it shall not be inset by more than 20% of the overall length of the rescue boat.

Suitable patches shall be provided for securing the painters fore and aft and the becketed lifelines inside and outside the boat.

The inflated rescue boat shall be maintained at all times in a fully inflated condition.



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