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General alarm and public address system


General emergency alarm system


The general emergency alarm system shall be capable of sounding the general emergency alarm signal consisting of seven or more short blasts followed by one long blast on the ship's whistle or siren and additionally on an electrically operated bell or klaxon or other equivalent warning system, which shall be powered from the ship's main supply and the emergency source of electrical power required by regulation II-1/42 or II-1/43, as appropriate. The system shall be capable of operation from the navigation bridge and, except for the ship's whistle, also from other strategic points. The system shall be audible throughout all of the accommodation and normal crew working spaces. The alarm shall continue to function after it has been triggered until it is manually turned off or is temporarily interrupted by a message on the public address system.

The minimum sound pressure levels for the emergency alarm tone in interior and exterior spaces shall be 80 dB (A) and at least 10 dB (A) above ambient noise levels existing during normal equipment operation with the ship under way in moderate weather. In cabins without a loudspeaker installation, an electronic alarm transducer shall be installed, e.g. a buzzer or similar.

The sound pressure levels at the sleeping position in cabins and in cabin bathrooms shall be at least 75 dB (A) and at least 10 dB (A) above ambient noise levels.[§§§]


Public address system


The public address system shall be a loudspeaker installation enabling the broadcast of messages into all spaces where crew members or passengers, or both, are normally present, and to muster stations. It shall allow for the broadcast of messages from the navigation bridge and such other places on board the ship as the Administration deems necessary. It shall be installed with regard to acoustically marginal conditions and not require any action from the addressee. It shall be protected against unauthorized use.

With the ship under way in normal conditions, the minimum sound pressure levels for broadcasting emergency announcements shall be:

in interior spaces 75 dB (A) and at least 20 dB (A) above the speech interference level; and

in exterior spaces 80 dB (A) and at least 15 dB (A) above the speech interference level.


[*] Refer to the Revised recommendation on testing of life-saving appliances adopted by the Organization by Resolution MSC.81(70).

[†] Refer to Symbols related to life-saving appliances and arrangements, adopted by the Organization by resolution A.760(18).

[‡] Refer to paragraph 3.1.3 of the Revised recommendation on testing of life-saving appliances adopted by the Organization by Resolution MSC.81(70).

[§] Refer to Instructions for action in survival craft, adopted by the Organization by resolution A.657(16)

[**] Refer to IEC 92-101

[††] Refer to Instructions for action in survival craft, adopted by the Organization by resolution A.657(16)

[‡‡] Refer to the Revised guidelines for marine portable fire extinguishers adopted by the Organization by resolution A.602(15), as may be amended.

[§§] Refer to the damage stability requirements of the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code) adopted the Maritime Safety Committee by resolution MSC.4(48) and the International Code for Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code) adopted by the Maritime Safety Committee by resolution MSC.5(48)

[***] Refer to the Revised guidance for marine portable fire extinguishers adopted by the Organization by resolution A.602.(15), as may be amended.

[†††] Refer to the damage stability requirements of the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code) adopted the Maritime Safety Committee by resolution MSC.4(48) and the International Code for Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code) adopted by the Maritime Safety Committee by resolution MSC.5(48)

[‡‡‡] Refer to the Revised recommendation on testing of life-saving appliances adopted by the Organization by resolution MSC.81(70)

[§§§] Refer to the Code on Alarms and Indicators, 1995, adopted by Organization by resolution A.830(19).

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