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F. Free-fall lifeboats

i. General requirements


Free-fall lifeboats shall comply with the requirements of section 4.6 and in addition shall comply with the requirements of this section.


ii. Carrying capacity of a free-fall lifeboat

The carrying capacity of a free-fall lifeboat is the number of persons that can be provided with a seat without interfering with the means of propulsion or the operation of any of the lifeboat's equipment. The width of the seat shall be at least 430 mm. Free clearance in front of the backrest

shall be at least 635 mm. The backrest shall extend at least 1,000 mm above the seat pan.


iii. Performance requirements


1. Each free-fall lifeboat shall make positive headway immediately after water entry and shall not come into contact with the ship after a free-fall launching against a trim of up to 10° and a list of up to 20° either way from the certification height when fully equipped and loaded with:

its full complement of persons;

occupants so as to cause the centre of gravity to be in the most forward position;

occupants so as to cause the centre of gravity to be in the most aft position; and

its operating crew only.

2. For oil tankers, chemical tankers and gas carriers with a final angle of heel greater than 20° calculated in accordance with the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto, and the recommendations of the Organization[§§], as applicable, a lifeboat shall be capable of being free-fall launched at the final angle of heel and on the base of the final waterline of that calculation.

3. The required free-fall height shall never exceed the free-tall certification height.


iv. Construction


Each free-fall lifeboat shall be of sufficient strength to withstand, when loaded with its full complement of persons and equipment, a free-fall launch from a height of at least 1.3 times the free-fall certification height.


v. Protection against harmful acceleration


Each free-fall lifeboat shall be so constructed as to ensure that the lifeboat is capable of rendering protection against harmful accelerations resulting from being launched from the height for which it is to be certified in calm water under unfavourable conditions of trim of up to 10° and list of up to 20° either way when it is fully equipped and loaded with:

its full complement of persons;

occupants so as to cause the centre of gravity to be in the most forward position;

occupants so as to cause the centre of gravity to be in the most aft position; and

the operating crew only.


vi. Lifeboat fittings


Each free-fall lifeboat shall be fitted with a release system which shall:

have two independent activation systems for the release mechanisms which may only be operated from inside the lifeboat and be marked in a colour that contrasts with its surroundings;

be so arranged as to release the boat under any condition of loading from no load up to at least 200% of the normal load caused by the fully equipped lifeboat when loaded with the number of persons for which it is to be approved;

be adequately protected against accidental or premature use;

be designed to test the release system without launching the lifeboat; and

be designed with a factor of safety of 6 based on the ultimate strength of the materials used.


vii. Certificate of approval


In addition to the requirements of paragraph, the certificate of approval for a free-fall lifeboat shall also state:

free-fall certification height;

required launching ramp length; and

launching ramp angle for the free-fall certification height.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 640. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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