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Ex,618. Fill in the blanks with one of the following link-verbs

1. In the middle of the talk the line... dead. 2. She counted to one hundred to... cool.

3. The detective... motionless behind the door. 4. Carl Ray's mouth sort of... open.

5. That dog... me crazy. 6. It... reasonable to me. 7. The music... too loud. 8. His words... true. 9. The words, unfortunately,... unspoken. 10. She... icy cold. 11. I think your memory... deeply buried, repressed. 12. It... a capital idea. 13. They... impatient. 14. To everybody's surprise, he... a feminist. 15. The book... open at the end. 16. The sounds... sharp and clear in the quiet of the evening. 17. Dad... frantic. 18. The North Sea oil revenues.. dry. 19. But today, nothing was going to... wrong. 20. His face... from red to green like a set of traffic lights.

was going, became, grew, fell, went, stayed, felt, go, rang, sounded, seems, drives, run, stood, dropped, stay, went, remained, appears, rang


Ex. 619. Translate into English

1. Он был тверд в своем решении. 2. Вопрос остается открытым. 3. Дом оставался пустым в течение двад­цати лет. 4. Лицо Макса стало кирпично-красным. 5. Пойми, твое поведение сводит с ума твоих родите­лей. 6. Он выглядел победоносно. 7. Мальчик торже­ствующе посмотрел на всех. 8. Уши Рона стали пун­цовыми. 9. Металл оставался твердым (solid). 10. У Гарри онемело все тело. 11. Дверь моментально распах­нулась. 12. У меня вдруг пересохло во рту. 13. Подо­шла официантка, и обе женщины умолкли. 14. В чем дело? Ты вдруг так побледнела. 15. Он разорился. 16. Ре­бенок заболел на прошлой неделе. 17. Яблоко кислое на вкус. 18. Этот ручей пересыхает летом. 19. Сад при­шел в запустение. 20. Иногда слова могут звучать так холодно. 21. Эти ягоды так хорошо пахнут.


Ex. 620. Read and translate the sentences Comment on the predicates in them

1. Take it easy! 2. In the morning we discovered that the river had frozen solid during the night. 3. It serves him right. 4. They painted the door green. 5. Mrs. Weasley seemed to go on crying for so long that she had shouted herself hoarse. 6. If you enter deep into my world, you'll sink low. 7.1 thought I was going to faint dead away right there. 8. He was frozen stiff and he was hungry. 9. The girl slapped her book shut and rose. 10. She climbed out of the tub and toweled herself dry. 11. He was buried alive. 12. The police caught the robbers red-handed. 13. Now, don't get me wrong. 14. The pizza was served hot. 15. Love me tender, love me sweet! 16.1 like my coffee white. 17. Why does he write so good? 18. Dig deep into the heart of English. 19. He drank the bottle dry. 20. You'll have to judge it cold. 21. He kept it fresh in everyone's mind by constantly talking about it. 22. Caught by surprise, the boy fell hard on the concrete floor. 23. Dudley had laughed himself silly at Harry. 24. He woke early the next morning, but for some time kept his eyes shut tight. 25. The bank promises to keep my money safe.

Ex. 621. Make sentences with double predicates out of the following gntences.

I. The sun shone. It was bright and warm. 2. The strawberries arrived. They were fresh and delicious. 3. She went away when she was quite a child; she returned when she was a grown-up person. 4. She flushed. Her face was crimson. 5. Around the house the leaves fell. They were thick. 6. The trees showed against the sky. They were sharp. 7. The sunlight sifted through the pines. It was golden and heavy. 8. The sun sank into the sea. It was huge and crimson. 9. The clouds flew across the sky. They were quick and fluffy. 10. The words came. They were sharp and quick. II. They painted the door. It was white. 12. The lasagna was served. It was hot. 13. The snow lay under the trees. It was thick. 14. Take it and stay (be) easy. 14. Love me and be tender. 15.1 want to go into this matter. I want to be deep in it. 16. Uncle Vernon slammed the door and it was shut. 18. Nicholas sat, and he was bolt upright. 19. The boy sat on the sofa. He was frozen with fear. 20. He stopped. He looked as if he were dead. 21. People gazed at the sky. They were open-mouthed.


Ex. 622. Read the sentences and give their Russian equivalents.

1. Still waters run deep. 2. The new broom sweeps clean. 3. Take it easy. 4. Go slow, go easy, look before you leap. 5. The words cut deep into her very soul. 6. The detective is trying to dig deep into the matter. 7. Raising teenagers right is not an easy thing. 8.1 like my coffee black. 9. There are some things that sit so heavy on my conscience.


Ex 623. Translate into English

1. Относитесь к этому легче! 2. Снег лежал толстым слоем под деревьями. 3. Я хочу вырваться из твоей жизни (break free). 4. Солнце погрузилось в море, ог ромное и пунцовое. 5. Ее отец умер бедным челове­ком, и после этого семья распалась. 6. Тут и там окна светились желтым светом в темноте. 7. Корабль был отправлен налегке за грузом табака. 8. В ту ночь Гар. ри долго лежал без сна. 9. Книги лежали забытыми на столе. 10. Как правило, держите лекарства в про. хладном месте. 11. Слова не идут легко. 12. Его на­шли без сознания на полу. 13. Мать Эрика умерла молодой, и мальчик даже не помнил ее лица. 14. Их сын вернулся из экспедиции взрослым мужчиной. 15. Взошла луна, огромная и яркая. 16. Он стоял, ни­кем не замеченный, в углу комнаты. 17. Журнал ле­жал открытым на столе. 18. Она лежала совершен­но закоченевшая. 19. После чудесного обеда я отпра­вился спать счастливым человеком. 20. Если мне не изменяет память, самолет вылетает во вторник утром. 21. Новая метла по-новому метет. 22. Огромные бо­гатства лежат скрытыми на дне океана.


Ex. 624. Choose the right word.

1. The child feels... and behaves.... (bad, badly) 2. The girl spoke.... Hey, that's really.... (cool, coolly) 3. It's... money, you can lose it.... (easy, easily) 4. Marion had... any money left. She works... at keeping herself fit. He is a... nut to crack, (hard, hardly) 5. All people are... the same. What is your... aim in life? (basic, basically) 6. It's a... truth. It was... true, (universal, universally) 7. They were kissing.... She burst out into... sobbing, (passionate, passionately) 8.1 feel... in such cases. They stared... at the wounded man. (helpless, helplessly) 9. The kids looked... after a month in the country. We enjoyed the... squeezed orange juice, (fresh, freshly) 10. For the next few days the weather remained.... We could hear the voices quite.... (clear, clearly) 11. His words had an... effect. I have to call my lawyer.... (immediate, immediately) 12. He was a... sick person. This doctor treats... patients. I must make a... note not to forget to book tickets, (mental, mentally)


Ex, 625. Correct the sentences.

I. Nobody knows where is he. 2. This diagram shows us how is it done. 3.1 am not sure when is he coming. 4. Mel isn't certain why has he done it. 5. We can't understand what is he saying. 6.1 haven't the slightest idea what is his job. 7. They don't know what is the reason. 8. Can anyone tell me where does he live? 9.1 wonder what does she do for a living. 10. Nobody knows what is the date. II. I can't understand what is the matter. 12. Does anyone know what is his address? 13. I'm sorry, but I still don't know who are you.

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