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Module 3.

Hours The theme of the lesson Contents of the lesson and language material
  Theme Grammar Pronunciation Speaking Listening Writing
  File 7 Unit A What does your food say about you? a/ an, some/any The letters ea Countable/uncountable nouns 7.1-7.2 p 76-77 Writing about favorite food.
  Unit B How much water do we really need? How much/how many? Quantifiers: a lot, not much, etc. /w/, /v/ and /b/ Drinks 7.3-7.4 p.78 Writing a report about “Water”
  Unit C Changing holidays Be going to (plans) Sentence stress Holidays 7.5 – 7.10 p.80-81 Writing about spending the holiday in our country
  Unit D It’s written in the cards Be going to (predictions) Vowel sounds Verb phrases 7.11-7.16 p.82-83 Writing about your dream
  At the restaurant Revise and check Lexico-grammar exercises Copy the rhythm Stressed syllables Menu Match the verbs and phrases 7.17-7.19 p.84 7.20 – 7.21 p.87 Writing recipes of your favorite food
  File 8 Unit A The True False Show Comparative and personality adjectives Sentence stress Describing pictures 8.1-8.4 p.88-89 Grammar exercises
  Unit B The highest city in the world Superlative adjectives Consonant groups The weather 8.5-8.6 p.91 World Capitals quiz
  Unit C Would you like to drive a Ferrari? Would like to/ Would like Sentence stress Adventures 8.8-8.11 p.93 Writing about hobbies
  Unit D They dress well but drive badly Adverbs Adjectives and adverbs Speaking about time spending 8.12-8.14 p.95 Word quiz
  Going home Revise and check Grammar revision Verb phrases Words and word combinations Making a dialogue 8.15-8.17 p.96 Making a reservation
  File 9 Unit A Before we met Present Perfect Sentence stress Speaking: “Are you jealous?” 9.1-9.3 p.100-101 Grammar exercises
  Unit B I’ve read the book, I’ve seen the film Present Perfect or Past Simple Irregular past participle Speak about the books you’ve read 9.4-9.5 p.102-103 Phonetic exercises p.102
  Grammar revision Grammar check for each files Phonetic exercises Have you ever been to…? Listening comprehension Writing lexico-grammar ex-s
  Vocabulary and pronunciation revision          
  Control work Lexico-grammar exercises Control reading Speaking on the themes Listening to the dialogue  

1. Methodical recommendations for reading, listening and writing.

Good pronunciation helps you to communicate better.

You can easily improve your pronunciation.


Tip 1. Concentrate on English sounds, which you don’t have in your language.

Try to recognize phonetic symbols. Then you can check the pronunciation of words in dictionary.


Tip 2. Many letters have more than one pronunciation. Try to see the spelling and pronunciation rules. Many combinations of letters always make the same sounds.


Tip 3. When you pronounce a word try to exaggerate the stressed syllable. Always underline the stressed syllable on a new word.


Tip 4. Pronounce strongly the stressed words or syllables. Say the other word quickly without stress. Try to get the right rhythm in each sentence you say.


Tip 5. If you use the wrong intonation, they can think you are bored or unfriendly. Try to sound interested friendly.


Tip 6. Practice your pronunciation outside class.

q Use a dictionary to help you to pronounce new words.

q Use ‘Listen and Speak’ cassette.

q Read aloud and record yourself on a cassette.

q Listen to spoken English as much as possible, e.g. songs, films.


Understanding spoken language is more difficult than reading because you don’t have time to translate every word. In conversation people use a lot of constructions and weak form (words which are not stressed) so it is possible to hear every word clearly. When you listen to a cassette you can’t see the speaker’s face. This makes it more difficult.

Listening to cassettes or watching videos is a very good way to practice understanding different voices, accents, and situations.



Tip 1. Relax. Don’t stop listening when you don’t understand words or phrases. It’s normal not to understand everything. The first time you listen, just try to get an idea of what you are listening to.


Tip 2. You don’t need to hear or remember every word. Try to listen for the key words – words, which carry the important information. These are usually stressed. Focus on understanding the general idea.


Tip 3. If you are listening to a cassette and have the script, use it to check what you have and haven’t understood.



Tip 4. When you listen for specific information (e.g. a train time, a price in a shop) you usually know more or less what you are going to hear. Concentrate on listening for what you need to know. Don’t worry about understanding the rest.


Tip 5. It isn’t enough to listen only in class. You need to practice outside class too.


You can:

q Record and listen to satellite TV news in English.

q Practice with the ‘Listen and Speak’ cassette.

q Listen to songs (and read the words if you can)

q Read ‘EASY READER’ with the cassette.

q Watch English films with subtitles.

q Talk to English-speakers as much as possible.



Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 407. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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