| The theme of the lesson
| Contents of the lesson and language material
| Theme
| Grammar
| Pronunciation
| Speaking
| Listening
| Writing
| File 1
Unit A. Nice to meet you
| There is/are; verb to be - + pronouns
| The alphabet
| Saying hello and goodbye
| 1.8 p. 5 Saying goodbye
| The ABC
| Unit B.
I’m not English, I’m Scottish!
| Verb be: negative and interrogative forms
| Vowels/consonant
| Countries and nationalities
| 1.15 p. 7 Listen and check
| The names of months/days/weeks
| Unit C.
His name, her name
| Possessive adjectives: my, your etc.
| The alphabet
| Personal Information
| 1.25 p 9
| Nationalities
| Unit D.
Turn off your mobiles.
| Articles/ plurals/this/that/these/those
| Vowels/consonants
| The classroom phrases, common objects
| 1.32-34 p.11
| Classroom language /days/weeks
| On a plane
Revise and check
| Lexico-grammar exercises
| Copy the rhythms
Phonetic exercises
| Kinds of drinks
| 1.35-1.37 p.12-13
1.38 p.15
| Completing a form
The days of the week/Address
| File 2
Unit A
Cappuccino and chips
| Present Simple + and – forms; verb phrases
| Consonant sounds, 3rd person singular ‘s’
| Typical Kazakh -English Families
| 2.2-2.3 listen and repeat the 3rd person forms. р.17
| Writing nationality in the title p.17
| Unit B
When Natasha meets Darren
| Present Simple -?
| Consonant sounds
| Common verb phrases. Meeting people.
| 2.4-2.8 p.19 Listen to the dialogue.
Listen to the song
| An informal e-mail letter p.19
| Unit C
An artist and a musician
| a/an + jobs/
| Who are they?
| Talking about your job.
| 2.12.-2.14 - p.21 Listen and read the words and consonants
| Writing a composition on the theme “My future profession”.
| Unit D Relatively famous
| Possessive ‘s’
| Consonant sounds
| Talk about meeting people p.19
| 2.14 p.23
Listen to the words and consonant sounds
| Essay about your family
| At a hotel
Revise & check
| Lexico-grammar exercises
| Read the dialogue
| Making up dialogues
| 2.16-2.17 - p.24 Answer the questions
| Quiz on new words
| File 3
Unit A Pretty woman
| Adjectives quite/ very
| Phonetic exercises
Vowel sounds
| Telling the time
| 3.2; 3.3; 3.4 - p.29
| Words to vowels sounds
| Unit B Wake up, get out of bed
| Present simple
| The text p.30-31
The letter ‘o’
| Telling about your day
| 3.5.- 3.9 p.30-31
| Grammar exercises
| Unit C
The island with a secret
| Adverbs of frequency
| The letter ‘h’
| Time words and expressions.
| 3.10 – 3.11 p.33
| Preparing an interview with a partner
| Unit D
On the last Wednesday in August
| Preposition of time
| Word stress, consonant sounds
| Asking and answering the questions in the text. Asking the date
| 3.12-3.16 p.34-35
| Writing about festivals
| In a coffee shop
Revise and check
| Lexico-grammar exercises
| Reading the magazine extracts p.36
| Analyzing the text
| 3.17-3.19. p.36-37
| Writing an article for a magazine “My favourite day”