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Other professional information

Ministry of Education and Science


S.Seifullin Kazakh AgroTechnical University

Dean of Computer systems and

Professional Education department


on the discipline “Pedagogy”

For all post-graduate students





Astana 2014

Discipline Program for post-graduateStudents (Syllabus) is made on the basis Program by Akhmetova G.K. and others of Alfarabi KazakhUniversityapproved by the Ministryof Education andScience RK, 2014

(name of a model program of discipline, by whom and when approved)
for higher education, for all thespecialties, the post-graduate students

For all post-graduate students (polylingual)
(code and title)

and in accordance with the working specialty curriculum approved by "_____" __________________ 200___.

Discussed at the meeting of the chair of vocational education
(name of department)
"___" _____2014, Protocol № ___



Head of the Department ________________ Esekeshova M.D.




The lecturer: Professor Karlygash Sarbassova

office phone 303698, office room -0811

Lecturer’s Background information:Higher doctorate pedagogical sciences, professor pedagogics; a member of Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Kazakhstan

Other professional information

1. The Certificate of Innovative Program "Step-By-Step", USA, 2001

2. The owner of the state grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2006

3. The owner of the state grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "The best teacher of higher education institution", 2008.

4. The member of the incorporated dissertational council of ODES 14.50.05 on protection of dissertations on competition of a scientific degree of the doctor of pedagogical sciences on specialties 13.00.01 – the General pedagogics, pedagogics and education history, ethnopedagogics both 13.00.08 – the Theory and a technique of professional education at the Karaganda state university of E.A.Buketov (2009-2010)

5. The Certificate of credit technology in higher education institution (Czech Republic, Karlov Universitet in Prague), 2011

6. The winner of the international scholarship of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Bolashak", 2012

7. The Certificate of English language Enhancement Programme (University of Reading, UK), 2013.

8. The Certificate of Improving university leadership, management and teaching and learning Programme (University of Reading, UK), 2013.

Scientific interests:the General pedagogics, pedagogics and history of education, the theory and methodology of vocational education
Major publications on the theme of the project:

1. Sarbassova K.A. Pedagogics bases. - Karaganda, 2004. - 119 p. (in the Kazakh Language)

2. Sarbassova K.A. Some methodological approaches of vocational training // Problems and perspectives of technological education at school and higher institution: Materials of the international scientific-practical conference,12 December, 2011, Sterlitamak, the Republic of Bashkotostan, Russia / edited by R.V. Churbayev. – Sterlitamak: Sterlitamak state pedagogical Academy named after Z. Biyisheva, 2012. – P. 101-103. (in the Russian language)

3. Conceptual framework of development of the content of education oriented on result// Topical issues of education and science in the modern world (27-29 March). – Beijing, 2012. – P.17-20. (in the English language)


Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 410. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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