The purpose of the course “Pedagogy” is to introduce post-garduate students with the basic concepts of maintenance and essence of pedagogical activity, pedagogical science, methods of pedagogical researches, essence of teaching and educating processes, basis of educational systems management knowledge, and skills to manage and control of cognitive and professional pedagogical activity.
Course objectives are:
· Formation of students’ common outlook of:
- essence and specify of pedagogical activity;
- pedagogy as the science and practice of teaching, educating and growing;
- structure and methods of pedagogical researches;
- education as social event;
- humanistic feature of education itself;
- essence, structure and maintenance, methods and forms of organizing the educational process;
- organizational basis of educational systems management;
· Formation of basis of educational systems management knowledge, and skills to manage and control of cognitive and professional pedagogical activity.
By the end of the course students must acquire:
· essence and specifics of pedagogical activity;
· subject, functions of pedagogical science, its terms and definitions, main directions of pedagogical researches, methods of their organization;
· essence of education, teaching, brining up, socially-pedagogical cases and pedagogical process;
· laws, principles, methods, forms of teaching and educating;
· family as institute of personality socialization.
· how to conduct teaching-and-cognitive activity;
· to manage psychologically-pedagogical diagnostics;
· to forecast and project of pedagogical situations;
· to set and solve pedagogical tasks;
· to model and construct pedagogical activity;
· to enrich professional pedagogical experience.
· to attitude the personality as a high value;
· self-development of future specialist, his/her spiritual and moral qualities.
6. COURSE CONTENT 6.1. List of lectures
| Hours
| Reference
| Rate score
The subject, tasks, methods of pedagogics of the higher school
| Basic Literature:
Supplementary Literature:
| 0,3
| Theme 2.
Pedagogics as science.
| Basic Literature:
Supplementary Literature:
| 0,3
| Theme 3.
Pedagogic categories and their significance for didactic theory
| Basic Literature:
Supplementary Literature:
| 0,3
| Theme 4.
System of pedagogical sciences
| Basic Literature:
Supplementary Literature:
| 0,3
| Theme 5.
Globalisation, Internationalisation and higher education in the modern era
| Basic Literature:
Supplementary Literature:
| 0,3
| Theme 6.
The higher education system in Kazakhstan
| Basic Literature:
Supplementary Literature:
| 0,3
| Theme 7.
Research in higher education and university teacher development
| Basic Literature:
Supplementary Literature:
| 0,3
| Theme 8.
Table of contents and methods of teaching at higher school. Classifications of methods of teaching
| Basic Literature:
Supplementary Literature:
| 0,3
| Theme 9.
Technology to enhance learningof high school
| Basic Literature:
Supplementary Literature:
| 0,3
| Theme 10.
Pedagogical innovation and expert teaching in high school
| Basic Literature:
Supplementary Literature:
| 0,3
| Theme 11.
Coaching and Mentoring
| Basic Literature:
Supplementary Literature:
| 0,3
| Theme 12.
Teacher’s personality and students characteristics as the social group
| Basic Literature:
Supplementary Literature:
| 0,3
| Theme 13.
Innovative processes in high school of The Republic of Kazakhstan
| Basic Literature:
Supplementary Literature:
| 0,3
| Theme 14.
The nature of HE leadership and management
| Basic Literature:
Supplementary Literature:
| 0,3
| Theme 15.
Improving evaluation and assessment for all students
| Basic Literature:
Supplementary Literature:
| 0,3
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