Supplementary literature
1. Pedagogy and Psychology of higher school. Bulanova-Toparkova– R.-upon-Don, 1998. 2. Fokin U.G. Teaching and educating in High shool. Methodology, aims, content and creativity. – М., 2002. –224 p. 3. Introduction to pedagogy scientific research/ Подред. N.A. Zavalko-Ust-Kamenorosk, 2008. 4. Pedagogy. /AddP.I. Pedkasistiy. - М., 1996. 5. Pedagogy./ Add U.K. Babanskiy. - М., 1998. 6. Harlamov I.F. Padagogy. – М., 2000. 7. Sitarov V.A. Didactics/ Add. V.A. Slastyenin. - М., 2004.
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