The main marker of hepatitis B virus
4. Antibodies total classes Ig M and Ig G to HBs-antigen of hepatitis B virus Indicator of the presence of protective immunity against hepatitis B virus 5. Antibodies Class total Ig M and Ig G in HB-core antigen of hepatitis B virus Determination of antibodies to HBcoreAg (Ig M and Ig G), showing the history or current hepatitis B. 6. Ig M class of antibodies to HB-core antigen of hepatitis B virus Serologic marker of acute process. 7. HBe-antigen of hepatitis B virus Marker active replication of hepatitis B virus in the body. 8. Antibodies classes total Ig M and Ig G in HBe-antigen of hepatitis B virus Evidence of acute hepatitis B, the remission rate_ 9. class Ig G antibodies to HBe-antigen of hepatitis B virus Certificate old acute hepatitis B, the rate of remission. Detects the presence of antibodies to HBeAg_ hepatitis C Hepatitis C is caused by an RNA virus of the family Flaviviridae - hepatitis C virus (HCV, HCV)_ The virus is transmitted parenterally (use of contaminated needles, syringes and other medical devices), at least sexually, as well as (4-6%) from infected mother to child (vertical path)_ The clinical course of acute hepatitis C is usually easy. The main problem of this infection is associated with a high rate of chronicity_ The hepatitis C virus shows great variability of the genome in infected individuals undergoing rapid mutation of the virus, what is probably due to escape of its immune defense mechanisms and a higher rate of chronic infection. Chronic infection with hepatitis C virus is characterized, on the one hand, ongoing viral replication and on the other - active but insufficient immune response of the organism. Unlike hepatitis B, hepatitis C virus antigens in the blood are not captured in sufficient quantities (they are found in the liver biopsy specimens)_ This limits the ability of the laboratory evaluation of current and active infection_ Diagnosis of hepatitis C is currently based on the direct detection of viral RNA by PCR and detection of anti-HCV antibodies. Markers: 1. Hepatitis C virus (HCV, HCV) Hepatitis C virus RNA quality determination (HCV-RNA) Qualitative detection of HCV RNA by PCR in blood plasma. 2. Hepatitis C virus, the definition of high-quality RNA (HCV-RNA) Qualitative detection of HCV RNA by PCR in blood plasma. 3. Hepatitis C virus, a quantitative determination of RNA (HCV-RNA) Quantification of HCV RNA by PCR and determination of the viral load in blood plasma. 4. Hepatitis C virus genotyping, detection of RNA (HCV-RNA) Determination of HCV RNA by PCR and determination of its genotype in plasma. 5. Antibodies total classes Ig M and Ig G to hepatitis C virus Antibody classes Ig M and Ig G antigens of hepatitis C virus serologic marker of infection with hepatitis C virus