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In Russian. 1.Борисов Л.Б. Медицинская микробиология, вирусология, иммунология


1.Борисов Л.Б. Медицинская микробиология, вирусология, иммунология. - М.: МИА, 2001.- 734 с.

2.Табаева А.А. Микробиология поражений полости рта при стоматологических иинфекционных заболеваниях. Учебное пособие. – Алматы, 2006. -127с

3.Медициналық микробиология, Алматы, 2011.-683б Рамазанова Б.А, Кудайбергенұлы К.К редакциялаумен.

4.Ричард Дж.Ламонт., Роберт А.Берне., Мерилин С.Лантц., Дональд Дж.Лебланк., перевод с английского В.К. Леонтьева. Микробиология и иммунология для стоматологов. Практическая медицина. Москва 2010.- 502с.

5.Jacquelyn G Black “Microbiology”,7 th ,WILEY,2010,p.846


1.Вопросы общей вирусологии, под ред. Кисилева И.О. Санкт- Петербург, 2007, 375 с.

2. Б.А. Рамазанова, А.Л. Котова және т.б. Микроорганизмдер морфологиясы.(оқу- әдістемелік құрал) Алматы,2007, 131б.

3 Б.А. Рамазанова, К.К Құдайбергенұлы, А.Л Котова. Инфекция туралы ілім.(оқу-құралы) Алматы 2007,111 б.

4. Б.А.Рамазанова, А.Л Котова және т.б. Микроорганизмдер физиологиясы. (оқу - әдістемелік құрал). Алматы,2007, 126 б.

5. Б.А. Рамазанова, А.Л Котова және т.б. Микроорганизмдер экологиясы. (оқу- құралы). Алматы, 2007, 95 б.

6. Б.А. Рамазанова, А.Л Котова және т.б. Микробтарға қарсы қолданылатын препараттар (оқу- құралы) Алматы, 2007.,47 б.

6. Борисов Л.Б. Медицинская микробиология, вирусология, иммунология: Учебник/Л.Б. Борисов. - М.:Мединформ, 2005.-736 с.

7. Поздеев О.К. Медицинская микробиология: Учеб. О.К.Поздеев; под ред. В.И.Покровского.-2-е изд.испр.-М.:ГЭОТАР-МЕД,2004.-768 с

8. Компьютерная программа "Диаморф" - "Медицинская микробиология" - атлас-руководство по бактериологии микологии, протозоологии и вирусоло­гии под редакцией акад. проф. Воробьева А.А.

9. Саттон Д., Фотергил А., Ринальди М. Определитель патогенных и условно-патогенных грибов: Пер. с англ.-М.: М.:Мир, 2001.- 486 с.:ил.

10. Котова А.Л. Клиническая микробиология: Методические указания.-Алматы, 2004.-162 с.

11. Стамкулова А.А., Кудайбергенов К.К., Рамазанова Б.А. Вопросы общей и частной вирусологии, Учебное пособие, 2011, Алматы,

In Kazakh:


1.Медициналық микробиология, Алматы,2011,683 б Рамазанова Б.А, Кудайбергенұлы К.К редакциялаумен.

2.Б.А. Рамазанова, А.Л. Котова және т.б. Микроорганизмдер морфологиясы.(оқу- әдістемелік құрал) Алматы,2007, 131б.

3.Б.А. Рамазанова, К.К Құдайбергенұлы, А.Л Котова. Инфекция туралы ілім.(оқу-құралы) Алматы 2007,111 б.

4 Б.А.Рамазанова, А.Л Котова және т.б. Микроорганизмдер физиологиясы. (оқу - әдістемелік құрал). Алматы,2007, 126 б.

5. Б.А. Рамазанова, А.Л Котова және т.б. Микроорганизмдер экологиясы. (оқу- құралы). Алматы, 2007, 95 б.

6. Б.А. Рамазанова, А.Л Котова және т.б. Микробтарға қарсы қолданылатын препараттар (оқу- құралы) Алматы, 2007.,47 б.

7. Микробиология және вирусология (жалпы бөлімі): Оқу құралы /Ү.Т.Арықпаева, К.Х.Алмағамбетов, Н.М.Бисенова, Н.Б.Рахметова, Г.Д.Асемова, Койшебаева К.Б., Бисимбаева С.К., Калина Н.В./. 1-ші басылым. (Медициналық және фармацевтикалық мамандық бойынша жоғары оқу орындарының студенттеріне арналған оқу құралы) - Астана, 2005. – 208 б.

8. «Микроорганизмдердің морфологиясы» оқу құралы, Астана, 2004, 32б.; Микробиология және вирусология (жеке бөлімі): Оқу құралы /Ү.Т.Арықпаева, К.Х.Алмағамбетов, Н.М.Бисенова, Ә.Ө.Байдүйсенова, Н.Б.Рахметова, Г.Д.Асемова /1-ші басылым. (Медициналық және фармацевтикалық мамандық бойынша жоғары оқу орындарының студенттеріне арналған оқу құралы) - Астана, 2006. – 199 б.


1. Жалпы микробиологиядан лабораториялық сабақтар бойынша оқу-әдістемелік құрал (А.Л. Котованың ред.). – Алматы, 1997.


In English:


Richard V Georing, Hazel M Docrell, Mark Zukerman, Derek Wakelin, Ivan M Roit, Cedric Mims,Peter L Chiodini “Medical Microbiology”,4th Edithion, 2008, UK, p.656.

Jacquelyn G Black “Microbiology”,7 th ,WILEY,2010,p.846

Patric R Muray,Ken S Rosenthal, Michael F Pfaller “Medical Microbiology”,5th Edithion, 2008,p.962

Cedric Mims, Hazel M Docrell, Richard V Georing, Ivan M Roit, Derek Wakelin, Mark Zukerman, “Medical Microbiology”,3th Edithion, 2004, ELSEVIER MOSBY, p.659.

Geo F Brooks,Kaaren C Carroll, Janett S Butel, Stephen F Morse,24th Edithion, JAWETZ,MELNICK&ADELBERG^S

Mark Gladwin, Bill Trattler, “Clinical Microbiology”, 4th Edithion, MedMaster, Miami, 2007, p.393.


Robert M Diamond “Designing Assessing Courses and Curricula”, 3th Edithion,Jossey-Bass,2008,p.487

Patric Leonardi “Microbiology Study Guide: Key Review Questions and Answers”, Silver Educational Publishig,2005,p.78

N.Cary Engelberg,Victor DiRita,Terence S Dermondy, “Mechanisms of Microbial Disease”, 4th Edithion,Lippincton Williams&Wilkins,2007,p.762

William F Strohl, Harriet Rouse, Bruce D Fisher, “Microbiology”, Lippincton^s,2001,p.516



1. Morphology of adenovirus, rabdo-, poxviruses.

2. pathogenetic features of adenovirus infection.

3. Patogeneticheksie features of vesicular stomatitis.

4. Prevention of rabies.

5. pathogenetic features of the development of rabies.

6. Treatment of rabies.

7. Laboratory diagnosis of rabies.

8. Laboratory diagnosis of adenovirus infection.

9. Features of adenovirus infection

10. The morphology and structure of the human immunodeficiency virus. Antigens. resistance

11. Epidemiology of AIDS, sources of infection, ways of transmission, risk groups

12 The mechanism of immune deficiency in AIDS

13. Symptoms of AIDS treatment and prevention

14. The mechanism of the development of AIDS in HIV infection

15. The manifestation of HIV infection in the oral cavity.

16. Laboratory diagnosis (ELISA, immunoblotting)

17. Treatment and prevention of HIV infection

18. The risk of occupational exposure dentist

19. The risk of iatrogenic infection of HIV patients when visiting the dentist.


1. intracellular inclusions SPECIFIC rabies virus:

1. Taurus Guarnieri

2. Taurus Babes-Negri

3. intranuclear inclusions

4. Taurus Cowdray

5. Taurus Paschen

2. Researcher, get the first rabies vaccine:

1. Koch

2. Pasteur

3. Sabin

4. Jenner

5. Salk

3. rabies HAPPENS:

1. by nutritional

2. Respiratory

3. When you bite

4. Transmissible by

5. Sexually

4. smallpox virus applies to:

1. Retroviridae

2. Picornaviridae

3. Orthomyxoviridae

4. Adenoviridaae

5. Poxviridae

5. is typical for adenoviruses are:

1. The absence of the outer shell

2. Alimentary route of infection

3. Large sizes

4. The content of RNA

5. susceptibility thereto in laboratory animals


1. CPE

2 Reaction gemadsorbtsii

3. cytoplasmic inclusion

4. Taurus Babes-Negri

5. haemagglutination

7. adenoviral infection is transmitted:

1. When fleas bite

2. airborne

3. faecal-oral route

4. transovarial

5. Vertical Path

8. immunity in adenoviral diseases:

1. Lifetime

cell 2.

3. Not long

4. Passive

5. Non-sterile


1. Adenoviridae

2. Orthomyxoviridae

3. Togaviridae

4. Retroviridae

5. Hepadnaviridae

10. RETROVIRUSES characterized by:

1. contain RNA

2. cultured on chick embryo

3. rod-shaped

4. Have the enzyme neuraminidase

5. The presence of reverse transcriptase

12 HIV belongs to the family:

1. Picornaviridae

2. Adenoviridae

3. Retroviridae

4. Togaviridae

5. Orthomyxoviridae

13. FUNCTION reverse transcriptase enzyme:

1. is responsible for the integration of HIV into the host cell genome

2. The regulatory protein

3. Determines DNA synthesis on the matrix virion RNA

4. Provides viral entry into the cell

5. Helps release of the nucleic acid of the virus from the genome of the cells

14. primary method of laboratory diagnosis of HIV infection is:

1. Immunofluorescence

2. Phragmites

3. Radioimmunoassay


5. Reaction coagulation

15. HIV:

1. Has a cuboidal shape

2. Refers to retroviruses

Contains 3. RNA

4. In the outer shell has a gp-120

5. pathogenic to animals

16.HIV infects:

1. anterior horn of the spinal cord

2. human immune system

3. Nervous System

4. salivary glands

5. Muscle tissue

17. WAY HIV infection:

1. Sexual

2. Alimentary

3. Airborne

4. parenteral



1. suramin

2. cyclosporine

3. didizoksikaris

4. azitotimidin

5. ftivazid

19. homosexual men in the lower extremities is observed to get enough sleep,

vascular swelling, fresh increase in the inguinal lymph nodes, positive ELISA. Ukzhite what method should be used for a definitive diagnosis of HIV infection:

1. radioimmunoassays


3. coagulation reaction

4. immunoblotting

5. immunofluorescence

20. as evidenced by the presence of antibodies to the AIDS virus:

1. person is infected with HIV

2. a person has immuitet from exposure to AIDS

3. people are in the incubation period

4. are opportunistic infections

5. observed recovery

21. CHUVSTVIETLNOST CELLS TO HIV explains the presence of:

1. surface tension

2. CD-4 receptor

3. corresponding to the chemical structure of cells

4. specific enzymes

5. toxins

22. The incubation period for AIDS:

1. 2-4 weeks to 10 years.

2. missing

3. characterized by the appearance of weakness, night sweats

4. 2-3 hours

5. complications


1. Pasteur

2. Ivanovo

3. Luc Montagnier

4. D'Errel

5. Gamaleja

24. the most frequent methods of laboratory diagnosis of AIDS is:

1. Immunofluorescence


3. RAC


5. agglutination

25. VIRUS AIDS affects:

1. Immune System

2. Nervous System

3. salivary glands

4. Muscle tissue

5. Gastrointestinal Tract

Case studies:

1. Patient B. went to the doctor complaining of a general lack of energy, lack of appetite, fever, skin rashes, night sweats, persistent headache, swollen lymph nodes. What disease can be thought by examining the patient's complaints. What should be done to confirm the diagnosis?

2. The young homosexual in the lower extremities there are rashes, swollen Kaposi's sarcoma, also observed an increase in paired inguinal lymph nodes. What disease should be suspected? What material to take on the study? What kind of research conduct?

3..U patient in the mandible found painful infiltration with in the cytoplasm of nerve cells in the hippocampal slice found yl round oval red education. For what disease they are specific?

2.In the dental clinic patient appealed with complaints of fever, malaise, pain in the mouth, worse food and conversation. On examination, the mucosa is hyperemic, edematous, visible aftochki. What disease is it? What kind of treatment you want to assign? What preventive measures to take?

4. The patient asked the dentist complaining of a rash in the mouth. From the words of the patient eruptions preceded itching, burning. Examination revealed revealed multiple vesicles on the lips and oral mucosa, edema of the mucosa. At the opening of the vesicles are exposed to erosion, which are located on the basis of hyperemia-tered with macrocyclic outlines. In stained preparations made ​​from scraping vesicles found giant multinucleated cells with inclusion bodies (calf Koudri).

1. What kind of disease is it?

2. What is the method used in the study?

3. What method of preparation is painted?

4. What additional research is needed to use?

Questions blitz - the survey:

1. The causative agent of rabies virus.

2. Pathogen of vesicular stomatitis virus.

3. What are the diagnostic methods of the virus beshestva know?

4. Vesicular stomatitis, its laboratory diagnostics.

THESAURUS (glossary):

vesicular stomatitis

Taurus Babes-Negri

The approximate timing of the activity:

Stage of the class Contents stage classes Methods of training (by teacher`s choice) Methods of control (by teacher`s choice) allotted time on stage / min
  Introduction Welcome, introduction to the course, discussion of goals and objectives, competencies, motivational characteristics - - 10 min.
  control of knowledge level Assessment of the knowledle level - Tests, Viva survey And questioning 20 min.
  Break - - - 5 min.
  The main stage Sowing the test material on nutrient medium. Filling in the study protocol. Active (performance and discussion of the practical work, and reports preparation, workbooks, work with multimedia databases, computer models and programs.) Checking the workbook 25 min.
    - - - 5min.
  Control stage Final inspection knowledge. Feedback. Passive Interactive Tests 10 min.
  Summarizing lessons. Discussion of achieving the goals and objectives mastered competencies. Announcement of ratings and exhibiting them in a magazine Filling of the assessment sheets Passive - 10 min
  Comments to the homework on the subject of the next lesson - Passive - 10 min

Тема 10. Practical aspects of the prevention of nosocomial infection in the dental clinic. Zone of microbial contamination in the dental office. Compliance rules biosecurity dentist.

Goal:Familiarize students with BIV, their etiology, epidemiology, laboratory diagnosis, ways and factors of transmission, prevention. Familiarize students with the rules of compliance with biosafety dentist, zones of microbial contamination in the dental office.

Learning objectives:

- Examine the main pathogens of nosocomial infections. Acquainted with the methods of laboratory diagnosis of nosocomial infections.

- Learn how to allocate the pathogen, to identify it.

- To familiarize with the principles of the prevention of nosocomial infections.

- To study the properties characteristic of the VBI.

- Read the epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical features of nosocomial infections in dental practice.

- Assess the risk factors and ways of transmission of nosocomial infections in dentistry, occupational exposure to dentists and their role in iatrogenic infection patients infections such as HIV, hepatitis, herpes.

- Read the rules comply with biosafety dentist.

- Assess the importance of precaution in practice dentist.

- Read the zones of microbial contamination in the dental office.


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