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Compliance rules biosecurity dentist

For the prevention of occupational infections in dental facilities, primarily, it is necessary to conduct the primary (in employment) and subsequent regular medical examinations health status of medical personnel (the multiplicity and the list of regulated professionals, orders and instructions of the Ministry of Health). Working medical staff carried out:

♦ routine vaccination and revaccination against diphtheria and hepatitis B;

♦ Emergency vaccination against hepatitis B in cases of injuries associated with the risk of infection;

In order to protect health and prevent infection staff dental clinics, offices and classrooms, as well as to prevent infection of patients each employee dental institutions should strictly observe the following rules of biosecurity:

1. Work in sanitary clothing (coat, suit, cap, mask), disinfection and washing which is done centrally. Where necessary, use moisture-proof clothing to protect the body from possible splashes of blood or liquid discharge mouth. Mask covering the mouth and nose should be changed after each patient.

2. Observe good personal hygiene, wash your hands before and after any contact with a patient treated with an antiseptic, use disposable gloves for each patient.

3. In the treatment of dental work in the mouth doctor should wear safety goggles, face shield, to prevent possible splashing of blood or liquid secretions of the mouth in the face. After each use, disinfect them.

4. Small bruises and wounds on the fingers and hands need to stick a plaster, using fingertips. In the offices of reception to "Journal of Accounting microtrauma."

5. If contaminated skin with blood (liquid discharge oral) patient skin is treated with a disinfectant solution or 700 C alcohol. When the breakage of the skin does not stop bleeding and squeeze blood out of the wound, the wound was washed with water and treated with 5% alcoholic solution of iodine.

6. If you get blood (oral secretions) in the mouth of the patient, their abundantly rinsed with alcohol or 700 C 0.05% solution of potassium permanganate. After contact with conjunctiva, they are washed with a solution of 0.05% potassium permanganate.

7. For each patient, the physician should use a unique set of sterile / disposable dental instruments (re-use set of tools or separate from it is prohibited).

8. Items and equipment used for multiple patients should be subjected to adequate cleaning and disinfection.

9. It is necessary to make timely change filters using suction trapping aerosols with microbes in their place of education (in the absence or the imperfection of the exhaust filters polluted air leads to significant contamination of all the items and equipment in the office of oral microflora of patients).

All 10. samples of laboratory tests should be considered as potentially infectious, making the fence, save and deliver them to the microbiology laboratory in accordance with the technique of microbiological safety.

11. overalls, underwear, stained with blood and secretions of the patient should be treated as potentially infectious to be immediately disinfected.

12 Immediately after use to put used syringes in a special container for sharps disposal, never removed from the syringe needle holders with needles and not to make any manipulations with used needles!

Particular attention should be paid to the disposal of hazardous medical waste. Waste generated in health care facilities, have varying degrees of epidemiological and environmental hazards. For the occurrence of nosocomial infections are important waste 4 groups (G) - medical waste, hazardous epidemiologically. This group includes the used bandages, disposable Surgical drapes, disposable syringes, needles, small dental tools. These wastes are produced in dental offices, procedural, dressings and operating.

Requirements for the processing of hazardous medical waste, include two main points:

1) can not re-use of medical supplies;

2) their reliable disinfection, which includes the requirement of biological safety of material after processing or destruction. This is usually achieved thorough sterilization, which is defined as the complete destruction or inactivation of the flora, which remains on the used instruments, objects, property, etc.

Destruction to be medical waste, ie all kinds of consumables, accumulated during the operation of health facilities by physical, chemical or thermal treatment methods.

All waste generated in these units after disinfection should be collected in a disposable hard or soft pack. After filling ¾ of the air is removed, the sealing is performed. Collection of sharps (needles, small dental instruments) held disinfection is carried out separately from other types of waste in disposable packaging firm. Open storage and contact medical staff waste of T are not allowed. Neutralized waste of T centralized or decentralized manner. Currently there are following methods of waste disposal:

- Machining (machining and grinding pressure)

- Heat treatment (most commonly used autoclaves);

- Incineration;

- Microwave treatment;

- Electrothermal treatment (low-frequency radiation);

- Treatment with the help of infrared radiation;

- Chemical treatment or disinfection

The current state of the problem leads to a variety of gross violations of the anti-epidemic regime. Disorder is the lack of non-refillable containers (bags, bins) for packaging of medical waste, as well as the lack of a simple and reliable technology of its seal. Often there are no specially designated premises (grounds) and containers (containers) for temporary storage of waste. Not organized safe transport chain, eliminating contamination by infected medical waste management staff and patients. The sharp increase in the volume and epidemiological risk waste in health care facilities through the introduction of new approaches to health care, including the use of drug products and disposable items requires improvement u1089 waste disposal system in place.


Requirements to ensure a high level of hygiene in the workplace dentist must consider not only the dental practitioners in their daily practice, but developers of new technologies, as well as manufacturers of various tools, materials and equipment for the dental office. "Code of hygiene rules and guidelines" is traditionally produced in Germany (DAHZ).



1. Prevention of nosocomial infections:

1. In a hospital to produce records and document cases of nosocomial infections.

2. Observe hygiene precautions.

3. Follow the circulation of hospital strains.

4. Study of the causative agents of nosocomial infections and their biological properties.

5. Treatment of carious teeth.

2. factors of transmission are:

1. Instrumentation

2. doctor's hands

3. furniture

4. equipment

1. antibiotics

3. Laboratory diagnosis of nosocomial infections:

1. bacterioscopic method

2. Bacteriological method

3. Serological

4: Determination fagovara

5. ultrasound

4. Risk factors for septic infections in providing dental care:

1. older age of the patients

2. related chronic diseases.

3. diseases of the oral cavity;

4. long-term use of certain medications, adverse effects on the immune system

5. transferred OCI

5. Sources of infection with BIV:

1. Candida albicans

2. Enterobacter ssp.

3. Escherichia coli

4. Staphylococcus aureus

5. N.gonohrreae


THESAURUS (glossary):


Contact transmission

The approximate timing of the activity:

Stage of the class Contents stage classes Methods of training (by teacher`s choice) Methods of control (by teacher`s choice) allotted time on stage / min
  Introduction Welcome, introduction to the course, discussion of goals and objectives, competencies, motivational characteristics - - 10 min.
  control of knowledge level Assessment of the knowledle level - Tests, Viva survey And questioning 20 min.
  Break - - - 5 min.
  The main stage Sowing the test material on nutrient medium. Filling in the study protocol. Active (performance and discussion of the practical work, and reports preparation, workbooks, work with multimedia databases, computer models and programs.) Checking the workbook 25 min.
    - - - 5min.
  Control stage Final inspection knowledge. Feedback. Passive Interactive Tests 10 min.
  Summarizing lessons. Discussion of achieving the goals and objectives mastered competencies. Announcement of ratings and exhibiting them in a magazine Filling of the assessment sheets Passive - 10 min
  Comments to the homework on the subject of the next lesson - Passive - 10 min



Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 547. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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