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Cooking appliances fixed drug

Depending on the nature of the test material in the fence using a bacteriological loop, a Pasteur pipette or needle.

To prepare a smear from bacterial cultures grown on solid medium, causing a drop of saline or water. Loop hold like a pencil. Working hinge part burn in a burner flame vertically, first loop end and then gradually the whole metal part. Skim a slide burn in the flame of the burner. Tube to study the culture of microorganisms held between the thumb and forefinger of his left hand. Flasks take your right hand and burn it in the flame of the burner. Without releasing the loop from the right hand little finger is pressed against the stopper to the palm and take them out of the tube. During manipulation of the test tube stopper is in hand. Burn the cork and neck tube in the flame of the burner. Drive loop in the tube. Cooled loop of the tube wall to the hot loop did not kill a grown culture. Grab loop culture and take it out of the tube without touching the walls. Hold the loop with the culture, stopper the tube cap over the flame of the burner. Put the tube into the holder. All the above actions produce only near the burner flame. Culture make a loop in a drop of liquid on the glass and spread evenly in a circular motion on the area of ​​a diameter of 1.0-15 cm, and then the loop is fired. Residues culture loop is combusted in a burner flame. Smear should be thin, evenly mashed and small. Smear was dried in air at room temperature.

Fixing the smear

After complete drying of smears fixed, thus achieving the killing of microbes and their strong attachment to the glass. Fixing dramatically improves dyeability microbes that live as a slightly perceive color. The easiest and most common way - fixing heat. Holding the glass smear up his thrice carried through the flame of the gas burner or an alcohol (up stroke). To avoid overheating of the preparation time of fixation should not exceed 5-6 s and the direct flame impingement with -2. Besides heat, the fixing may be employed the following materials:

1.Etilovy alcohol 96o. Fixture time is 10-15 minutes.

2 A mixture of equal volumes of absolute ethanol and the ester (Nikiforov) - (10-15 min).

3-Methyl alcohol 5 min

Acetone 4-5min

5.1% solution of mercuric chloride -10-15 minutes and then rinse with a solution of the drug Nacl and water

6.10% solution AgNO3-10 min

7 Liquid Buena: undiluted formalin 10 ml of glacial acetic acid and 2 ml of a saturated aqueous solution of picric acid, 30 ml.

8 Liquid Carnoy: glacial acetic acid, 10 ml of chloroform, 30 ml of alcohol and 60 ml of 96o.

The fixed preparation is ready for staining.

We are offering you the job, which can be one, two, three, and a greater number of correct answers. Press the keys with the numbers of all the correct answers.

1 Properties of the cell wall structure and chemical composition {Gram (+), Gram (-) bacteria}

1) Narrow pores shell

2) Wide pore membranes

3) The presence of teichoic acids

4) A thin layer of peptidoglycan component

5) A thick layer of peptidoglycan component

6) The presence of LPS outer membrane

7) Magnesium salt of ribonucleic acid

8) No teichoic acids and magnesium ribonukleata

2 In the physical method of fixing the glass slide with the drug fluid motion is carried out in _____

3 In the chemical method of fixing the glass slide with the drug lowered into _____

4 Stages of cooking fixed smear of liquid material

□ - degrease glass slide

□ - fix the smear in a burner flame

□ - smear dried in air or in a stream of warm air over the burner flame

□ - a loop to make a drop of the test liquid and circular

□ - movements to distribute evenly in the form of a circle with a diameter of about 1-1.5 cm

Steps 5 fixed smear preparing a solid nutrient medium

□ -.obezzhirit glass slide

□ - fix the smear in a burner flame

□ - put on a glass slide a drop of water or physically. solution

□ - smear dried in air or in a stream of warm air over the burner flame

□ - culture and make a loop in a circular motion to distribute evenly in the form of a circle with a diameter of about 1-1.5 cm


Theme 2 The morphology of spirochetes, actinomycetes, rickettsia, mycoplasma, fungi and viruses. Virological methods. Fabrication technology native smear. Study of bacteria in the live state.


Goal: To study the morphology and structure of spirochetes, actinomycetes, rickettsia, chlamydia, mycoplasma, fungi, protozoa, viruses, their taxonomic position and properties, role in human pathology; to develop practical skills in engineering studies of bacteria in a living state,

3. Learning Objectives:

- To form students' knowledge of the peculiarities of the structure of spirochetes, actinomycetes, rickettsia, chlamydia, mycoplasma, fungi, protozoa, viruses

- To generate knowledge about their properties and role in human pathology

-formirovanie students knowledge on the art of preparation of native bacterial preparation;

-nauchit explore bacteria in a living state.

4 Type of course:

Passive metod- poll explanation.

Active method - work with multimedia databases, computer models and programs, demonstration material.

Online - work in small groups, testing.

5 Tasks relating to:

1 To learn the technique of preparation of native bacterial preparation with liquid and dense pitatelnyh media.

2 Perform microscopic study of bacteria in live form

3 Specify the morphological features of the convoluted bacteria, methods of their color, they cause disease.

4 Specify the morphological features of actinomycetes, their role in human pathology.

5 Specify the morphological features of Rickettsia, their method of painting and role in human pathology.

6 Specify the morphological features of chlamydia and mycoplasma, their role in human pathology.

7 Specify the morphological features of fungi and their role in human pathology.

8 Specify the morphological characteristics of protozoa, their role in human pathology.

9 Specify the morphological features of viruses and their role in human pathology.

6. Handout:

Demonstration material:

-pitatelnaya environment with the growth of fungi Candida;

-pitatelnaya environment with the growth of fungi;

- Computer software "Atlas of Microbiology":

- Morphology of spirochetes

- Morphology of fungi

- Morphology of Rickettsia

- Morphology of Chlamydia

- Morphology of mycoplasmas

2 RIF:

- Smear with chlamydia


Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 517. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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