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Literature. 1.Борисов Л.Б. Медицинская микробиология, вирусология, иммунология.- М.: МИА, 2005


1.Борисов Л.Б. Медицинская микробиология, вирусология, иммунология.- М.: МИА, 2005. - 734 с.

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In Kazakh:


1. Медициналық микробиология, Алматы,2011,683 б Рамазанова Б.А, Кудайбергенұлы К.К редакциялаумен.

2. Б.А. Рамазанова, А.Л. Котова және т.б. Микроорганизмдер морфологиясы.(оқу- әдістемелік құрал) Алматы,2007, 131б.

3. Б.А. Рамазанова, К.К Құдайбергенұлы, А.Л Котова. Инфекция туралы ілім.(оқу-құралы) Алматы 2007,111 б.

4. Б.А.Рамазанова, А.Л Котова және т.б. Микроорганизмдер физиологиясы. (оқу - әдістемелік құрал). Алматы,2007, 126 б.

5. Б.А. Рамазанова, А.Л Котова және т.б. Микроорганизмдер экологиясы. (оқу- құралы). Алматы, 2007, 95 б.

6. Б.А. Рамазанова, А.Л Котова және т.б. Микробтарға қарсы қолданылатын препараттар (оқу- құралы) Алматы, 2007.,47 б.

7. Микробиология және вирусология (жалпы бөлімі): Оқу құралы /Ү.Т.Арықпаева, К.Х.Алмағамбетов, Н.М.Бисенова, Н.Б.Рахметова, Г.Д.Асемова, Койшебаева К.Б., Бисимбаева С.К., Калина Н.В./. 1-ші басылым. (Медициналық және фармацевтикалық мамандық бойынша жоғары оқу орындарының студенттеріне арналған оқу құралы) - Астана, 2005. – 208 б.

8. «Микроорганизмдердің морфологиясы» оқу құралы, Астана, 2004, 32б.; Микробиология және вирусология (жеке бөлімі): Оқу құралы /Ү.Т.Арықпаева, К.Х.Алмағамбетов, Н.М.Бисенова, Ә.Ө.Байдүйсенова, Н.Б.Рахметова, Г.Д.Асемова /1-ші басылым. (Медициналық және фармацевтикалық мамандық бойынша жоғары оқу орындарының студенттеріне арналған оқу құралы) - Астана, 2006. – 199 б.


1. Жалпы микробиологиядан лабораториялық сабақтар бойынша оқу-әдістемелік құрал (А.Л. Котованың ред.). – Алматы, 1997.

На английском языке:


1.Richard V Georing, Hazel M Docrell, Mark Zukerman, Derek Wakelin, Ivan M Roit, Cedric Mims,Peter L Chiodini “Medical Microbiology”,4th Edithion, 2008, UK, p.656.

2.Jacquelyn G Black “Microbiology”,7 th,WILEY,2010,p.846

3. Patric R Muray,Ken S Rosenthal, Michael F Pfaller “Medical Mcrobiology”,5th Edithion, 2008,p.962

4. Cedric Mims, Hazel M Docrell, Richard V Georing, Ivan M Roit, Derek Wakelin, Mark Zukerman, “Medical Microbiology”,3th Edithion, 2004, ELSEVIER MOSBY, p.659.

5. Geo F Brooks,Kaaren C Carroll, Janett S Butel, Stephen F Morse,24th Edithion, JAWETZ,MELNICK&ADELBERG^S

6. Mark Gladwin, Bill Trattler, “Clinical Microbiology”, 4th Edithion, MedMaster, Miami, 2007, p.393.

7. Anathanarayan R., Paniker C.K.J. Text book of microbiology. Orien Longman. Seven edition, 2005.

8.Medical microbiology. Ed.by Inta Ozols. Elsevier Mosby, 2004.


1.Robert M Diamond “Designing Assessing Courses and Curricula”, 3th Edithion,Jossey-Bass,2008,p.487

2.Patric Leonardi “Microbiology Study Guide: Key Review Questions and Answers”, Silver Educational Publishig,2005,p.78

3.N.Cary Engelberg,Victor DiRita,Terence S Dermondy, “Mechanisms of Microbial Disease”, 4th Edithion,Lippincton Williams&Wilkins,2007,p.762

4.William F Strohl, Harriet Rouse, Bruce D Fisher, “Microbiology”, Lippincton^s,2001,p.516

5.Jawetz, Melnic & Adelberg. Medical microbiology. Singapore. 2004.

6.Arora D.R. Text book of microbiology. CB. 2001.

7.William A. Stradit, Harriet Rouse, Bruce D. Fisher. Microbiology. 2001, Lippencott, Williams and Wilkins

8.Black Jacquelyn G. Microbiology. Principles & Applications, 1996 by Prentice-Hall, New Jersey

9.Medical microbiology. An introduction to Infectious Diseases. Ed. by Ryan Kenneth J. Appleton and Lange. Stamford, Connecticut, 1998.

10.Toni Hart, Paul Shears. Atlas de Roche de Microbiologie. - Paris., 1997.- 314р.



  1. The immune system of the organism. The role of macrophages, T-lymphocytes in the immune response
  2. The immunoglobulins of various classes and their characterization
  3. The role of antibodies in immunity
  4. Antigenic determinants of their nature
  5. Define the terms "antigen", "antibody". Chemical nature struture properties, classification
  6. Antigens of microbial cells. Localization, chemical priroda.Geterogennye antigens (antigenic mimicry)
  7. Antigens of human and animals. Autoantigens izoantigeny.
  8. Phagocytosis step.
  9. Phagocytic number and phagocytic index. The value in medical practice.
  10. Antibody. Immunogenesis phase. Dynamics of accumulation of antibodies in the primary and secondary immune response. Immunization, goals and objectives.
  11. Organs of the immune system.
  12. The concept of primary and secondary immune responses.
  13. Factors nonspecific defense. Characteristics. Examples.
  14. Complement. Properties. The chemical nature. Function. Activation pathway.
  15. Phagocytosis. Stage. Function.
  16. What known antigens of bacteria and viruses?
  17. Humoral nonspecific factors protect the body from germs. The concept of the complement, lysozyme, interferon.
  18. Factors of non-specific antimicrobial protection of the oral cavity (cellular and humoral). Spectrum and mechanism of protection.
  19. Saliva, its main characteristic microbicidal components. Specific immunity of the oral cavity. Immunoglobulins saliva. Meaning of secretory immunoglobulins in immunity oral mucosa
  20. Lysozyme. The nature, properties and content of the human body. Role in immunity oral



1. antigen-antibody reaction is used for:

1. Prevention

2. Treatment

3. Display the selected culture

4. Identification of isolated cultures

5. Sanitary-hygienic studies

2. for setting agglutination test, you must:

1. corpuscular antigen

2. Complement

3. Normal serum

4. antigen Colloidal

5. Antibodies - lysines

3. agglutination test is used for:

1 Definitions of microorganisms in the environment

2. Indication of bacteria

3 Definitions of carbohydrates

4. serodiagnosis of infectious diseases

5. Definitions rigging products

4. MECHANISM agglutination associated with:

1. cell membrane permeability

2. A charge of microbial cells

3. The change of serum globulins dispersion

4. The structure of the cell wall

5. of disperse colloids antigen

5. FOR agglutinate SERA Immunize:

1. Mice

2. Rabbits

3. Baranov

4. Horses

5. Donkeys

6. CAPTION agglutinate SERUM:

1. increases with X-ray irradiation of animals

2. is expressed in units of antitoxic

3. The highest dilution of serum

4. The highest antigen dilution giving agglutination

5. Do not depend on the multiplicity of immunizing an animal

7. precipitation reaction is used for:

1. Diagnosis of infectious diseases

2 Definitions of microbial contamination of the soil

3 Definitions complement levels

4. Definitions of blood group

5. Indications of bacteria

8. MECHANISM precipitation reaction is associated with:

1. The change of the surface tension of bacteria

2. The processes of diffusion and osmosis

3. of disperse colloids antigen

4. The structure of the cell wall

5.Aggregatsiey microbes

9. CAPTION precipitating SERUM:

1. Defined in the presence of complement

2. is expressed in units of antiegnnyh

3. Determined with a serum dilution

4. This is the highest dilution of antigen giving precipitation

5. is the highest dilution of serum giving precipitation

10. REACTION gel precipitation investigated for:

1. Titration antitoxic sera

2. Studies of antibiotic resistance

3 Definitions toxigenicity

4. Definitions of blood group

5. Definitions complement levels

FULL 11 antibodies were detected in the reaction:

1. hemagglutination

2. precipitation

3. Koons

4. Coombs


12. BONDING antigens and the precipitation occurs in a reaction:

1. precipitation

2. agglutination

3. Neutralization

4. immunofluorescence

5. Flotation

13. In what reaction can be detected ACCUMULATION Incomplete Rh antibodies in the serum:

1. Coombs

2. Koons

3. precipitation

4. complement fixation



1. is accompanied by lysis of leukocytes

2: Dissolution of corpuscular antigens influenced by specific antibodies and complement

3. occurs with normal serum

4. occurs in the absence of complement

5. There is a bonding of bacteria and spirochetes

15. for setting bacteriolysis reaction is necessary:

1. Agglutinins

2. antigen (live bacteria)

3. Pretsipitinogen

4. Diagnostikum

Antigen 5. Colloidal

16. bacteriolysis reaction:

1. Do not play a protective role in the body

2. posing with normal serum

3. is used in the diagnosis of infectious diseases

4. Reproduced only in vitro

5. No different strict specificity

17. are called the components do not participate in bacteriolysis reaction:

1. AH-living bacteria

2. Hemolytic serum

3. AT-bakterioliziny

4. 1gM

5. Complement

18. with a positive result in the in vivo bacteriolysis reaction:

1. When a microscope stage lysis of bacteria

2. There is lysis of leukocytes

3. Listed adhesion of bacteria and precipitation

4. There is hemolysis

5. alter the surface tension of bacteria

19. Antibodies involved in the reaction of hemolysis:

1. hemagglutinin

2. hemolysin

3. precipitin

4. Complement

5. antitoxin

20. antibody reaction with insoluble ANTIGEN:

1. Agglutination

2. Precipitation

3. Inhibition of hapten


5. Opsonisation

21. form a spatial LATTICE soluble antigens and antibodies:

1. Agglutination

2. Precipitation

3. Inhibition of hapten


5. Opsonisation

22. HEMOLYTIC systems used in the:

1. agglutination

2. precipitation reaction

3. reactions of the immune lysis


5. RAC

23. Select the tests that refers to a reaction neutralize toxins antitoxic Serum:

1. method Ouhterlni

2. WGA

3. flocculation reaction

4. RIF

5. HI

24. SELECT serological tests, which defines the antibody titers:

1. deployed agglutination reaction

2. RAC

3. HAI

4. immunoblot

5. RIF

25. Select the method POSITIVE accounted for under the fallout of the insoluble residue

1. agglutination on glass


3. agglutination reaction unfolded

4. flocculation reaction

5. bacteriolysis reaction

26 POSITIVE RAC VISUAL looks like:

1. color change

2. hemolysis

3. the appearance of the precipitate from the erythrocytes

4. ducation floc

5. appearance glow

27. Antibodies - lysine:

Dissolve 1. cells plant and animal origin

2. Cause adhesion of bacteria and spirochetes

3. action in the absence of complement

4. inhibits the activity of microbial enzymes

5. having the enzymatic activity

28 hemolysin applies to:

1. IgA

2. IgG

3. IgM

4. IgD

5. IgE

29 reaction of the immune lysis APPLY:

1. Serodiagnosis of infectious diseases

2: Determination of protein fractions

3. Is the indicator system

4: Determination of blood group

5: Determination of toxigenicity


1. Variation of the surface tension of bacteria

2. Change in serum globulin dispersion

3. complement fixation antigen-antibody complex

4. Aggregation of antigen

5. of diffusion and osmosis


1. is a homogeneous structure

2. Present only in the immune serum

3. Associated with the antigen-antibody complex

4. is not destroyed by heating

5. It has enzymatic activity


1. The highest dilution of serum

2. Defined in the presence of an electrolyte

3. The greatest dilution of antigen

4. The smallest amount of complement, which causes complete hemolysis

5. is expressed in units of antigenic

33 The results of positive RAC:

1. Hemolysis

2. Lysis of bacteria

3. Latency hemolysis

4. Adhesion of bacteria

5. Precipitate formation as "umbrella"

34 flocculating units:

1. The highest dilution of serum

2. Number of toxin, which gives "an initial" reaction

3. is expressed in units of antigenic

4. Depending on the frequency of immunizing an animal

5. determined in the presence of an electrolyte

35 antitoxic units:

1. Determined using opsono-phagocytic reaction

2. is the smallest amount of serum neutralizing certain number Dlm toxin

3. Biological methods are not determined

4. is synonymous with antitoxic serum titer

5. Defined in agglutination

36 opsonic reaction is characterized by:

1. The process of active absorption by specialized cells in the body of bacteria

2. Phagocytic index

3. Intracellular digestion

4. Positive chemotaxis

5. attraction

37 TO DETERMINE OPSONO-phagocytic index NEEDED:

1. Normal serum

2. Immune leukocytes

Antigens 3.-lysine

4. Complement

5. Erythrocytes

38 the results are negative RSK:

1. Hemolysis

2. Lysis of bacteria

3. Latency hemolysis

4. The precipitate buttons

5. Bonding bacteria and the formation of flakes

39 When adding HEMOLYTIC SYSTEM In vitro bacteriological SYSTEM AG + AT, recently OCCURRED hemolysis. About ANY REACTION INVOLVED:

1. Immune lysis

2. bacteriolysis

3. RAC

4. flocculation


40 In setting RSK 3 weeks of the disease with serum of patients with SHE WAS NEGATIVE. How do you define visual phenomena NEGATIVE RAC:

1. Lacquered blood

2. pellet at the bottom

3. Bonding erythrocytes

4. Delay hemolysis

5. Bonding antigen

41 By means of the formulation of the neutralization reaction APPLY all of the following EXCEPT:

1. Responses flocculation

2. in laboratory animals

3. Responses Dick

4. RAC

5. Responses Schick

42 for setting complement fixation NEED all of the following EXCEPT:

1. sheep erythrocytes

2. Hemolytic serum

3. sera from patients

4. antitoxic serum

5. Complement


1. The ability of specific antibodies to form immune complexes with cells

2. Activation of the complement system by the classical pathway

3. Cell Lysis

4. The most common reaction is used hemolysis

5. under the influence of deposition of antigen-specific antibodies

44 neutralization based on the ability:

1. cause lysis of erythrocytes

2. Dissolve the corpuscular antigen under the influence of specific antibodies

3. antitoxic serum to neutralize the lethal effect of the toxin

4. Change the permeability of cell membranes

5. Links complex K + AT with complement

Case studies:

1. In the lab, the serving point for receiving furs, skins for the examination, using the reaction of Ascoli termopretsipitatsii with precipitating the anthrax serum. When accounting koltsepretsipitatsii, after 5 minutes at the liquid appears white ring. What is the phenomenon? What is used in this case koltsepretsipitatsiya?

Answer: A positive reaction koltsepretsipitatsii. Used to determine the infection fur agents (spores) of anthrax.

2. Rh-negative woman who became pregnant again from an Rh-positive husband, she turned to the antenatal clinic. How can you identify the accumulation of incomplete antirhesus antibodies in the serum of women?

A: Accumulation of incomplete antibodies can be detected in the reaction of Coombs as follows:

1. Prepare the serum dilution women

2. Add the red blood cells loaded with Rh antigen

3. Put in thermostat 37 ° C - 1 hour

4. Wash the red blood cells from the serum (on the surface of red blood cells remain fixed Rh antigen incomplete antibodies)

Add 5. antiglobulin serum obtained by immunization with rabbit human gamma-globulin

6. incubated in 30 minutes

7. To take account of the reaction of hemagglutination.

3. When setting RAC, at the end of 2 weeks of pregnancy, with the blood serum in patients with suspected whooping cough, the reaction was negative. How do you define visually negative? Explain the mechanism.


4. When setting RSK at the 3rd week of illness with the serum of patients with suspected toxoplasmosis, it was positive. How do you define the visual phenomenon of "DGC positive." What does a positive RGCs in this case?


5. When you add hemolytic (indicator) system to a test tube with the bacterial system in the past there was hemolysis. What kind of reaction in question in this case? Briefly describe the mechanism of this reaction. Why do these tubes hemolysis occurred?


Test questions:

1. Define the terms "antigen", "antibody"

2. phagocytic number and phagocytic index. The value in medical practice.

4. What is the serological reactions? Scope.

5. The essence of agglutination, the ingredients of the reaction mechanisms, methods of production.

6. Types of agglutination, the essence, the application.

7. The essence of the precipitation reaction, the ingredients of the reaction mechanisms, methods of production.

8. Types of precipitation reaction, the ingredients of the reaction mechanisms, methods of staging

9. The essence of the complement fixation reaction, the ingredients of the reaction mechanisms, methods of staging

10. The essence of the neutralization reaction, the ingredients of the reaction mechanisms, methods of production.

11 The essence of the Coombs' test, the ingredients of the reaction mechanisms, methods of production.

12. Complement and its properties, applications

13. Characteristics of the components involved in RAC

14. What is the role of complement in the reactions of the immune lysis

15. units of measure for the strength of antitoxic serum?

16. units of measure force toxoid?

17. What is a toxoid?

18. Antitoxins their use in medicine.

19. Serological tests, for what purpose are used?


Theme 5. Boundary control. Morphology, physiology of microorganisms, virology research methods, bacteriophages. Genetics. Ecology. Microflora. Antibiotics. Disinfection. Sterilization. Infection. immunity

2.Goal: To control the assimilation of knowledge on the morphology and physiology of microorganisms. control the assimilation of knowledge on the genetics and ecology of microorganisms; microflora of the human body and its possible disorders (goiter), the principles of diagnosis, treatment and prevention; antibiotics; sterilization and disinfection in dentistry, control of learning on the genetics and ecology of microorganisms; microflora of the human body and its possible disorders (goiter), the principles of diagnosis, treatment and prevention; antibiotics; sterilization and disinfection in dentistry, control of learning by an infectious process, micro-organisms and its causing factors of their pathogenicity, periods of infectious disease; examine nonspecific protective factors and their implications for the human body.

3. Learning Objectives:

is to define the level of mastery of the material on the morphology of microorganisms;

is to define the level of mastery of the material on the physiology of microorganisms;

is to define the level of mastery of the material on the main stages of the Cheka-aerobic microbes;

is to define the level of mastery of the material by the Cheka and the main methods of culturing microbes anaerobes;

- Determine the level of mastery of the material on the principles of identification of selected pure culture of the microbe.

- Determine the level of mastery of the material on the basics of genetics of microorganisms;

- To determine the absorption of the material for genetic research methods;

- Determine the level of mastery of the material on the ecology of microorganisms in the biocenosis of the relationship;

- Determine the level of mastery of the material by the age characteristics of oral microflora

- To determine the absorption of the material on the basics of health and microbiology syaere its application in the work of the dentist;

- Determine the level of mastery of the material by the microflora of the human body, goiter, methods of diagnosis and correction;

- Determine the level of mastery of the material by antibiotics, classification, mechanisms of action, the development of resistance to them;

- Determine the level of mastery of the material for the antibiogram, the ability to interpret it, the scope of activities of the dentist;

- Determine the level of mastery of the material on the basics of disinfection and sterilization; methods and means of their implementation; value in the work of the dentist.

- Determine the level of mastery of the material of an infectious process,

- Factors for its occurrence

- Periods of infectious disease

- Ways of infection

- Pathogenicity and virulence of microorganisms

- Factors of pathogenic microorganisms.

- Non-specific factors of the body's defense.

- Transmission routes, forms of infection,


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Типология суицида. Феномен суицида (самоубийство или попытка самоубийства) чаще всего связывается с представлением о психологическом кризисе личности...

ОСНОВНЫЕ ТИПЫ МОЗГА ПОЗВОНОЧНЫХ Ихтиопсидный тип мозга характерен для низших позвоночных - рыб и амфибий...

Принципы, критерии и методы оценки и аттестации персонала   Аттестация персонала является одной их важнейших функций управления персоналом...

ТРАНСПОРТНАЯ ИММОБИЛИЗАЦИЯ   Под транспортной иммобилизацией понимают мероприятия, направленные на обеспечение покоя в поврежденном участке тела и близлежащих к нему суставах на период перевозки пострадавшего в лечебное учреждение...

Кишечный шов (Ламбера, Альберта, Шмидена, Матешука) Кишечный шов– это способ соединения кишечной стенки. В основе кишечного шва лежит принцип футлярного строения кишечной стенки...

Принципы резекции желудка по типу Бильрот 1, Бильрот 2; операция Гофмейстера-Финстерера. Гастрэктомия Резекция желудка – удаление части желудка: а) дистальная – удаляют 2/3 желудка б) проксимальная – удаляют 95% желудка. Показания...

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