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Case studies

1. In the bacteriological laboratory directed material, faeces child 5 years. In the history suffered a mild form of IKP: there was a decrease in appetite, loose stools 3 times during the day without fever. Antibiotics were not prescribed

Treatment: diet, yogurt, broth St. John's wort and sage. bacteriological

studies of feces were not carried out

Assignment:To take into account the results of bacteriological examination of faeces - 1.1 - on a medium Endo

- 1.2 - on the vitelline saline agar

- 1.3 on Wednesday Blaurock

- 1.4 on acetate agar Rogoza - to determine the degree of dysbiosis

2. In the bacteriological laboratory aims material: feces child of 4 years. In history, a year ago suffered salmonella, then periodically marked abdominal pain, bloating. There is an intolerance of milk, when used - abdominal pain, flatulence. In the treatment of salmonellosis was a course of chloramphenicol, furazolidone.

Assignment: To take into account the results of bacteriological studies of feces:

- 2.1 on a medium Endo

- 2.2 on Wednesday VSA

- 2.3 on Wednesday Blaurock

- 2.4 on Wednesday Saburo.

Determine the extent of intestinal dysbiosis. Check out the study protocol.


1. MICROFLORA upper respiratory tract

1. L- hemolytic streptococci

2. polio virus

3. Neisser

4. Mycobacteria

5. Brucella

2. oral microflora of adults:

1. S. typhi

2. Lactobacterium bifidum

3. Treponema pallidum

4. Treponema dentium

5. Neisseria gonorhoeae

3. factors that cause changes in the composition microflora are:

1. are present at H-antibodies to the pathogen

Step 2. of antibiotics and other chemotherapeutic agents

3. Change genotype

4. Environmental Factors

5. sensitization


1. Remantadin

2. Lactobacterin

3. Ekmolin

4. Tubazid

5. Penicillin

5. sharply expressed intestinal dysbiosis W evidence confirming:

1. On Wednesday Endo - lactosonegative E. coli

2. VSA - Staphylococcus aureus

3. On Wednesday Blaurock - bifidumbacteria

4. On Wednesday Saburo - fungi Candida

5. All of the above

6. INDICATE What characterizes Phase I DYSBACTERIOSIS:

1. is characterized by a significant increase in the number

2. Normal symbionts in natural habitats

3. Changes localization autoflora appear microbes in their unusual habitats

4. Change of pathogens

5. There is a disappearance of some microorganisms by increasing the content of other


1. is characterized by a significant increase in the number of normal symbionts in natural habitats

2. Changes localization autoflora appear microbes in their unusual habitats

3. Change of pathogens

4. There is a disappearance of some microorganisms by increasing the content of others.

8. What is the reason PRIMARY DYSBACTERIOSIS:

1. The use of antibiotics

2. Surgery

3. The impact of environmental factors

4. Neuromuscular - mental stress

5. Fasting, diet


1. Surgery

2: Effects of environmental factors

3. Neuromuscular - mental stress

4. starvation, poor nutrition

5. All of the above

10. RECORD ON SKIN areas of greatest contamination of microorganisms:

1. forehead

2. armpits

3. Shin

4. Forearm

5. interdigital spaces

11 ON WHERE NO BODY sebaceous glands:

1. Palm

2. Sole

3. forehead

4. Chin

5. Face

12. WHAT ARE THE MAIN skin organisms:

1. Corynebacterium

2. Enterococci

3. Yeast

4. Proteus

5. Staphylococci

13. What are the signs characterized by transitory microflora:

1. There are pathogens

2. Micro-organisms are rare in clean skin

3. Bacteria enter the skin from external sources

4. Stable population of microorganisms

5. The "constant" microflora

14. which microorganisms CALLED transient?

1. do not breed on the skin

2. Constantly dwelling on the skin

3. Breeding skin

4. present on the skin for a short period

5. gets on the skin as a result of contamination

15. BASIC MICROORGANISMS interdigital spaces:

1. Micrococci

2. Staphylococci

3. yeasts

4. Proteus

5. Klebsiella

16. Requirements for tap water:

1. Microbial number no more than 100

2. Koli titer - 2

3. Koli index of not more than 3

4. Koli-index 5

5. total amount of water of at least 300

17. Name the disease that is not water-borne:

1. Influenza

2. Typhoid

3. Dysentery

4. Cholera

5. Polio

18. sanitary-indicative MICROBES AIR:

1. Proteus

2. meningococcus

3. E. coli

4. enterococci

5. Staphylococcus aureus

19. microbial count AIR:

1. Number of streptococci

2. Determine the only staphylococci

3. Number of bacteria in 1 cc. meter of air

4. Number of bacteria in one liter

5. Determine when plated on medium Rapopport


1. sedimentation method

2. In a medium Endo

3. using membrane filters

4. biological methods

5. Aspiration method

21. Name the diseases that are not transmitted via AIR:

1. Meningitis

2. Diphtheria

3. Tetanus

4. Influenza

5. Pertussis

22. MICROFLORA upper respiratory tract

1. L- hemolytic streptococci

2. polio virus

3. Neisser

4. Mycobacteria

5. Brucella

23. oral microflora of adults:

1. S. typhi

2. Lactobacterium bifidum

3. Treponema pallidum

4. Treponema dentium

5. Neisseria gonorhoeae

24. FOR antibiotic susceptibility DEFINED AREA stunted growth around the disc, it says:

1. Stimulation of cell metabolism

2. The absence of toxicity

3. Increased membrane permeability

4. Sensitivity of culture

5. protein denaturation

25. Determination of antibiotic concentrations in body fluids and tissues are made:

1. agar diffusion method

2. membrane filter method

3. Aspiration method

4. plated on nutrient media

26 To the mechanism of action of antimicrobial agents does not include:

1. increases the permeability of the membranes

2. bacteriolytic action

3. denatures enzymes

4. bactericidal action

5. Disable the genetic apparatus

27. to antimicrobial chemotherapeutic agents include:

1. Organic alcohols

2. Sulfanilamidnye drugs

3. Volatile

4. Chloramine

5. Formaldehyde


1. Measures to direct suppression or destruction of pathogens in the internal environment of the body

2. Full obesplozhivanie organism

3. Report of the ecological balance between the microbial populations in the composition of the microflora of the human body

4. Destruction of pathogens only protozoal infections

5. Toxic effects on phagotypes


1. Are obscheplazmaticheskimi poisons

Cause 2. phage lysis of bacteria

3. has a bacteriostatic effect

4. is an intracellular parasite


1. The absence of toxicity

2. Stimulation of the body's defenses

3. Action in immunogenic concentrations

4. binding proteins of an organism

5. filterable through a bacterial filter


Theme 4. Factors antimicrobial protection of the oral cavity. Smear microscopy with incomplete phagocytosis. Definition opsonofagotsitarnogo index. Statement of the complement fixation, agglutination, precipitation reaction, neutralization reaction.


Goal: The formation of students' basic competence on the basics of immunity; types and mechanisms of immunity; nespetseficheskih on protective factors of the mouth, forming the students' basic competence on the foundations of immunoassay and infectious diseases; mechanisms of the formation of immune complexes in serological tests; phagocytosis - as a factor in nonspecific protection immunodiagnostic methods (agglutination, precipitation, DGC, neutralization) and the interpretation of their results.

Learning objectives:

- To generate knowledge on the basics of immunity;

- To master the concept of antigen and antibody;

- To master the concept of phagocytosis, terms of its intensity;

- To generate ideas about the non-specific protective factors of the oral cavity.

- To master the concept of antigen and antibody;

- To master the concept of phagocytosis, terms of its intensity;

- To generate knowledge about the basics of immunodiagnosis of infectious diseases;

- To study the mechanisms, characteristics and methods of setting various immunological reactions;

- To teach students to interpret the results

- To generate knowledge about the features of the display and identification of viral antigens

- To generate knowledge about the mechanisms of the formation of immune complexes in the reactions

- To generate knowledge about the methods of serological diagnosis of infectious diseases (RA, RP, DNC, RN).

- To develop skills in the formulation of serological tests;

- To develop skills for the calculation of phagocytic number and phagocytic index;

- To develop skills in the interpretation of results

Generate knowledge about:

- Types of immunity;

- Mechanisms of the immune response;

- Phagocytosis terms of its intensity, its value

- Features of indication and identification of viral antigens

- Mechanisms of the formation of immune complexes in the reactions

- Factors of nonspecific and specific protection of the oral cavity

To develop skills in:

- Formulation of titration reaction of complement and lysozyme

- Conduct counting phagocytic number and phagocytic index;

- Interpretation of the results

Main questions of the theme:

- The types and forms of immunity

- Factors of nonspecific anti-infectious defense

- Factors of nonspecific and specific protection of the oral cavity

- The organs and tissues of the immune system

- The concept of antigens and antibodies, their chemical nature, properties

- Phagocytosis, stage performance intensity, their value

Methods of teaching and learning (small group discussion, sit.zadachi, working in pairs, presentations, case studies, etc.)

Passive metod - poll explanation.

Active method (Performance and discussion of practical work, and issuing reports. Multimedia databases, computer models and programs.)

Interactive (solution case studies, group work, quiz, business and role-playing, brainstorming, critical thinking, mini-study, etc.)

5. Tasks relating to:

1. Define the terms "antigen" and "antibody", their chemical nature, properties.

2. Identify types of serological reactions, and their importance in medicine

3. Draw the circuit performances agglutination indicating ingredients, mechanism, varieties, methods of production. Practical application, advantages, disadvantages.

4. Draw the diagram setting precipitation reaction with an indication of the ingredients of the mechanism, varieties, methods of production. Practical application, advantages, disadvantages.

5. Draw the circuit performances complement fixation with an indication of the mechanism, systems involved in the reaction, the ingredients of each system, the methods of production. Practical application, advantages, disadvantages,

6. Define the concept of "complement." Specify the components involved in immunological reactions

7. Specify the path of complement activation by the classical and alternative pathway

8. Draw the circuit performances neutralization indicating ingredients, mechanism, varieties, methods of production. Practical application, advantages, disadvantages,

9. Draw the circuit performances Coombs reaction for the detection of incomplete antibodies indicating the ingredients of the mechanism. Practical application, advantages, disadvantages,

Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 544. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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