Learning outcomes. Generate knowledge about:
Generate knowledge about: - Morphology and tinctorial features of mycobacteria; - The mechanisms of infection and course of infection; - On the pathogenesis and forms of disease; - Bacterioscopic method of diagnosis; - Bacteriological methods of diagnosis; - Serological diagnostic methods; - Allergic method of diagnosis; - Treatment and prevention of diseases. - A compilation of Algorithm to generate the laboratory diagnosis of tuberculosis. skills: - Microscopic smear stained by Ziehl-Nielsen; - Interpretation of the niacin test samples for nikotinamidazu, the thermal stability of catalase; Key questions of the theme: 1. Mycobacterium tuberculosis. 2. Manifestations of tuberculosis in the oral cavity. Lupus. 3. M. leprae. Manifestations of leprosy in the mouth. 4. Microbiological diagnosis. 5. Etiotropic lechenie.Spetsificheskaya prevention. Methods of teaching and learning (small group discussion, sit.zadachi, working in pairs, presentations, case studies, etc.) Passive metod- poll explanation. Active method (Performance and discussion of practical work, and issuing reports. Multimedia databases, computer models and programs.) Interactive (solution case studies, group work, quiz, business and role-playing, brainstorming, critical thinking, mini-study, etc.)