Key questions of the theme.
1 What are the causative agent of syphilis and describe its biological properties. 2 List the ways and factors of syphilis infection. 3 What is syphilis manifested in the mouth? 4 Laboratory diagnosis of syphilis. 5 Activators of anaerobic infections, their occurrence in nature. 6 Sources and pathways of transmission of gas gangrene, tetanus., Botulism. Classification. The morphological and cultural properties. 7 How to take material from the mouth to the anaerobic microflora? What medium to sow? 8 Drugs used for diagnosis, treatment and prevention of anaerobic infections. 9 Properties of toxins. Specific prevention and treatment of tetanus and gas gangrene 10 The causative agent of botulism. Occurrence in nature. Specific treatment and prevention. 11 The role of Bacteroides in the occurrence of necrotic lesions of the oral mucosa (necrotizing ulcerative stomatitis, gingivostomatit Vincent, fuzospirohetoz) 12 Methods of isolation and identification of asporogenous cultivation of anaerobes Methods of teaching and learning (small group discussion, sit.zadachi, working in pairs, presentations, case studies, etc.) Passive metod - poll explanation. Active method (Performance and discussion of practical work, and issuing reports. Multimedia databases, computer models and programs.) Interactive (solution case studies, group work, quiz, business and role-playing, brainstorming, critical thinking, mini-study, etc.) The time of the boundary control and consultation as scheduled.