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Control (questions, tests, tasks). Control of learning material:

Control of learning material:

Exam questions on the topic:

1. List the ways and factors of syphilis infection.

2. What is the risk of occupational infection with syphilis at the dentist?

3. What is the nature of the lesion in the oral cavity in congenital and acquired syphilis? 4. By what methods of microbiological diagnosis confirmed diagnosis of the disease?

5. What drugs are used for the causal treatment of syphilis?

Case studies:

1. At the dentist asked the patient about dental caries. When viewed from the mouth on the gums of the patient revealed a painless erosion of bright red color surrounding the tooth in the form of a half moon.

1.What your presumptive diagnosis?

2.C what diseases must be differentiated?

3. What research needs to be carried out for differentiation?

2. In Clinic of Maxillofacial Surgery enrolled patients with defects of the nasal septum and the soft palate.

1. Which disease should be excluded before the surgery?

2.What methods of serological diagnosis can be used?

3. Patient D. went to the doctor about the abundant pinkish-red spots on the trunk and extremities. Genital found fresh tracks of healed ulcers. Palpated in the groin area slightly enlarged lymph nodes. With the diagnosis of "syphilis" patient directed Venereal Dispensary. What you need to conduct studies to confirm this diagnosis?

4. The patient when re-entering the skin and venereal clinic, had vascular lesions throughout the body and complaints of malaise, weakness, sweating. Laboratory studies were positive (++++) Wasserman, but on the patient's body is no chancre. What material can be taken for further study?

5. The patient complained of the appearance of two ulcers on the glans penis, which appeared a few days ago. 3 weeks before the disease, the patient had a sexual relationship with an unfamiliar woman. Microscopic examination of a smear of the discharge of ulcers, has revealed - movable, spiral shaped bacteria that performs translational, rotational, flexion movement. Number of crimps pathogen from 5 to 12. Curls uniform.

What microorganism found in the product? Based on what conclusion? What are the main morphological features have allowed to identify him? What method of microscopy used?

6. taken to hospital an elderly man in a feverish state. The body showed widespread lesions characteristic of acute vasculitis. The survey showed that he got to the hospital three years ago about the typhus epidemic typhus. What disease is an elderly person? What laboratory studies should be carried out to confirm the diagnosis? How to distinguish the disease from Brill epidemic typhus?

Question 7. in the surgical department of maxillofacial hospital admissions with trauma (laceration and ramozhzhenie tissues jaw). What preparation is needed to enter the patient to prevent the development of tetanus?


Blitz - poll:

When T. pallidum capable of forming L-shaped?

Staining techniques T. pallidum?

In what color stain T. pallidum Romanovsky-Giemsa?

What AH T. pallidum know?


Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 478. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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