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Разделы: Автомобили Астрономия Биология География Дом и сад Другие языки Другое Информатика История Культура Литература Логика Математика Медицина Металлургия Механика Образование Охрана труда Педагогика Политика Право Психология Религия Риторика Социология Спорт Строительство Технология Туризм Физика Философия Финансы Химия Черчение Экология Экономика Электроника

Theme 10. Boundary control. Cocci. Veins. disease. Corynebacterium. Mycobacteria. Anaerobes. Microbiological diagnosis of viral infections.


Goal. Verification and consolidation of pathogens cocci odontogenic infection, Treponema, Chlamydia, Mycoplasma, Corynebacterium, Bordetella, mycobacteria, anaerobic infections, control of learning on the morphology, classification, properties, pathogenesis of diseases caused by viruses, and their laboratory diagnosis, prevention and treatment.

3. Learning Objectives:

- Determine the level of mastery of the material by pathogens cocci odontogenic infection

- Determine the level of mastery of the material by agents of sexually transmitted diseases

- Determine the level of mastery of the material by Corynebacterium

- Determine the level of mastery of the material by Mycobacterium tuberculosis and leprosy

- Determine the level of mastery of the material by agents of anaerobic infections;.

- Determine the level of mastery of the material by pathogens is to define the level of mastery of the material on the morphology of pathogens of viral infections;

- Determine the level of mastery of the material on the classification and taxonomy of pathogens of viral infections;

- Determine the level of mastery of the material in virological research methods;

- Determine the level of mastery of the material on the antigenic structure ortomiksovirusov and their significance in the diagnosis of influenza ifnktsii;

- Determine the level of mastery of the material for the laboratory diagnosis of viral infections of pathogens;

- Determine the level of mastery of the material in the prevention of viral infections.

Methods of learning and teaching: the protection of the portfolio. implementation of practical work, the decision of situational problems, perform tasks in a test form, oral questioning.

5 Monitoring (questions, tests, tasks, etc.):

Questions workshops №6,7,8,9, themes SRSP №6,7,8,9,

Main quessions of the theme:

1. Value of Clinical Microbiology in the activities of a dentist. Terms of sampling, storage and transport of material for microbiological examination in dental diseases.

2. The Role of Gram-positive and Gram-negative coccal microflora in dental, inflammatory and infectious diseases.

The role of anaerobic infections of human pathology. Taxonomy. Characteristics of pathogens

3. Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Manifestations of tuberculosis in the oral cavity. Lupus. Microbiological diagnosis. Specific prevention. Causative treatment.

4. M. leprae. Manifestations of leprosy in the mouth. Microbiological diagnosis. Specific prevention. Causative treatment.

5. Name the causative agent of syphilis and describe its biological properties.

6. List the ways and factors of syphilis infection.

7. What appears syphilis in the mouth?

8. M. leprae. Manifestations of leprosy in the mouth. Microbiological diagnosis. Specific prevention. Causative treatment.

9. Name the causative agent of syphilis and describe its biological properties.

10. The concept of the virion and virus: definition, morphology and structure.

11. Chemical composition of virions. Unlike the structure and chemical composition of virions from bacteria.

12. Reproduction of viruses. Unlike the structure and chemical composition of viruses from bacteria

13. Methods for viral infections

14. Methods of cultivation of viruses.

15. How is the selection and preparation of chick embryos for the infection?

16. The most frequently used methods of infection of embryos.

17. What is called cell culture? For what purposes is it applied?

18. What is called cell subculture? What cell culture called transplantable?

19. What are called primary cell culture and monolayer?

20. The pathological material and its treatment for the infection of cell cultures

21. What the visible changes are observed in the cell by the action of the virus on it?

22. How can you prove the viral nature of the changes occurring in cell culture?

23. The nature and methodology of formulating responses gemadsorbtsii.

24. The nature and properties of bacteriophages. Basic morphological groups phages. The anatomical structure of phages.

25. virulent phages stage of their interaction with bacterial cells (productive infection).

26. Temperate phages, especially their interaction with the bacterial cell. Prophage, the phenomenon of lysogeny.

27. Isolation of phage from the environment.

28 Practical application of phage.

29. The concept of cytopathogenic deystviyavirusa per cell.

30 The nature and methodology of formulating haemagglutination, hemagglutination inhibition.

31 The essence of the reaction plaque.

32 The essence of the reaction of the "color test".

33 The essence of phage-typing.

34 The essence of the titration reaction phage Appelmanu and grace.

35 Laboratory diagnosis of syphilis.

36 Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Manifestations of tuberculosis in the oral cavity. Lupus. Microbiological diagnosis. Specific prevention. Causative treatment.

37 List the ways and factors of syphilis infection.

38 What appears syphilis in the mouth?

39 What determines the pathogenetic significance fuzobakterii spirochetes development fuzobakteriozom?

40 Modern principles of classification and nomenclature of viruses

41 Methods of indicating viruses.

42 Properties of bacteriophage titration methods, practical application.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 492. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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