Activators of anaerobic infections. Features of microbiological diagnostics in connection with the pathogenesis of diseases.
Goal. The main purpose of the study of this topic is to acquaint students with STDs (including syphilis), a feature of the flow of these diseases in the oral cavity, their microbiological diagnosis. Examine the role of clostridial anaerobes in human pathology. Examine the role of asporogenous anaerobes in the etiology of odontogenic vospalitelnyk zabolevaniy.Oznakomitsya with methods of diagnosis of anaerobic infections, principles of treatment and prevention
Learning objectives: - To study the microbiological diagnosis of syphilis; - Master Wasserman (PB); able to interpret the results of the reaction; draw up a report of the Wassermann reaction. -Explore role of clostridia and asporogenous anaerobes in the etiology odontogennyk inflammatory processes. Form of knowledge: - The spread of pathogenic clostridia in nature and their significance in human pathology - The sources and routes of transmission of gas gangrene, tetanus, botulism - On the morphology and systematics of anaerobic infections of pathogens; - About culture, biochemical, antigenic properties of pathogens anaerobic infections; - On the pathogenesis of anaerobic infections; - The laboratory diagnosis, prevention and treatment of anaerobic infections.