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Разделы: Автомобили Астрономия Биология География Дом и сад Другие языки Другое Информатика История Культура Литература Логика Математика Медицина Металлургия Механика Образование Охрана труда Педагогика Политика Право Психология Религия Риторика Социология Спорт Строительство Технология Туризм Физика Философия Финансы Химия Черчение Экология Экономика Электроника

Form of: testing, oral questioning (protection portfolio).

Control (questions, tests, tasks, etc.):

Questions workshops № 1,2,3,4,5 and SRSP № 1,2,3,4,

Additional questions:

1. The concept of the metabolism of bacteria

2. Division of microbes in food types, depending on the source of energy and nutrient substrate

3. Transport substances into the bacterial cell

4. The energy metabolism of microorganisms

5 Types of respiratory germs. Aerobes, anaerobes

6. Basic requirements for nutrient media, their unit

7. Simple culture media preparation, application

Compound 8. nutrient medium, examples, preparation.

9. Elective and differential diagnostic culture media, the principle of the preparation of examples, the use of

10. Synthetic culture media application. Examples.

11 Chemical composition of the bacterial cells

12. What is studying the physiology of bacteria?

13. To what purpose is allocated a pure culture of bacteria?

14. How to carry out the selection of a pure culture of microbes aerobes and anaerobes?

15. The growth and reproduction of bacteria. The process of dividing bacterial cells. The growth phase of the microbial population in the liquid medium

16. Pigments bacteria and their role in the process of life.

17. Methods of isolating pure cultures of aerobic, milestones

18. Methods for producing colonies

19. The main methods of cultivation of anaerobes used medium, the apparatus

20. Methods of isolating pure cultures of obligate anaerobes

21. Mechanisms of food bacteria.

22. Types and mechanisms of respiratory bacteria.

23. Methods for the identification of bacteria

24. Culture media requirements

25. Types of food bacteria

26 What culture is considered pure?

27. Breath of bacteria

28 What is a "motley series of" Hiss and the environment?

29 As defined by the ability to ferment proteins?

30 How to determine the production of indole and hydrogen sulfide?

31 The mechanism of differential diagnostic media: Endo, Levine Ploskireva.

32 What enzymes involved in the aerobic respiration?

33 What are the signs for the identification of a pure culture of the microbe?

34 The metabolism of bacteria, enzymes. Practical use of the biochemical activity of microorganisms.

35 What is a pure culture of bacteria?

36 Preparation and description of the colonies of anaerobes.

37 What stands out pure culture of microbes?

38 What kind of microbes called anaerobes, aerobes, microaerophilic, facultative anaerobes?

39 What are the enzymes involved in breathing organisms?

40 How to create anoxic conditions for the cultivation of anaerobes?

41 What kind of culture media used for the isolation of a pure culture of anaerobes?

42 The methods used to decontaminate medical instruments, linen and other items in dentistry

43 When and where are preventive, current, zaklyuchitelnaya disinfection?

44 The sequence of the final disinfection

45 The action of temperature on microorganisms. Division mikrobov by their relation to tempperature.

46 The mechanism of action of disinfectants on microorganisms.

47 Tasks sterilization in preventing nosocomial infections in dentistry

48 Types of disinfection.

49 Types and forms of relationships of microorganisms in the biocenosis.

50 The concept of transit and the resident microflora.

51 The concept of biocenosis, biotope ecosystem.

54 Mikrofflora mouth.

55 The microflora of the upper dyhatelbnyh ways.

56 The concept of aseptic and antiseptic. Value.

57 main groups of antibiotics, their antimicrobial spectra, mechanism of action

58 The main reasons for the formation of bacterial drug resistance

59 Qualitative and quantitative methods for determining the sensitivity of bacteria to antibiotics

Antibiotics 60. History is open. producers of antibiotics

61 Principles of rational antibiotic therapy and specific prevention of microbial diseases in dentistry

62 Microbiological basis of the study of antibiotic susceptibility \ resistance

63 The antimicrobial spectrum antibiotics, methods of determination.

64 Basic requirements to antibiotics.

65 Preparation of antibiotics.

66 Activity of antibiotics and its measurement.

67 Practical use of antibiotics, the concept of chemotherapy.

68 Principles of rational antibiotic therapy.

69 Disadvantages of complications and failure of antibiotic therapy.

70 Unit of antimicrobial activity of antibiotics. Method for determination.

71 main groups of chemotherapeutic agents, the mechanism of antimicrobial action.

72 What is the heredity of bacteria and viruses?

72 What is the variability of bacteria and viruses?

73 The principle of the organization of the genetic apparatus of bacteria and viruses. Theoretical and practical importance.

74 What is the genotype and phenotype of bacteria? Value concepts.

75 What is a plasmid? Species, their significance in the determination patogennyh signs and bacterial drug resistance.

76 Plasmids species characteristic.

77 mutations in bacteria. Characteristics of types of mutations, meaning.

78 Modification. The characteristic value of microorganisms in nature.

79 Recombination. Concept. Types. Practical significance for microbiology and medicine.

80 Transformation of bacteria and its essence.

81 transduction in bacteria, its essence

82 Conjugation of bacteria, its stage value. Sex factor F +, its properties

83 The experience of transformation. Production. Mechanism. Value.

84 Previous transduction. Production. Mechanism. Value.

85 Experience conjugation. Production. Mechanism. Value.

86 Theoretical and practical significance of the doctrine of genetics of bacteria and viruses for Microbiology and Medicine

87 Aims and objectives of gene engineering. Practical use of genetic engineering in medical microbiology, virology), immunology and biotechnology.

88 The normal microflora of the body and the mouth of man, its physiological role.

89 Dysbacteriosis. Degree. factors contributing to its occurrence, extent, prevention and treatment.

90 Dysbacteriosis. Phase.

91 The factors causing the development of dysbiosis, prevention, treatment.

92 Laboratory diagnosis dysbacterioses. Interpretation of the results.

93 Influence of biological factors on microorganisms: microbial antagonism, bakteriotsinogeniya, methods for their study.

94 Forms, the biological significance and methods of detection of antagonism in microbes.

95 bacteriocins - factors of intraspecific antagonism.

96 Sterilization. Methods and tools used in dentistry.

97 Disinfection. Methods and tools used in dentistry.

98 Quality control methods of sterilization and disinfection.

99 Characteristics of heat sterilization methods. Methods of the "cold" sterilization.

100 The principle of operation of the autoclave, dry heat ovens.

Step 101 microorganisms disinfectants.

Criteria for selection of the method and mode of sterilization in dentistry.

102 Difference sterilization of disinfection.

103 Definition of terms "infection", "infectious process"

104 Ways of infection.

105 Forms of infection

106 Definition of terms "pathogenicity and virulence"

107 Factors pathogens. Their characteristics.

108 Non-specific factors of the body's defense.

109 forms of infection, depending on the spread of an infectious process.

110 Forms of infection depending on the location of the pathogen

111 reinfection. Definition.

112 Superinfection. Definition.

113 Relapse. Definition.

114 Forms of infection depending on the intensity distribution.

115 forms of infection, depending on the source of origin.

116 pathogens.

117 Virulence microorganisms.

118 Factors pathogenicity microorganism

119 Enzymes pathogenicity. Characteristics.

120 Features of a viral infection caused by:

121 pyosepticemia. Definition.

122 Infitsiruyuschayay dose vozbuditelya.Opredelenie.

123 of bacteria. Definition.

124 Non-specific factors of the body's defense.

125 Barrier and antibacterial properties of the skin and mucous membranes

126 The normal microflora. Value.

127 Cell protective factors orgaizma.

128 Lysozyme, its nature, mechanism of action.

Complement 129, its properties, role in immunity. Function. Activation pathway.

130 Fagotsitozkak cell factor immunitetaStadii phagocytosis.

Interferons 131. Value.

132 What is invasive and what features it is associated microbes?

133 Call antifagotsitarnye factors microorganisms give examples.

134. subdivided infection depending upon the route of infection?

135 sources, mechanisms and modes of transmission.

136 Protective mechanisms and factors of natural immunity

137 properdin system.


Tests workshops № 1,2,3,4,5 and SRSP № 1,2,3,4,

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