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1. Борисов Л.Б. Медицинская микробиология, вирусология, иммунология. - М.: МИА, 2001.- 734 с.

2. Табаева А.А. Микробиология поражений полости рта при стоматологических и инфекционных заболеваниях. Учебное пособие. – Алматы, 2006. -127с.


3. Тец В.В. Руководство к практическим занятиям по медицинской микробиологии, вирусологии и иммунологии. – М., 2002

4. Компьютерная программа “Диаморф” - “Медицинская микробиология” - атлас-руководство по бактериологии микологии, протозоологии и вирусологии под редакцией акад. проф.Воробьева А.А.


In Kazakh:


1. Медициналық микробиология, Алматы,2011,683 б Рамазанова Б.А, Кудайбергенұлы К.К редакциялаумен.

2. Б.А. Рамазанова, А.Л. Котова және т.б. Микроорганизмдер морфологиясы.(оқу- әдістемелік құрал) Алматы,2007, 131б.

3. Б.А. Рамазанова, К.К Құдайбергенұлы, А.Л Котова. Инфекция туралы ілім.(оқу-құралы) Алматы 2007,111 б.

4. Б.А.Рамазанова, А.Л Котова және т.б. Микроорганизмдер физиологиясы. (оқу - әдістемелік құрал). Алматы,2007, 126 б.

5. Б.А. Рамазанова, А.Л Котова және т.б. Микроорганизмдер экологиясы. (оқу- құралы). Алматы, 2007, 95 б.

6. Б.А. Рамазанова, А.Л Котова және т.б. Микробтарға қарсы қолданылатын препараттар (оқу- құралы) Алматы, 2007.,47 б.

7. Микробиология және вирусология (жалпы бөлімі): Оқу құралы /Ү.Т.Арықпаева, К.Х.Алмағамбетов, Н.М.Бисенова, Н.Б.Рахметова, Г.Д.Асемова, Койшебаева К.Б., Бисимбаева С.К., Калина Н.В./. 1-ші басылым. (Медициналық және фармацевтикалық мамандық бойынша жоғары оқу орындарының студенттеріне арналған оқу құралы) - Астана, 2005. – 208 б.

8. «Микроорганизмдердің морфологиясы» оқу құралы, Астана, 2004, 32б.; Микробиология және вирусология (жеке бөлімі): Оқу құралы /Ү.Т.Арықпаева, К.Х.Алмағамбетов, Н.М.Бисенова, Ә.Ө.Байдүйсенова, Н.Б.Рахметова, Г.Д.Асемова /1-ші басылым. (Медициналық және фармацевтикалық мамандық бойынша жоғары оқу орындарының студенттеріне арналған оқу құралы) - Астана, 2006. – 199 б.


1. Жалпы микробиологиядан лабораториялық сабақтар бойынша оқу-әдістемелік құрал (А.Л. Котованың ред.). – Алматы, 1997.

In English:


1.Richard V Georing, Hazel M Docrell, Mark Zukerman, Derek Wakelin, Ivan M Roit, Cedric Mims,Peter L Chiodini “Medical Microbiology”,4th Edithion, 2008, UK, p.656.

2.Jacquelyn G Black “Microbiology”,7 th ,WILEY,2010,p.846

3. Patric R Muray,Ken S Rosenthal, Michael F Pfaller “Medical Mcrobiology”,5th Edithion, 2008,p.962

4. Cedric Mims, Hazel M Docrell, Richard V Georing, Ivan M Roit, Derek Wakelin, Mark Zukerman, “Medical Microbiology”,3th Edithion, 2004, ELSEVIER MOSBY, p.659.

5. Geo F Brooks,Kaaren C Carroll, Janett S Butel, Stephen F Morse,24th Edithion, JAWETZ,MELNICK&ADELBERG^S

6. Mark Gladwin, Bill Trattler, “Clinical Microbiology”, 4th Edithion, MedMaster, Miami, 2007, p.393.

7. Anathanarayan R., Paniker C.K.J. Text book of microbiology. Orien Longman. Seven edition, 2005.

8.Medical microbiology. Ed.by Inta Ozols. Elsevier Mosby, 2004.


1.Robert M Diamond “Designing Assessing Courses and Curricula”, 3th Edithion,Jossey-Bass,2008,p.487

2.Patric Leonardi “Microbiology Study Guide: Key Review Questions and Answers”, Silver Educational Publishig,2005,p.78

3.N.Cary Engelberg,Victor DiRita,Terence S Dermondy, “Mechanisms of Microbial Disease”, 4th Edithion,Lippincton Williams&Wilkins,2007,p.762

4.William F Strohl, Harriet Rouse, Bruce D Fisher, “Microbiology”, Lippincton^s,2001,p.516

5.Jawetz, Melnic & Adelberg. Medical microbiology. Singapore. 2004.

6.Arora D.R. Text book of microbiology. CB. 2001.

7.William A. Stradit, Harriet Rouse, Bruce D. Fisher. Microbiology. 2001, Lippencott, Williams and Wilkins

8.Black Jacquelyn G. Microbiology. Principles & Applications, 1996 by Prentice-Hall, New Jersey

9.Medical microbiology. An introduction to Infectious Diseases. Ed. by Ryan Kenneth J. Appleton and Lange. Stamford, Connecticut, 1998.

10.Toni Hart, Paul Shears. Atlas de Roche de Microbiologie. - Paris., 1997.- 314р.


Control (questions, tests, tasks, etc.):


1. Name the Mycobacterium tuberculosis and describe their biological properties.

2. List the ways and factors of transmission of tuberculosis.

3. What is the nature of lesions in the oral cavity of tuberculosis?

4. What are the methods of microbiological diagnosis of tuberculosis do you know?

5. What medications are used to treat etiotrop and specific prevention of tuberculosis?

6. Name the causative agent of leprosy, and to describe its biological properties.

7. What are the forms of the disease do you know?

8. What is the nature of lesions in the oral cavity in leprosy?

9. Which method of microbiological diagnostics are used to confirm the diagnosis of the disease?

10. What drugs are used for the causal treatment and specific prevention of leprosy?

Case studies:

1. The patient in the mandible found painful infiltration with abscess formation. In a smear of pus found friends - plexus of thin filaments with a cone-shaped swellings at the ends. What diagnosis can be made?

2. phthisiatrician patient appealed preliminary diagnozom- tuberculosis, complaining of sweating, fatigue, subfibralnuyu temperature, dry cough with scanty slizistno- purulent sputum. On examination, was found to increase the external lymph nodes. What method of diagnosis is necessary to apply for the study of the patient?

3. in hospital admissions from a remote rural area with a preliminary diagnosis of chronic bronchitis. When this was done antibiotic (rifampicin), but no improvement was observed. In the study of sputum stained by Ziehl-Nielsen, TB germs are not found, but the intradermal Mantoux test gives a positive reaction.

Why smear when not detected TB bacillus, and what methods should be used? How to explain that the Mantoux test gave a positive result?

5. Before re-BCG vaccination (booster dose) in school all children did intradermal Mantoux test. One of the children Mantoux test - strongly positive. Should he do revaccination?


1. TB germs are human:

a) M. tuberculosis, M. leprae

b) M. tuberculosis, M. bovis

a) M. tuberculosis, M. avium

g) M. tuberculosis, M. kansasii

d) M. tuberculosis, M. scrofulaceum

2. Pathogens mycobacteriosis Th-rights (right everything to p o m e):

a) Mycobacterium tuberculosis

b) M. kansasii

a) M. avium

g) M. intracellulare

d) M. scrofulaceum

3. Features of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (all right, a p o m e):

a) Resistance to acids

b) slow growth

c) the stability of the external environment

d) demands on nutrient media

d) the presence of one type of nucleic acid

4. Features of Mycobacterium tuberculosis associated with a high lipid content (all right, a p o m e):

a) no dyeability conventional methods

b) is not the ability to sporulation

c) the demands on nutrient media

d) the stability of the external environment

d) the intracellular survival of

5. Painting of Mycobacterium tuberculosis by Ziehl-Neelsen depends on:

a) the ratio of DNA and RNA

b) the sensitivity to antibiotics

c) high lipid content

d) a high content of nucleoprotein

d) a high content of peptidoglycan

6. To identify Mycobacterium tuberculosis is determined (all right, to p o m e):

a) formation of nicotinic acid (niacin test)

b) resistance to acids

c) the formation of toxin

g) sensitivity to sodium salicylic

d) growth characteristics on Lowenstein-Jensen medium

7. The source of infection in tuberculosis:

a) bacillicarriers

b) convalescents

c) sick people - bacilli

g) groceries

d) the patient's household items

8. Modes of transmission of tuberculosis (all right, a p o m e):

a) transmissive

b) contact

c) airborne

g) transplacental

d) the nutritional

9. Pathogenesis of tuberculosis (all right, a p o m e):

a) formation of infectious granulomas

b) formation of fibrinous film

c) cheesy decay of granulomas

d) the persistence of the pathogen

d) changes in the body of an allergic

10. In tuberculosis Chloe process is localized to:

a) the gingiva

b) the upper lip

c) the lower lip

g) the sky

d) in the anterior region

11 Factors pathogens of tuberculosis:

a) an exotoxin

b) lipids, proteins

c) hyaluronidase

d) Endotoxin

d) the proteins, LPS

12. Feature immunity in tuberculosis:

a) congenital

b) transmitted transplacental

c) non-sterile

g) antitoxic

d) sterile

13. Methods of microbiological diagnosis of tuberculosis:

a) bacterioscopic

b) bacteriological

c) allergic

g) serological

d) all of the above

14. The test material for suspected pulmonary tuberculosis:

a) nasopharyngeal wash

b) sputum

c) punctate glands

g) the cerebrospinal fluid

d) Urine

15. The method of "enrichment" of sputum in the diagnosis of tuberculosis:

a) repeated freezing and thawing

b) cultivating in media storage

c) flotation

g) centrifuging

d) sonication

16. For microscopy method for diagnosis of tuberculosis is used (all right, a p o m e):

a) Gram stain

b) color Ziehl-Neelsen

c) a native material

g) enriched material

d) color luminescent dyes (auramine O, rhodamine C)

17. The results of bacteriological tests in the diagnosis of tuberkulezavydayut:

a) on the 4th day

b) on the 7th day

c) after 2 weeks

g) one month

d) 3-4 months

18. The sensitivity of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to antibiotics is determined by:

a) the method of discs

b) by Celia -Nilsena

c) the method of absolute concentration

g) by flotation

d) by homogenization and deposition

19. Primary drug resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis:

a) the natural resistance

b) acquired resistance

c) is detected in mycobacteria isolated from patients who were not taking anti-TB drugs

g) was found in mycobacteria isolated from patients treated with anti-TB drugs

d) registered rarely

20. Skin and allergic Mantoux test is positive in:

a) HIV-infected

b) patients

c) contact vaccinated

g) neonates

d) pregnant women, women in childbirth

21. Specific prevention of tuberculosis include:

a) improvement of social conditions

b) clinical examination

c) BCG

g) Appointment of anti-TB drugs

d) x-rays

22. BCG vaccine (all right, a p o m e):

a) introduced by epid.pokazaniyam

b) live

c) placed on the 4-7 day in the hospital

g) revaccination - for positive Mantoux

d) re-vaccination - with a negative Mantoux

23. The main causative agent of tuberculosis person:

a) Mycobacterium avium

b) M. tuberculosis

a) M. intracellulare

g) M. bovis

d) M. leprae

24. Mycobacterium tuberculosis (all right, a p o m e):

a) sticks

b) does not form spores

c) acid-resistant

d) form a grain volutin

d) are not mobile

25. A distinctive feature of Mycobacterium tuberculosis:

a) high lipid content in the cell wall

b) a high content of nucleoprotein

c) the kernel

d) formation of exo-and endotoxins

d) penetrate intact skin

26 Features of Mycobacterium tuberculosis associated with a high lipid content (all right, a p o m e):

a) Gram stain

b) by conventional methods Stain

b) acid resistance

d) slow reproduction

d) survival in macrophages

27. The main method of coloring of Mycobacterium tuberculosis:

a) Gram

b) Ziehl-Nielsen

c) Romanovsky-Giemsa

g) Neisseria

d) fuchsin

28 Mycobacterium tuberculosis (all right, a p o m e):

a) aerobic

b) psychrophiles

c) grow on special media

d) demanding to culture media

d) slowly multiply

29. tubercle (specific granuloma) is characterized by all to p o m e:

a) primary outcome in primary infection - dissemination of Mycobacterium tuberculosis

b) contains Mycobacterium tuberculosis

c) develops on the background GCHZT

g) was subjected to the disintegration of caseous

d) the main outcome in primary infection - Conservation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis

30 Primary infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis is characterized by a (correct all except E):

a) changes in the body of an allergic

b) formation of specific granules

c) in 90-95% of cases of disease progression

g) in 90-95% of asymptomatic persistance

d) the multiplication of the pathogen

31 Secondary tuberculosis develops at:

a) intrauterine infection

b) primary infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis

c) a massive infection of environmental mycobacteria

g) Re-infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis and reactivation of endogenous hearth

d) blood transfusion TB patient

32 tuberculous lesions of the oral cavity are mainly:

a) exogenous origin

b) endogenous origin

c) congenital abnormality

g) in smokers

e) dentists

33 The resurgence of tuberculosis is associated with (all right, a p o m e):

a) new types of pathogens

b) intensive migration

c) the deterioration of the socio-economic conditions

d) primary drug resistance

d) a large number of patients with epidemiologically dangerous forms of the disease

34 Methods of microbiological diagnosis of tuberculosis:

a) bacterioscopic

b) bacteriological

c) allergic

r) gene diagnostics (PCR)

d) all of the above

35 Advantages microscopy method for the diagnosis of tuberculosis (all right, a p o m e):

a) speed

b) determination of primary drug resistance

c) the availability of

d) low cost

d) the epidemiological significance (positive evidence of massive isolation and danger of the patient to others)

36 The advantage of the method in the bacteriological diagnosis of tuberculosis (all right, a p o m e):

a) is carried out in health facilities bacteriological labs, CSES

b) is carried out by specialized laboratories

c) does not require special training of specialists

d) issue results in 3-4 months

d) determination of antimicrobial susceptibility

37 Mantoux test in the diagnosis of tuberculosis is used for:

a) determine the effectiveness of the therapy

b) determining GCHNT

c) determine the need for revaccination

g) Identification of Mycobacterium

d) determination of specific antibodies

Tuberculin 38 - is:

a) vaccine

b) toxoid

c) protein fraction of Mycobacterium

d) lipid fraction of mycobacteria

d) an exotoxin

39 BCG vaccine is created:

a) Koch

b) Calmette Guerin and

c) Pirke

g) Mantoux

d) Pasteur

40 BCG vaccine contains:

a) a dead culture of M. tuberculosis

b) a dead culture of M. bovis

c) protein fraction M. tuberculosis

d) an attenuated strain of M. bovis

d) an attenuated strain of M. tuberculosis

41 Causal treatment of tuberculosis involves (all right, a p o m e):

a) the simultaneous use of multiple drugs

b) long-term use of drugs

c) the abolition of taking the drugs at the termination of bacilli

d) knowledge of the current state of the sensitivity of mycobacteria

d) determination of the sensitivity of mycobacteria

42 Drugs used in the treatment of tuberculosis (all right, a p o m e):

a) isoniazid

b) rifampicin

c) Streptomycin

d) Penicillin

d) ethionamide

43 Acquired (secondary) drug resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis:

a) the natural resistance

b) has no practical significance

c) is detected in mycobacteria isolated from patients who were not taking anti-TB drugs

g) was found in mycobacteria isolated from patients treated with anti-TB drugs

d) registered rarely

44 The system of measures to reduce the incidence of tuberculosis include (all right, a p o m e):

a) improvement of the socio-economic conditions

b) the widespread use of anti-TB drugs

c) BCG

d) clinical examination of patients

d) improve the microbiological diagnosis of

45 In the laboratory diagnosis of tuberculosis using

a) smear

b) isolating a pure culture of

c) biological method

d) complement fixation

d) tuberculin (allergic) Mantoux test

e) The phage typing of Mycobacterium

g) all of the above

46 The most common cause of tuberculosis in humans

a) Mycobacteriuimtuberculosis

b) M.bovis

a) M.microbi

47 Mycobacteria are

a) a gram-positive organisms

b) a Gram-negative microorganisms

48 The diagnosis of TB can be put

a) on the basis of isolation of a pure culture

b) using serological methods

c) microscopy pathological material

all of the above methods

49 Mycobacterium grow

a) promptly on any nutrient media

b) slow on any nutrient media

c) quickly on special media for mycobacteria

g) was slowly on special media for mycobacteria

50 The color of Mycobacterium tuberculosis by Ziehl-Neelsen depends on:

a) the ratio of DNA and RNA

b) the sensitivity to antibiotics

c) high lipid content

d) a high content of nucleoprotein

d) a high content of peptidoglycan


Theme 8. Pathogens of sexually transmitted diseases. Spirochetes. Mycoplasmas. Chlamydia. Features of microbiological diagnostics in connection with the pathogenesis of diseases. Principles of treatment, prevention.

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