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Разделы: Автомобили Астрономия Биология География Дом и сад Другие языки Другое Информатика История Культура Литература Логика Математика Медицина Металлургия Механика Образование Охрана труда Педагогика Политика Право Психология Религия Риторика Социология Спорт Строительство Технология Туризм Физика Философия Финансы Химия Черчение Экология Экономика Электроника

Theme 9. infected chick embryo. Methods of infection. The mechanism of setting and evaluation of phage-typing ..

Agglutination (WGA, PHA, Coombs). Precipitation reaction. Reaction immunoflyuorostsenitsii (RIF). The reaction of the immune lysis bacteriolysis. Complement fixation (DGC). Linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA). Reaction immobilization of microorganisms. Statement of the ELISA reaction with HIV infection. Interpretation of results.


2. Goal: To form students knowledge about the importance of viruses and phages in human pathology; of virological research methods, principles of indication and identification of viruses,

formation of students' basic competence on the foundations of immunoassay and infectious diseases; mechanisms of the formation of immune complexes in serological tests; phagocytosis - as a factor in nonspecific protection immunodiagnostic methods (agglutination, precipitation, DGC, neutralization RIF, RIA, ELISA) and the interpretation of their results, to study the ELISA as a method of diagnosis of HIV infection, the stages of setting reaction and to develop skills in the interpretation of the results.


3. Learning Objectives:

- To generate knowledge about virology research methods;

- To generate knowledge about the principles of indication and identification of viruses;

- Sformirovvat skills in the art of infection of the chick embryo;

- To develop skills in interpreting the results phage typing, titration Appelmanu and grace.

- To master the concept of antigen and antibody;

- To master the concept of phagocytosis, terms of its intensity;

- To generate knowledge about the basics of immunodiagnosis of infectious diseases;

- To study the mechanisms, characteristics and methods of setting various immunological reactions;

- To teach students to interpret the results

- To generate knowledge about the features of the display and identification of viral antigens

- To generate knowledge about the mechanisms of the formation of immune complexes in the reactions

- To generate knowledge about the methods of serological diagnosis of infectious diseases (RA, RP, DNC, RN RIF, RIA, ELISA).

- To develop skills in the formulation of serological tests;

- To develop skills for the calculation of phagocytic number and phagocytic index;

- To develop skills in the interpretation of results

- To generate knowledge about the IFA: the essence of the reaction mechanism, staged as a modern method of diagnosing infectious zayuolevany,

- To generate knowledge about the IFA, as a method of diagnosis of HIV infection

- To develop skills posing IFA

- To develop skills in the interpretation of the result IFA- diagnosis.

- To develop practical skills in the formulation of ELISA kit using simulation of the reaction;

- To develop practical skills in the interpretation of the results IFA.

4. Type of course:

Active method - seminar.

Online - testing.

5. Tasks relating to:

1. Record device virology laboratory.

2. Record technique titre phage Appelmanu and Gracia

3. Specify the practical application of the phage.

4. Sketch of the method of infection of the chick embryo.

5. Draw the methods of indication and identification of viruses.

6. Define the terms "antigen" and "antibody", their chemical nature, properties.

7. Identify types of serological reactions, and their importance in medicine

8. Draw the circuit performances agglutination indicating ingredients, mechanism, varieties, methods of production. Practical application, advantages, disadvantages.

9. Draw the diagram setting precipitation reaction indicating ingredients, mechanism, varieties, methods of production. Practical application, advantages, disadvantages.

10. Draw the circuit performances complement fixation with an indication of the mechanism, systems involved in the reaction, the ingredients of each system, the methods of production. Practical application, advantages, disadvantages,

11 Define the concept of "complement." Specify the components involved in immunological reactions

12. Specify the path of complement activation by the classical and alternative pathway

13. Draw the circuit performances neutralization indicating ingredients, mechanism, varieties, methods of production. Practical application, advantages, disadvantages,

14.Zarisovat scheme setting Coombs reaction for the detection of incomplete antibodies indicating the ingredients of the mechanism. Practical application, advantages, disadvantages,

15. Define the method of ELISA.

16. Specify the stages of the EIA during diagnostki HIV

17. interpret the results of the analysis provided by the IFA.

18. Immunoblotting: definition, essence.

19. Specify the morphology and draw the structure of the human immunodeficiency virus.

20. Specify the HIV antigens.

21. Specify the HIV resistance.

22. Specify the morphology and draw the structure of the human immunodeficiency virus

Handout 6.:

- Morphology of viruses (electronic version)

- Types of bacteriophages (electronic version)

- Structure of the bacteriophage (electronic version)

- The stage of virus-cell interaction (electronic version)

- Methods of infection of the chick embryo (diagram)

- Types of cell cultures (scheme)

- Methods of indication and identification of viruses (scheme)

- The development of a viral infection (scheme)

- The stage of phagocytosis (electronic version)

- The protection of non-specific factors (electronic version)

- Immune system (electronic version)

- Determination of the phagocytic index and phagocytic index (electronic version)

- Schemes posing RA, RP, DGC, RN

- A set of reagents for the production of RA, RP, RAC

- Smear with incomplete phagocytosis

- Counting scheme opsonofagotsitarnogo index

- A film about the reproduction of HIV

- Diagram of the structure of HIV

- Imitation, fake posing IFA

- Atlas-guide in bacteriology, mycology, virology and protozoology (AA Vorobiev, JSC "Diamorf" Reg. № 2001610396 ROSPATENT)

- A lecture to students "Medicine" 3 course, LA "Science Book" information material, 2005

- Presentation of Microbiology "Demo"

- MicrobiologyAnimationCollection 2010

- Atlas of Medical Microbiology, Virology and Immunology (AA Vorobiev, M., 2003)

Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 471. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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