Control (questions, tests, tasks). Control of learning material:
Control of learning material: 1. Give the definition of nosocomial infections. 2. What is the relevance of nosocomial infections in dentistry? 3. List the main etiological agents of nosocomial infections in dentistry. 4. What are the ways and factors of transmission of nosocomial infections. 5. What activities should be carried out for the prevention of nosocomial infections in the institutions of art omatologicheskogo Profile? 6. What preventive measures carried out medical staff dental clinics? 7. What vaccinations do you know? 8. Requirements for the processing of hazardous medical waste. 9. Groups of medical waste. 10. As utilized group F?
Exam questions on the topic: 1. HAI. Their problem in health care settings dental profile. 2. The etiology, epidemiology, laboratory diagnostics, ways and factors of transmission, prevention of nosocomial infections. 3. zones of microbial contamination in the dental office. 4. Rules compliance biosecurity dentist.
Case studies: 1. In the maternity ward were isolated from newborn enteropatogennnye E. coli strains. At the same time suffered a diarrheal illness nurse from the nursery. 1. Who or what is the source of infection? 2. What activities need to take place in order to prevent the spread of this infection? 3. What are the reasons on the part of medical staff predispose to the emergence and spread of infection 4. How to identify the source of infection? 2. In the children's group observed outbreak of acute intestinal diseases relevant to the clinical picture of dysentery. Diseases of the time associated with the arrival of a new baby-sitting job. 1. What microbial issleovaniya need to spend to investigate the outbreak. 2. People to be radiographed? 3. In the dental office nurse shall allocate the waste groups and dispose of them. 1. What waste streams you know? 2. In what ways can they be disposed of? 3. When a routine vaccination dentist revealed that he had a chronic form of hepatitis B. 1. What are the next steps to be taken in respect of this doctor?
Questions blitz - the survey: 1. HAI - is it? 2. What determines the incidence of nosocomial infections? 3. What are the characteristics of nosocomial infections caused by pathogens? 4. What are the characteristics of nosocomial infections caused by opportunistic pathogens? 5. List the rules of biosecurity. 6. Precautions in the dentist. 7. How many groups of medical waste you know? 8. Ways to waste.