Viral hepatitis D
Hepatitis D (HDV, hepatitis delta) is caused by defective virus size of 37 nm, containing RNA, which is required for hepatitis B virus replication; exists either as a co-infection with hepatitis B or superinfection develops, leading to chronic hepatitis B virus infection Increases severity of hepatitis B, accelerating the progression of chronic hepatitis to cirrhosis, sometimes occurs as fulminant acute hepatitis_ Note that when infected with hepatitis D can be absent in the blood markers of hepatitis B - HbsAg antibody to hepatitis B core (anti-HBc) as hepatitis D virus is able to inhibit propagation of hepatitis B virus For the diagnosis of serum antibodies to hepatitis D (acute hepatitis D often have low antibody titers in chronic hepatitis D - higher titers)_ Viral hepatitis D is endemic for hepatitis B virus carriers who live in the Mediterranean Basin, parts of South America. On the other hand, percutaneous spread of infection among those note of virus HBsAg, injecting intravenous drugs hemophiliacs with transfusion therapy and, to a lesser extent, among gay men virus carriers HBsAg. Used for the prevention of hepatitis B vaccine, but not for virus carriers_ Markers: 1. Viral hepatitis D, the definition of RNA (NDV-RNA) Qualitative detection of hepatitis D virus RNA by PCR. 2. Antibodies total IgG and IgM to hepatitis D (anti-HDV IgG + antiHDV IgM) Method for detection of hepatitis D infection by identifying in the blood at the same time of IgG and IgM (total antibodies produced to hepatitis D). 3. Hepatitis G, the definition of RNA (HGV-RNA) Qualitative detection of HCV RNA by PCR G_ Case studies: 1.In the January-February this year in organized groups of adults and children were observed outbreaks of ARD_ Beginning of an outbreak was characterized by a high incidence of greater than several times the level of interepidemic morbidity. The clinical picture is dominated by first symptoms of intoxication, high (380 and above), fever, headache, later celebrated in some cough, others often expressed a runny nose. Occasionally observed cold sores on the lips_ What virus can be connected this disease? Based on this assumption, some clinical material should be obtained from patients and how to quickly decipher flash. List the methods of rapid diagnosis_ 2.In the summer in a camp an outbreak of acute intestinal diseases_ The results of bacteriological studies have shown that enteric bacteria are not the causative agent_ What research is needed to determine the conduct of the disease. 3. In the therapeutic clinic patient appeared jaundice and other symptoms zabolevaeniya, kotrroe could be diagnosed as viral hepatitis_ What are the possible reasons for its occurrence? What research is needed to confirm dipgnoza spend? 3.Cherez 2 months after blood transfusion in a child in the family developed jaundice_ What type of hepatitis may include a zabolevaenie? How to prove? 4.The appointment with a local doctor with the child's mother came_ 3 months ago, the child has been vaccinated with DTP_ The child yellowness of the sclera, enlarged liver_ Two weeks before the appearance of jaundice in a child there was a decrease of appetite, nausea, repeated vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. In addition to this child in the family still have children_ They are healthy_ Your presumptive diagnosis? Which methods of microbiological diagnostics are needed to confirm the diagnosis_ Name the mode of transmission in this case_ Questions blitz - the survey: 1. Taxonomy of herpesviruses_ 2. herpesvirus of importance in dental practice_ Ситуационные задачи: 1.В лабораторию поступил материал (кусок парашюта) для исследования на особо опасную инфекцию. Подозрение на диверсию.Парашютистов в этом районе не было. При изучении культуральных свойств выяснилось, что культура на кровяном агаре дает гемолиз, колонии с неровными краями в R-форме. О каком микробе можно думать и какие дополнительные исследования можно провести? Теsts: 1 To RNA viruses include: 1.Poxviridae 2.Orthomyxoviridae 3.Rubivirus 4.Hepadnaviridae 5.Adenoviridae 2. GROUP INCLUDES paramyxovirus agent: 1.Ospy 2.Poliomielita 3.Adenovirusy 4.Kori 5.Beshenstva 3. FOR orthomyxoviruses characterized by: 1.Tropizm to mucopolysaccharides 2.Ferment neuraminidase 3.Imeyut superkapsidnuyu shell 4.Nalichie DNA 5.Peritrihialnye flagella 4. influenza virus HAVE: 1.Zhirovye inclusion 2. Largest sizes 3.Spiralny type of symmetry of the nucleocapsid 4.Plazmokoagulazu 5.Ribosomy 5. FOR epidemiology of influenza is characterized by: 1.Fekalno-oral transmission 2.Sporadicheskie disease 3.Vodny pathway 4.Vozniknovenie epidemics and pandemics 5.Transmissivny pathway 6. Identification of Influenza performed in the reaction: 1.Agglyutinatsii 2.Gemagglyutinatsii 3.Zaderzhki hemagglutination 4.Pretsipitatsii 5.Ingibitsii neuraminidase 7. immunity in influenza: 1.Svyazan with the production of interferon 2.Nespetsifichesky 3.Napryazhenny, type-specific 4.Antitoksichesky 5.Nesterilny 8. Pathogenesis parainfluenza: 1.Protekaet by type of intestinal infection 2.Reproduktsiya virus occurs in the nuclei of hepatocytes 3.Protekaet by type of acute respiratory infections 4.Reprodutsiruyutsya in the epithelial cells of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx 5.Virus localized lymph node 9. IMMUNITY IN parainfluenza: 1.Tipospetsifichesky 2.Antitoksichesky 3.Antibakterialny 4.Vyrabatyvayutsya secretory antibodies 5.Nespetsifichesky 10. Name the virus family INVOLVED IN DISEASES OF THE UPPER RESPIRATORY TRACT: 1.Adenoviridae 2.Orthomyxoviridae 3.Togaviridae 4.Retroviridae 5.Hepadnaviridae 11. Identification of Influenza performed in the reaction: 1.Agglyutinatsii 2.Gemagglyutinatsii 3. + Delays hemagglutination 4.Pretsipitatsii 5.Ingibitsii neuraminidase 12. RNA viruses include: 1.Poxviridae 2.Orthomyxoviridae 3.Rubivirus 4.Hepadnaviridae 5.Adenoviridae 13. GROUP INCLUDES paramyxovirus agent: 1.Ospy 2.Poliomielita 3.Adenovirusy 4.Kori 5.Beshenstva 14. FOR orthomyxoviruses characterized by: 1.Tropizm to mucopolysaccharides 2.Ferment neuraminidase 3.Imeyut superkapsidnuyu shell 4.Nalichie DNA 5.Peritrihialnye flagella 15. influenza viruses HAVE: 1.Zhirovye inclusion 2. Largest sizes 3.Spiralny type of symmetry of the nucleocapsid 4.Plazmokoagulazu 5.Ribosomy 16. FOR epidemiology of influenza is characterized by: 1.Fekalno-oral transmission 2.Sporadicheskie disease 3.Vodny pathway 4.Vozniknovenie epidemics and pandemics 5.Transmissivny pathway 17. Identification of Influenza performed in the reaction: 1.Agglyutinatsii 2.Gemagglyutinatsii 3.Zaderzhki hemagglutination 4.Pretsipitatsii 5.Ingibitsii neuraminidase 18. IMMUNITY IN FLU: 1.Svyazan with the production of interferon 2.Nespetsifichesky 3.Napryazhenny, type-specific 4.Antitoksichesky 5.Nesterilny 19. Pathogenesis parainfluenza: 1.Protekaet by type of intestinal infection 2.Reproduktsiya virus occurs in the nuclei of hepatocytes 3.Protekaet by type of acute respiratory infections 4.Reprodutsiruyutsya in the epithelial cells of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx 5.Virus localized lymph node 20. IMMUNITY IN parainfluenza: 1.Tipospetsifichesky 2.Antitoksichesky 3.Antibakterialny 4.Vyrabatyvayutsya secretory antibodies 5.Nespetsifichesky 21. Name the virus family INVOLVED IN THE UPPER PATHOLOGY RESPIRATORY: 1.Adenoviridae 2.Orthomyxoviridae 3.Togaviridae 4.Retroviridae 5.Hepadnaviridae 22. Hepatitis A virus is characterized by: 1.Obladaet tropism for mucopolysaccharides 2.Imeet haemagglutinating antigen 3.Ustoychiv to the airwaves 4.Otnositsya RNA viruses 5.Obladaet neytrotropnym action 23. VIRUS HBV applies to: 1.Picornaviridae 2.Hepadnaviridae 3.Retroviridae 4.Paramyxoviridae 5.Togaviridae 24. IN LABORATORY DIAGNOSIS HBV identified: 1.Teltsa Negri 2.NVs antigens 3.Tsitopatogennoe deytstvie virus 4.Narastanie antibody titer 5.Allergicheskuyu reorganization of an organism 25. DIFFERENCE OF HEPATITIS B HEPATITIS A: 1. Lack lipoprotein envelope 2.Do not happen carriage 3.Vyrazhena immunopathology 4.Parenteralny method of infection 5.Vyrazhena seasonality of the disease 26. VIRUS HAV applies to: 1.Hepadnaviridae 2.Togaviridae 3.Flavivirus 4.Picornaviridae 5.Adenoviridae THESAURUS (glossary): haemagglutination test The precipitate in the form of "buttons" The precipitate in the form of "umbrella" Hemagglutination inhibition nasopharyngeal wash chicken erythrocytes neuraminidase infectious hepatitis Immunooposredovannost The approximate timing of the activity:
Тема 9. Picornaviruses - poliomyelitis, Coxsackie viruses, FMD, rhabdovirus: rabies virus, vesicular stomatitis virus. Arboviruses. Rubella virus. Principles of treatment, prevention. Oncoviruses. Human Immunodeficiency Virus. Nature of lesions of the oral mucosa in HIV infection (hairy leukoplakia). The principles of treatment, prevention. Goal. Explore picornavirus: poliomyelitis, ECHO, Coxsackie, FMD rhabdoviridae: rabies virus, vesicular stomatitis virus, arboviruses, rubella their structure and properties, role in the development of pathological conditions, laboratory diagnosis, prevention and treatment principles caused diseases. Study the properties of VICh.Oznakomitsya with methods of laboratory diagnosis of HIV infection, epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical features, principles of treatment and profilaktiki.Oznakomitsya with typical manifestations of HIV infection and AIDS in the mouth and maxillofacial oblasti.Otsenit danger of occupational exposure dentist 3. Learning Objectives: - To form students' knowledge of the morphology and systematics of picornaviruses: poliomielitaKoksaki viruses, FMD papovaviruses HIV. - To generate knowledge on the principles of laboratory diagnosis of diseases caused by picornaviruses: polioviruses, coxsackie FMD papovaviruses, HIV generate knowledge to prevent disease caused by adenovirus, poks-, rhabdovirus; - To generate knowledge about the pathogenesis of diseases caused by picornaviruses: poliovirus, coxsackievirus, FMD papovaviruses, HIV - To generate knowledge on the principles of laboratory diagnosis of diseases caused by picornaviruses: polioviruses, coxsackie FMD papovaviruses HIV - - to generate knowledge on the prevention of diseases caused by picornaviruses: polioviruses, coxsackie FMD papovaviruses HIV 4. Type of course: Passive metod- poll explanation. Active method - work with multimedia databases, computer models and programs, demonstration material. Online - work in small groups, testing, decision of situational problems 5. Tasks relating to: 1. to differentiate morphologically adenoviruses, poxviruses, rhabdoviruses. 2. Specify the types of adenovirus infection and disease caused by pathogenic features. 3. Specify the methods of laboratory diagnosis of diseases caused by adenoviruses. 4. Specify the prevention of adenovirus infection. 5. Specify the biological properties of poxviruses. 6. Specify the methods of laboratory diagnosis of rabies. 7. Specify the prevention and treatment of rabies. 6. Handout: - Adenoviruses: morphology, laboratory diagnosis, treatment and prevention (electronic version) - Rhabdoviruses: morphology, laboratory diagnosis, treatment and prevention (electronic version) - Poxviruses: morphology, laboratory diagnosis, treatment and prevention (electronic version) -atlas-manual of bacteriology, mycology, virology and protozoology (AA Vorobiev, JSC "Diamorf" Reg. № 2001610396 ROSPATENT) - A lecture to students "Medicine" 3 course, LA "Science Book" information material, 2005 - Presentation of Microbiology "Demo" - MicrobiologyAnimationCollection 2010 - Atlas of Medical Microbiology, Virology and Immunology (AA Vorobiev, M., 2003) 7. Literature: