PHARMACOLOGY as a Medical Specialty
The Language Of Pharmacology
Посібник для розвитку навичок комунікативного читання на англійській мові
Дніпрпетровськ Дніпропетровська державна медична академія Кафедра іноземних мов з курсом латинської мови
МОВА ФАРМАКОЛОГІЇ Посібник для розвитку навичок комунікативного читання на англійській мові
Дніпропетровськ Пособие содержит тексты, задания и тесты фармакологического профиля и предусматривает работу по методике изучающего коммуникативного чтения. Пособие предназначено для студентов и аспирантов медицинских и фармацевтических специальностей и может быть использовано для работы под контролем преподавателя, для самостоятельной внеаудиторной работы, а также включено в учебный процесс при заочной форме обучения.
Составители: преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков с курсом латинского языка ДГМА, к.ф.н. Матвеева И.С. старший преподаватель Клименко И.Н. Cycle 1
Text 1 Read the text and answer the questions: PHARMACOLOGY as a Medical Specialty The field of medicine which studies drugs, their nature, origin, and effect in the body is called pharmacology. Pharmacology is a large medical specialty and contains many subdivisions of study, including pharmacodynamics, molecular pharmacology, chemotherapy, and toxicology. Pharmacodynamics involves the study of how drugs exert their effects in the body. Scientists interested in pharmacodynamics study the processes of drug absorption (how drugs pass into the bloodstream), metabolism (changes drugs undergo within the body) and excretion (removal of the drug from the body). Molecular pharmacology concerns the study of the interaction of drugs and cells or subcellular entities, such as DNA, RNA, or enzymes. These studies provide important information about the mechanism of action of the drug. Chemotherapy isthe subdivision of pharmacology which studies drugs that are capable of destroying microorganisms, parasites, and cells within the body without destroying the body itself. Chemotherapy includes treatment of infectious diseases, mental illness, and cancer. Toxicology is the study of harmful chemicals and their dangerous effects on the body. Toxicology includes the study of the potentially harmful effects of any drug on the body; any drug, if given in high enough doses, can have harmful actions on the body. Toxicological studies in animals are required by law before new drugs can be tested in individuals. A toxicologist is also interested in finding proper antidotes to these harmful effects. Antidotes are substances given to neutralize unwanted effects of drugs.