Exercise 1. Translate into Russian. 1) The door was instantly немедленно opened
1) The door was instantly немедленно opened. (Ch. Bronte) 2) I have been treated обращаться and respected почитать as a gentleman universally. (Dickens) 3) My boxes are locked запирать, strapped стягивать and labelled; I hate being hurried. (Collins) 4) He was like a man who had been separated from one he loved for many years... (Greene) 5) I stopped at a barber парикмахер shop and was shaved and went home to the hospital. (Hemingway) 6) We shall have time tomorrow, when my packing is finished.(Voynich) 7) My wife and daughters were charmed with her. (Collins) 8) The purchase покупка was completed within a month. (Dickens) 9) The door was opened by a girl. (Priestley) 10) I’ll be dressed in a minute. (Hemingway) 11) The small room was lit освещенный only by a dying fire and one candle with a shade over it. (Eliot) 12) The chambermaid's горничная curiosity любопытство was aroused at once. (Priestley) 13) Was your novel ever published? (Wilde) 14) He has not been well educated up to now. (Clark) 15) Huckleberry was filled with admiration of Tom's facility in writing... (Twain) 16) He was in the house when the diamond was lost. (Collins) 17) When at last the notes were finished, I typed them out... (Hilton) 18) My things are all packed. (Hemingway) 19) She realized that the old life was gone and done with. (Maugham)