Ex.1. Use the word given in brackets to form the one that fits in the sentence.
обозначает общность, совместность действий, сотрудничество
имеет значение бывший, прежний; слова с этим префиксом пишутся через черточку:
соответствует в русском языке приставкам меж-, между-, пере-, взаимно-
- The __________ (-pilot) took over the plane’s control while the captain had coffee and a sandwich.
- The US and Russia have the capacity to attack each other with __________
(-continental) missiles.
- Germany and France are __________ (-operate) on the design of a new space rocket.
- She is divorced but she on good terms with her __________ (-husband).
- Does __________ (national) sport really improve relations between countries?
- The local trains are slow but the __________ (-city) services are excellent.
- Men who once served in the armed services are called __________ (-servicemen).
- Both boys and girls go to that school. It is __________ (-educational).
- Graham is an __________ (-soldier); he left the army six months ago.
- The two communities enjoyed a period of peaceful __________ (existence).
Ex.2. Use the word given in brackets to form a word that fits in the sentence.
соответствует в русском языке приставкам дву-, двух-
имеет значение перед, ранее; соответствует в русском языке приставке до-.
соответствует в русском языке приставке полу-.
соответствует в русском языке приставкам контр-, противо-.
- We managed to drive the enemy back, but they __________ (attack).
- The back wheel of a __________ (cycle) bears more weight than the front wheel.
- Dinosaurs lived millions of years ago in __________ (historic) times.
- The pupils’ desks were arranged in a __________ (circle) round the teacher.
- His father is Greek and his mother is Italian so he is __________ (lingual).
- It was a __________ (lateral) agreement, signed by India and Pakistan.
- Liz is three. She goes to a __________ (-school) playground every morning.
- The __________ (espionage) department has caught three foreign spies.
- Houses in Britain are often built in pairs. They are called __________ (-detached).
- He was only __________ (-conscious) when the ambulance arrived and he died in hospital.
Ex.3. Use the word given in brackets to form a word that fits in the sentence.
- Appalling poverty and great wealth __________ (exist) in the city.
- __________ (-friend) rarely meet again or even write.
- She's the youngest player ever to get through to a __________ (-final).
- Sheila Watson is the _____ (-author) of this book.
- The committee has just published its __________ (annual) report.
- Jade and turquoise are __________ (-precious) stones.
- The government’s __________ (measure) against inflation have been completely ineffective.
- Girls tend to do better academically in single-sex schools than in __________ (-educational) ones.
- The __________ (-star) of ‘Casablanca” are Ingrid Bergman and Humphrey Bogart.
- France and Germany have signed a __________ (lateral) agreement to help prevent drug smuggling.
- __________ (school) is a school for children who are younger than five years old.
- Dinosaurs __________ (-exist) human beings by many millions of years.
- The Romans always made their arch as a __________ (circle).
- We had not expected them to __________ (attack) so soon.
- She works as a __________ (lingual) secretary for an insurance company.
Ex.4. Use the word given in brackets to form the one that fits in the sentence.
соответствует в русском языке приставкам после-, по-
соответствует в русском языке приставкам одно-, едино-
соответствует в русском языке приставкам против-, анти-
обозначает отсутствие или отрицание
- He got his university degree last year. Now he is doing __________ (graduate) studies.
- Some flights go from London to the Middle East __________ (-stop).
- The words ‘fat’, ‘help’ and ‘come’ are all __________ (syllables).
- That is __________ (sense)! You do not know what you are talking about.
- The principal __________ (-war) problem was to rebuild the destroyed cities and industries.
- Maybe future trains will run on just a single track. The system is called a __________ (rail).
- To prevent petrol from freezing, put __________ (freeze) in the tank.
- I am not __________ (-marriage). I think it is a very good custom.
- I am afraid the club is not open to ___________ (-members).
- She is __________ (social). She does not like meeting new people.
Ex.5. Use the word given in brackets to form the one that fits in the sentence.
соответствует в русском языке приставкам много-, мульти-
соответствует в русском языке приставкам через-, транс-
соответствует в русском языке приставкам над-, сверх-
- He works in London and New York so he’s a regular __________ (atlantic) passenger.
- He was so powerful that he sometimes seemed almost __________ (human).
- The bedroom walls are white, but the curtains are __________ (coloured).
- It is now possible to __________ (plant) a heart from a dead person to a living one.
- Britain has people from all over the world. It is a __________ (racial) society.
- He believes in ghosts and magic and other __________ (natural) things.
- Concorde is a __________ (sonic) plane. It flies faster than sound.
- He is incredibly rich. He’s certainly a __________ (-millionaire).
- This airline provides __________ (continental) flights at reasonable prices.
- Britain is increasingly a __________ (cultural) society.
Ex.6. Use the word given in brackets to form the one that fits in the sentence.
обозначает быть сторонником
указывает на положение ниже; имеет значение подчиненный
соответствует в русском языке приставкам одно-, едино-
соответствует в русском языке приставкe трех-
- That road is very dangerous. Use the __________ (way) to get across.
- The __________ (marine) approached the warship unseen.
- They have discovered some __________ (terranean) caves 2000 feet down.
- Soldiers, policemen and firemen wear __________ (form). Teachers do not.
- Small children ride __________ (cycles), not bicycles.
- He likes British people and culture. He is very __________ (-British).
- A shape with three angles is called a __________ (angle).
- The __________ (war) party wanted more arms and a big army.
- Both men and women have their hair cut there. It is a __________ (sex) salon.
- Everyone at the conference in London were __________ (technology).
Ex.7. Use the word given in brackets to form the one that fits in the sentence.
- A __________ (-stick) frying pan has a special surface which prevents food from sticking to it.
- This is a __________ (lingual) dictionary.
- Crime is a __________ (-dimensional) problem.
- Winter weather brought __________ (-zero) temperatures to much of the country
- During the summer the town has a large __________ (-resident) population of holidaymakers.
- She had become involved, as a student, in __________ (racist) movements.
- __________ (-aircraft) missiles are intended to destroy or defend against enemy aircraft.
- __________ (tropical) regions are cooler than equatorial regions.
- __________ (sex) clothes are intended for use by both males and females.
- It felt like we travelled __________ (-stop) for the entire week.
- I am on a slimming diet and drink only __________ (-fat) milk.
- The __________ (continental) railway goes from New York in the east to San Francisco in the west.
- She is said to have __________ (natural) powers and to be able to communicate with the dead.
- The play is performed on a __________ (angular) stage.
- The word __________ (standard) describes a word or phrase which is not considered correct by educated speakers of the language
Ex.8. Add the correct prefixes to the beginning of the words, make any necessary spelling changes.
- The __________ (-government) protesters marched to parliament.
- He is taking a __________ (atlantic) flight from London to New York.
- When the ambulance came, the man was __________ (conscious) after being knocked by a car.
- The __________ (-president) of the United States was honoured at a ceremony, five years after he resigned.
- Increasingly, smoking is regarded as an __________ (-social) habit.
- People who can only speak their own language are called __________ (-lingual).
- Superman is a comic strip character who has __________ (human) strength.
- There were violent scenes as __________ (-government) and anti-government demonstrators fought outside parliament.
- __________ (racial) fighting between the two minorities had led to civic war in the country.
- The two countries __________ (-operated) to prevent the shipment of drugs from one to the other.
- Body language is a potent form of __________ (-verbal) communication.
- The media gave her so much attention she became a __________ (star) overnight.
- He never goes out or talks to people; he is so __________ (social).
- Tom knew the information was somewhere in his __________ (- conscious), but he could not remember it.
- The neighbouring tribes found it difficult to __________ (-exist) peacefully.
- We caught the __________ (-continental) train from Paris to Istanbul.
- As these programmes are __________ (changeable), they can be used with any computer system.
- At the meeting, no one interrupted the prime Minister’s __________ (logue) about education.
- More and more people are buying __________ (-packed) food.
- The __________ (war) years were difficult for many people.
- After getting her degree, Jason decided to take a __________ (graduate) course.
- Have you tried this new __________ (bacterial) washing powder? It kills all germs.
- The party leader has actually declared her support for __________ (lateral) nuclear disarmament.
- Dinosaurs were __________ (historic) creatures.
- They arranged the chairs in a __________ (circle) for the meeting.
- The north of the country was hit by __________ (-zero) temperatures this week.
- There is a __________ (-stop) bus service between the two cities.
- He plays the classic __________ (-hero) who drops out of society to join a world of impoverished artists and writers.
- Seven countries are taking part in the __________ (lateral) talks.
- Such memories exist only at the __________ (conscious) level.
- I could only cross the road by going down a __________ (way).
- Nobody believed what Mary wrote in her __________ (biography).
- Let me introduce you to Janet, my __________ (-wife).
- Unfortunately our football team lost in the __________ ( - final).
- This is a good train, it goes to Manchester __________ (-stop).
- Mary is sailing across the Atlantic. She is on a __________ (atlantic) voyage.
- Terry has given up smoking. Now she is a __________ (-smoker).
- Dave was in the first __________ (marine) that sailed under the North Pole