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Разделы: Автомобили Астрономия Биология География Дом и сад Другие языки Другое Информатика История Культура Литература Логика Математика Медицина Металлургия Механика Образование Охрана труда Педагогика Политика Право Психология Религия Риторика Социология Спорт Строительство Технология Туризм Физика Философия Финансы Химия Черчение Экология Экономика Электроника


Ex.1. Make verbs from the following adjectives and nouns in brackets.

-en   встречается в глаголах, образованных от именных основ, обозначает процесс перехода или перевода в состояние, выраженное основой (to blacken).


  1. Tomorrow will begin dark and cloudy but it will __________ later. (bright)
  2. You can __________ the risk of theft by locking your bicycle. (less)
  3. These apples __________ in June. (ripe)
  4. You should __________ this dish by adding sugar. (sweet)
  5. The hospital phoned to warn that her husband’s condition was beginning to __________. (worse)
  6. This road is very narrow but they are planning to __________ it. (wide)
  7. They decided to __________ the ship by throwing some machinery into the sea. (light)
  8. I do not know how that loud music does not __________ people. (deaf)
  9. They are going to __________ that rough area to make a football pitch. (flat)
  10. When the evening began to __________, we turned on the lights. (dark)
  11. They are going to __________ the harbour so that it can take bigger ships. (deep)
  12. Have you got a knife? I want to __________ my pen. (sharp)
  13. My mum gives me so much food I think she wants to __________ me up. (fat)
  14. Foreign travel will __________ your experience. (broad)
  15. She gave the noisy baby a toy to __________ it. (quiet)
  16. Can you __________ that picture on the wall. It is crooked. (straight)
  17. That screw is loose. __________ it with a screwdriver. (tight)
  18. The boxer began to fight but began to ___________ in the fifth round. (weak)
  19. It was hot in the room and the men began to __________ their ties. (loose)
  20. This is music that will make your pulse __________. (quick)
  21. Fireworks __________ cats and dogs. (fright)
  22. My brother and I decided to __________ the money we found. (half)
  23. The strong police presence only __________ the tension among the crowd. (high)
  24. The organization's aim is to __________ the cultural ties between Britain and Germany. (strong)
  25. There is a plan to __________ the three-year course to four years. (long)


Ex.2. In each space below put a verb made from the word in brackets.

-(i)fy   встречается в глаголах, образованных от основ прилагательных и существительных и имеющих значение производить действие, обозначенное основой (to beautify)
-ise   образует глаголы от основ существительных и прилагательных, имеющих значение а) становиться, приобретать качество или состояние, выраженное основой (to computerise); b) подвергать определенному действию или процессу (to activise); c) заниматься чем-либо (to dramatise)


1. Would you _____ this book under sociology or politics? (class)

2. A lot of companies are trying to _____ by not taking on the new staff. (economy)

3. The local authorities have promised to _____ planning procedures. (simple)

4. Her latest novel will be _____ for TV. (drama)

5. $40,000 has been spent to _____ the station. (modern)

6. There is not enough evidence to _____ such accusations. (just)

7. The presence of the mayor will _____ the occasion. (dignity)

8. The lighting of the Olympic torch _____ peace and friendship among the nations of the world. (symbol)

9. This news will _____ my parents. (horror)

10. I'd just like to _____ how important it is for people to learn foreign languages. (emphatic)

11. I hope this statement has helped to _____ a few points. (clear)

12. The proposals were unpopular, so they had to _____ them. (mode)

13. She has _____ all her friends’ phone members. (memory)

14. Even the smallest baby can _____ its mother by her voice. (identity)

15. He must _____ that he has serious problems just now. (real)

16. The committee wants to _____ their product. (popular)

17. The newspaper report did not _____ how the men were killed. (special)

18. I think I managed to _____ the basic aims of the project. (summary)

19. I’m going to _____ myself – it should only take a few hours. (beauty)

20. Bright colours _____ his early paintings. (character)


Ex.3. Use the word in brackets to form a verb that fits the gap.


1. I can't really __________ taking another day off work. (just)

2. I've had to __________ my belt since I stopped working full-time. (tight)

3. One of the functions of the kidneys is to __________ the blood. (pure)

4. Instead of simply punishing them, the system encourages offenders to __________ their behaviour. (mode)

5. The name 'William' is often __________ to 'Bill'. (short)

6. Why can’t they __________ the break so that we have time for a coffee? (long)

7. The continued supply of arms to the region will only __________ the situation. (worse)

8. When I was at school, we were required to __________ a poem every week. (memory)

9. The explosion __________ her in her right ear. (deaf)

10. They didn’t __________ the danger they were in. (real)

11. Biologists __________ animals and plants into different groups. (class)

12. Could you __________ the first point please? I don't understand it completely. (clear)

13. A healthy diet can __________ the risk of heart disease. (less)

14. The certificate had clearly been __________. (false)

15. They plan to __________ the bridge by building more stone support. (strength)

16. He __________ that all the people taking part in the research were volunteers. (emphatic)

17. He tried to __________ the story for the younger audience. (simple)

18. He managed to __________ the ropes round his wrists and escape. (loose)

19. They've just __________ the whole system. (computer)

20. I'll just __________ the main points of the argument in a few words if I may. (summary)


Ex.4. In each space below put a verb made from the word in brackets.

en-   встречается в глаголах, образованных от а) основ существительных со значениям включения, заключения, вхождения во что-либо или окружения чего-либо (to encircle); b) основ существительных и прилагательных со значением приведения в какое-л. состояние (to encourage); c) глагольных основ обычно с усилением значения (to enlighten.
im- (in-)   указывает на движение внутрь чего-либо, во что-то


1. The teachers __________ the pupils to study. (courage)

2. Free education __________ ordinary people to reach positions of power. (able)

3. The garden is __________ by a high wall. (close)

4. Travel __________ people’s lives. (rich)

5. They both __________ in the army a year before the war broke out. (list)

6. The new photocopier will __________ documents by up to 100%. (large)

7. They want to ­­__________ their children in their local school. (roll)

8. We __________ a number of difficulties in our first job. (counter)

9. We must be careful not to do anything that might __________ the economic recovery. (danger)

10. The new teacher had failed to __________ any sort of discipline. (force)

11. He was __________ in 1965 for attempted murder. (prison)

12. The owner's name and address is stored on a microchip and __________ in the dog’s body. (plant)

13. That look of hatred would be __________ on her mind forever. (print)

Ex.5. In each space below put a verb made from the word in brackets.

over-   переводится на русский главным образом с помощью приставок сверх-, над-, пере-; образует глаголы со значением чрезмерности чего-либо (to overeat)
under-   образует новые глаголы, придавая им значение а) действия производимого под чем-либо (to underline); b) недостаточности, неполноты (to underestimate)
fore-   указывает на предшествование, заблаговременность какого-либо действия (to foresee)


1. He looks exhausted as he has been __________ lately. (work)

2. We have __________ our budget for decorating the house. (spend)

3. Never __________ your enemy. (estimate)

4. The milk __________ when I poured it into the jug. (flow)

5. When planning your holiday, make sure not to __________ your travel insurance. (look)

6. Eventually, she managed to __________ her shyness in class. (come)

7. There was no seat for me, because the line has been __________ (book).

8. They __________ a large drop in unemployment over the next few years. (cast)

9. Do not __________ the washing machine or it will not work properly. (load)

10. I __________ a funny conversation on the bus this morning. (hear)

11. She put the figures up on the board to __________ the seriousness of the situation. (line)

12. They were forced to admit that they had __________ her abilities. (estimate)

13. When the meat finally arrived, it was __________ and so tough that we could not eat it. (cook)

14. It is impossible to __________ exactly how our actions will affect the future. (see)

15. I missed the train this morning because I __________ again. (sleep)

16. I think it is a good thing that we cannot __________ the future. (tell)


Ex.6. Use the word given in brackets to form the verb that fits in the sentence.

  1. I __________ for the modern art course. (roll)
  2. Unable to go out because of the deep snow, she felt __________ in her own house. (prison)
  3. Because of heavy rain, the river may __________ its banks. (flow)
  4. The park that encloses the monument has recently been __________. (large)
  5. We were __________ to learn foreign languages at school. (courage)
  6. I do not __________ any difficulties so long as we keep within budget. (see)
  7. He would never do anything to __________ the lives of his children. (danger)
  8. Should the function of children's television be to entertain or to __________? (lighten)
  9. They both __________ in the navy a year before the war broke out. (list)
  10. The sales assistant made a mistake and __________ me by £2. (charge)
  11. Fertilizer helps to __________ the soil. (rich)
  12. People can become infected after eating raw or __________ meat. (cook)
  13. City lawyers are grossly __________ for what they do. (pay)
  14. The benefits of nuclear technology, she said, had been grossly __________. (estimate)
  15. Oil prices are __________ to increase by less than 2% this year. (cast)
  16. We'll have to __________ the pace if we want to keep up with him. (quick)
  17. The government wants to __________ up the existing drug laws. (tough)
  18. The room was small and dark, without a ray of light to __________ the gloom. (bright)
  19. The chicken was __________ and dry. (cook)
  20. The terrible scenes were __________ on his mind. (print)

Ex.7. In each space below put a verb made from the word n in brackets.

dis-   встречается в глаголах, имеющих значение а) действия, обратного тому, которое выражено значением основы (to dismount); b) значение уничтожения, лишения какого-либо качества, свойства (to disarm)
de-   придает слову противоположный смысл, указывает на лишение, удаление чего-л. (deactivate, defrost)


1. Sometimes we __________ on what film to see. (agree)

2. The hotel did not __________ our expectations. (appoint)

3. Experts successfully managed to __________ the bomb. (arm)

4. I strongly __________ of advertisements for cigarettes. (approve)

5. As a scientist, he __________ in things that cannot be explained. (believe)

6. The phone has been __________ while the house is empty. (connect)

7. I did not dare __________ as he looked aggressive. (obey)

8. If we have to __________ our prices we aren’t going to make a profit. (count)

9. The covers of the books usually __________ from their exposure to the sun. (colour)

10. I went to the library but could not ___________ anything about water rats. (cover)

11. The passengers __________ from the ferry. (embark)

12. Her father said he would __________ her if she married Sam. (inherit)

13. Both counties have had good reasons to __________ each other since the last war. (like)

14. They would __________ her if she disobeyed the company safety regulations. (miss)

15. Why do not you __________ your ad on the notice board? (play)

16. He has been __________ from the championship after positive drug tests. (qualify)

17. Keep stirring the water until the powder has __________. (solve)

18. These economic problems may __________ the country’s coalition government. (unite)

19. He has been __________ by the remarks in the paper. (please)

20. If you are _________ with the service, why do not you complain to the manager? (satisfy)

21. The countryside is _____ (forest) so quickly that soon there will be no trees left at all.

22. Villages are becoming _____ (populate) as more and more people move to the cities.

23. You should __________ (frost) your fridge once a fortnight.


Ex.8. In each space below put a verb made from the word in brackets.

mis-   встречается в глаголах со значением а) противоположным значению основы (to mistrust); b) неправильности (to mispronounce)
un-   образует глаголы со значением действия, обратного или противоположного выраженному основой (to unbend)


1. We had a lot of food left from the party as I had __________ how much people would eat. (calculate)

2. It will not take long to __________ my clothes. (pack)

3. He pulled back the sheet to __________ a beautiful 18th century armchair. (cover)

4. It appears that your luggage has been __________ to a different airport. (direct)

5. I am sure I have never said that! You must have _________ me! (hear)

6. Can someone help me to __________ my seat belt? (do)

7. He __________ the police about his movements on the night of the murder. (lead)

8. Tobacco companies often __________ smokers about the dangers of smoking. (inform)

9. My speech has been ___________ by the press. (interpret)

10. I cannot __________ this button. (fasten)

11. Could you __________ the kids, Steve? (dress)

12. She used to __________ her keys so often that I had to carry spare ones for her. (place)

13. French learners of English often __________ «ch» as «sh». (pronounce)

14. He watched her expression as she __________ the letter. (fold)

15. Could you __________ the door for me – my hands are full. (lock)

16. I thought he was going to support me, but I __________ him. (judge)

17. I was given the wrong tablets when the chemist __________ my prescription. (read)

18. I often __________ her for her mother on the phone. (take)

19. Could anyone help Joe to ___________ his shoelaces, please? (do)

20. I’ve always __________ politicians. (trust)

21. If a plan __________, it does not have the result that was intended. (fire)


Ex.9. In each space below put a verb made from the word in brackets.


  1. We __________ them say that they didn't really like the meal. (hear)
  2. She was __________ that they hadn't phoned. (appoint)
  3. He deliberately __________ us about the nature of their relationship. (lead)
  4. Due the error in our computer records our letters to you have been __________. (address)
  5. How dare you __________ my orders! (obey)
  6. She was _________ from the police force for bad conduct. (charge)
  7. I thought we had enough plates for the party, but perhaps I__________. (count)
  8. I think there is one key fact that you have __________. (look)
  9. If we __________ the table we can fit eight people around it. (fold)
  10. Never __________ your opponent! (estimate)
  11. I have not even had time to __________ my bag. (pack)
  12. Plastic tends to _________ with age. (colour)
  13. The thought of how much work she had to do __________ her. (courage)
  14. I was told she would be at the meeting, but clearly I was __________. (inform)
  15. With one movement, she __________ the man and pinned him against the wall. (arm)
  16. The hospital has already __________ on its drugs budget. (spend)
  17. I told him I'd meet him here, but perhaps he __________ and went straight to the pub. (understand)
  18. The region was __________ (populate) by war.
  19. I cannot __________ this belt. (fasten)
  20. I think people who ___________ their pets should be banned from keeping them. (treat)
  21. Chris totally __________ the situation and behaved quite inappropriately. (judge)
  22. All the technical words have been __________ in red. (line)
  23. __________ two spoons of powder in warm water. (solve)
  24. When you get a build-up of ice in your freezer, you know it's time to __________ (frost) it.


Ex.10. In each space below put a verb made from the word in brackets.

re-   образует новые глаголы, придавая им значение а) повторности или совершения действия заново (to re-read); b) возвращения в прежнее состояние (to reanimate)


1. Ten minutes later she __________ from the storeroom holding a picture. (appear)

2. Jane is going to be late, so we have to __________ the order of speakers. (arrange)

3. The meeting was designed to __________ parents whose children were taking exams that summer. (assure)

4. The cathedral was completely __________ in 1625 after it had been destroyed by fire. (build)

5. Can you __________ what happened last night? (call)

6. As far as I can __________, his name is Edward. (collect)

7. The police tried to __________ the crime using the statements of the witnesses. (construct)

8. It took her a long time to __________ from her heart operation. (cover)

9. She is trying to be __________. (-elect)

10. The Japanese __________ more than half their waste paper. (cycle)

11. The men came to __________ the rubbish from outside the house. (move)

12. I promised to __________ the plate I had dropped. (place)

13. The first edition sold out so we are to __________ it. (print)

14. His work was __________ on posters, leaflets and magazines. (produce)

15. The news of the accident meant she had to __________ her speech. (write)

16. Will you __________ the tape so we can hear it again? (wind)

17. She __________ her speech for a younger audience. (work)


Ex.11. In each space below put a verb made from the noun in brackets.


1. I want to __________ my house by building an extra room. (extent)

2. The doctor gave her some tablets to __________ the pain. (relief)

3. You should not __________ everything you read in the papers. (belief)

4. Just calm down - shouting won't __________ anything! (solution)

5. How can we our homeland __________ if we do not have an army? (defense)

6. He did not mean to _________ anybody with his joke. (offence)

7. They __________ a visit from the police. (reception)

8. France __________ a great deal of wine for export. (production)

9. By the time I saw the job advertised it was already too late to __________. (application)

10. The doctor may be able to __________ you something for your cough. (prescription)

11. If the ambulance does not come soon, he will __________ to death. (blood)

12. Water __________ to ice at a temperature of 0°C. (frost)

13. If you __________ your dog on cakes and biscuits, it's not surprising he's so fat. (food)

14. A large house like this must be expensive to __________. (hot)

15. You need to be pretty tough to __________ in the property world. (success)

16. He __________ himself on his loyalty to his friends. (proud)

17. The police cannot __________ that he committed the crime. (proof)

18. The potatoes will cook more quickly if you __________ them before you put them in the oven. (half)

19. She said women must __________ themselves from male domination. (liberty)

20. The smoke was so dense that we could hardly __________ (breath).

21. People __________ that they do not have enough information. (complaint)

22. His time for the 100 metres ___________ the previous world record by one hundredth of a second. (pass)

23. Snow-capped mountains __________ the city. (round)

24. She was assigned a detective who from now on would __________ her everywhere. (company)

25. Should the opportunity __________, I'd love to go to China. (rise)

26. The strong police presence only __________ the tension among the crowd. (high)

27. There is a plan to __________ the three-year course to four years. (long)

28. The organization’s aim is to __________ the cultural ties between Britain and Germany. (strong)

29. Police are still trying to __________ the suspect. (local)

30. The plan is designed to __________ the employees to work more efficiently. (motive)

31. The new trade agreement should __________ more rapid economic growth. (facility)


Ex.12. In each space below put a verb made from the noun in brackets.


  1. Scientists have __________ how to predict an earthquake. (cover)
  2. Before the election, the party claimed it would _________ the country's economy. (build)
  3. The Sahara Desert __________ for miles. (extent)
  4. More floods can __________ hundreds of homes. (danger)
  5. I have two tickets for the theatre on Saturday evening - would you care to __________ me? (company)
  6. This strategy could cause more problems than it __________. (solution)
  7. White blood cells help __________ the body against infection. (defense)
  8. Without a sleeping bag, you would __________ to death out there on the mountainside. (frost)
  9. How can I ever __________ you for all your kindness? (pay)
  10. Members of Parliament __________ a 4.2% pay increase this year. (receive)
  11. They will be _________ if you don’t go to their wedding. (offence)
  12. Computers have been used to __________ mathematical theorems. (proof)
  13. He has been __________ from his job for incompetence. (miss)
  14. The ship was sold, painted and __________ the ‘Suez Star’. (name)
  15. Family photographs were __________ on the wall. (play)
  16. Can you __________ what happened last night? (call)
  17. The book’s success has __________ everyone's expectations. (pass)
  18. She __________ her efforts to escape. (new)
  19. I have been __________ painkillers. (prescription)
  20. In the past eight years, the elephant population in Africa has been __________. (half)
  21. We have __________ to a charitable organization for a grant for the project. (application)
  22. The police are trying to __________ the body. (identity)
  23. It is so airless in here - I can hardly __________ (breath).
  24. He buys up run-down properties, fixes them up and __________ them. (sell)
  25. She was given a shot of morphine to __________ the pain. (relief)
  26. These new measurements mean that I'll have to __________ the calculations. (do)
  27. I wouldn't want to do anything to __________ him. (please)
  28. Mystery still __________ the exact circumstances of his death. (round)
  29. The factory __________ most of its workers with robots. (place)
  30. This detergent will __________ even old stains. (move)
  31. I __________ your signature and thought the letter was from someone else. (take)
  32. It took a long time for the economy to __________ after the slump. (cover)
  33. The museum has __________ after nearly two years of reconstruction. (open)
  34. We __________ all his letters to Australia for years after he had emigrated. (address)
  35. As he watched the TV drama, he suddenly __________ that he had seen it before. (real)
  36. He __________ me that my cheque would arrive soon. (sure)
  37. Lots of people have _____ _____about the noise. (complaint)
  38. The terrorist group has shown no signs of being willing to __________. (arm)
  39. We have __________ your proposals and we have decided to go ahead with the deal. (consider)
  40. The early settlers __________ or killed much of the native population. (slave)


Ex.13. In each space below put a verb made from the word in brackets.


1. He should __________ for interrupting her. (apology)

2. My mother has a special stone to __________ kitchen knives. (sharp)

3. She tried to __________ her room with posters and plants. (beauty)

4. Jane felt __________ by the news that she had failed her driving test for the third time. (courage)

5. He __________ the top and held out the bottle, offering me a drink. (screw)

6. With every new day after her husband’s death her despair only seemed to __________. (deep)

7. However much they __________, they all felt it was her fault. (sympathy)

8. We __________ about politics, but we are still good friends. (agree)

9. He reached into the lunch bag and took out the second sandwich and __________ it. (wrap)

10. You ought to __________ the first paragraph to make it a little clearer. (write)

11. They must have __________ the directions you gave them. (understand)

12. I hope this statement has helped to __________ a few points. (clear)

13. I __________ the padlock and opened the lid. (lock)

14. Petrograd was __________ Leningrad. (name)

15. Kids tend to __________ when they are bored or tired. (behave)

16. The factory workers claimed that they __________ and are __________. (work, pay)

17. All the mistakes were __________ in red ink. (line)

18. She laughed and that seemed to __________ her voice. (deep)

19. Two nurses __________ the old man and lifted him on to the bed. (dress)

20. Someone had __________ some papers from the file. (move)

21. The local authorities have promised to __________ planning procedures. (simple)

22. Let me help you __________ the buttons on that jacket. (do)

23. He claimed that the large stores were __________ themselves at the expense of their customers. (rich)

24. It is dangerous to eat __________ pork as it may contain bacteria. (cook)

25. I was sure I had __________ the question. (hear)

26. If you cannot get the answer the first time, __________ the calculations. (do)

27. Much as I __________ with you, I do not really see what I can do. (sympathy)

28. The book is an attempt to __________ the name of one of the worst dictators in the world. (glory)

29. That was a terrible meal: the meat was tough and the vegetables were __________. (cook)

30. Chemical companies are trying to find ways to __________ plastic. (cycle)

31. You have never __________ the slightest interest in what I do. (play)

32. These criticisms only __________ his determination to carry out his plans. (strong)

33. Never __________ the importance of public opinion. (estimate)

34. The weather __________ during the night. (worse)

35. It takes a long time to __________ from the grippe. (cover)

36. $40,000 has been spent to __________ the station. (modern)

37. The road __________ again when we came out of the tunnel. (wide)

38. The company must __________ its economic base if it is to survive. (broad)

39. He went back inside and __________ a few moment later carrying an umbrella. (appear)

40. The lacquer dried quickly and __________ in an hour. (hard)

41. She __________ her fruit juice with sugar. (sweet)

42. Amy ___________ her apron and folded it neatly on the chair. (tie)

43. The cause of the problem has not been __________ yet. (identity)

44. The music actually __________ the dramatic effect of the film. (high)

45. The pain __________ as the drugs took effect. (less)

46. I am sure you can __________ that suitcase if you only packed what you need. (light)

47. She wondered if she could have the sleeves __________. (short)

48. There is not enough evidence to ___________ such accusations. (just)

49. Free education __________ ordinary people to reach positions of power. (able)

50. Troops __________ the city and began firing rockets at the government buildings. (circle)


Ex.14. Complete the text by forming verbs using the word at the end of each line.

  Attempts to communicate in a foreign language can easily (1) _____. I’m always (2) _____ by my attempts to speak Greek. The waiter on Mykonos (3) _____ what I wanted and instead of beetroots brought me mushrooms. I (4) _____ mushrooms intensively but when I asked him to (5) _____ them with beetroots he smiled, went into the kitchen and (6) _____ with a plateful of cucumbers. He also (7) _____ my friendly attitude towards everyone I meet and when I complained that they had (8) _____ the meat, he grinned. To cap it all, I (9) _____ the bill and accused the poor man of (10) _____ me! fire appoint understand like place turn take cook read charge

Ex.15. Complete the text by forming verbs using the word at the end of each line.

Practical Computer Skills. As the name makes clear, this course (1) _____ the practical size of things. If you want to (2) _____ your knowledge and skills, the course will (3) _____ you to do just that. Experienced teachers will (4) _____ areas that confuse you. There may be some terminology which you have always (5) _____. This course will (6) _____ that this is no longer a problem. The teachers will (7) _____ the technical language and explain certain error messages, so that you know what to do if the same problem (8) _____ in the future. Many people are (9) _____ when applying for jobs as their computer skills let them down. So don’t be (10) _____ if you’re struggling with your computer – (11) _____ on our course.   emphasis broad able clear understand sure simple rise advantage courage roll


Ex.1. Make adjectives ending in -ful from the nouns in brackets, making any necessary changes in spelling.

-ful   встречается в прилагательных, образованных от именных, а также глагольных основ со значением «обладающий качеством, выраженным основой» (beautiful).


1. She managed to stay __________ even in the midst of disaster. (cheer)

2. It was a __________ attempt to persuade people that they would make a large profit. (deceit)

3. Thank you for a __________ evening. (delight)

4. She has a __________ way of moving. (grace)

5. This group of chemicals is known to be __________ to people with asthma. (harm)

6. He mad several __________ suggestions. (help)

7. They were __________ of a successful agreement. (hope)

8. After a long illness, her death came as a __________ relief. (mercy)

9. A __________ injury forced her to withdraw from the game. (pain)

10. She is the most _________ person in the organization. (power)

11. I did not think there was anything __________ in what I had done. (shame)

12. Mentioning his baldness wasn’t very __________. (tact)

13. She was _________ to receive a good report. (thank)

14. Thank you for offering me a cup of tea – that is very _________ of you. (thought)

15. At the time I admired his _________ enthusiasm. (youth)


Ex.2. Make adjectives ending in -able from the words in brackets, making any necessary changes in spelling.


-able   a) встречается в прилагательных, образованных от глагольных основ и основ существительных с активным значением характерного признака, соответствия (suitable, knowledgeable); b) образует прилагательные с пассивным значением от глагольных основ (eatable).


1. It is __________ to book early, but not essential. (advise)

2. English weather is very __________. It is often different from day to day. (change)

3. It was a __________ mistake. I am very sorry. (regret)

4. Is 6.30 a.m. a __________ time, or is it too early? (suit)

5. He is a very __________ boy. You can rely on him. (depend)

6. Pack them carefully. They are __________. (break)

7. You will like it. It is a very __________ book. (read)

8. You can raise the microphone or lower it. It is __________. (adjust)

9. Thank you for a very __________ evening. We had a lovely time. (enjoy)

10. We regret that late applications are not __________. (accept)

11. We will meet at 8 p.m. if you are all __________. (agree)

12. Fortunately the cancer was __________ and he is now well again. (cure)

  1. This kind of attitude to children is absolutely not __________. (accept)
  2. The police did an __________ job in keeping the fans calm. (admire)
  3. It was a pleasant hotel but it was not __________ with the one we had stayed at the Bahamas. (compare)
  4. The fire caused __________ damage to the building. (consider)
  5. Reducing the size of classes in schools is a __________ aim. (desire)
  6. It is not __________ to wear short skirts at the moment. (fashion)
  7. The villagers were very __________ to anyone passed through. (host)
  8. «Do not disturb me again!» she said in an __________ voice. (irritate)
  9. The work has been divided into smaller, more __________ sections. (manage)
  10. I have not seen much of them since that __________ evening at the Ritz. (memory)
  11. There has been a __________ improvement in her cooking. (notice)
  12. If it was __________, we could go on a later train. (prefer)
  13. Over the years it has developed into a highly _________ business. (profit)
  14. I am sure he will understand – he is a __________ man. (reason)
  15. The Eiffel Tower in Paris is an instantly __________ landmark. (recognize)
  16. Meeting you here in Rome is a __________ coincidence. (remark)
  17. You have got to put the facts into a form that is __________ to everyone. (understand)
  18. The museum’s most _________ possessions are two pictures by William Hogarth. (value)


Ex.3. Make adjectives ending in -ible from the words in brackets, making any necessary changes in spelling.

-ible   встречается в прилагательных, образованных от глагольных основ со значением характерного признака, качества (visible).


  1. The lecturer spoke so quietly that he was scarcely __________ at the back of the hall. (audio)
  2. The story of what had happened to her was barely __________. (credit)
  3. Who is responsible for this __________ mess? (terror)
  4. We need to send that letter off as soon as __________. (possibility)
  5. This software may not be __________ with older operating systems. (compatibility)
  6. The resort is easily __________ by road, rail and air. (access)
  7. It's written in clear, __________ English. (comprehend)
  8. Only the leaves of the plant are __________. (eat)
  9. Rubber is a __________ substance. (flexibility)
  10. What's that __________ smell? (horror)
  11. I think the __________ thing to do is phone before you go and ask for directions. (sense)
  12. The comet should be __________ to the naked eye. (vision)
  13. I’d like to buy a __________ sofa-bed. (convert)
  14. We have just received some __________ news. (terror)
  15. Raw meat is perfectly __________, although it can be tough. (digest)


Ex.4. Make adjectives from the nouns in brackets, making any necessary changes in spelling.


  1. I think you showed __________ self-control in your answer. (admire)
  2. It would be __________ to take an umbrella. (sense)
  3. Turn that __________ wailing music off and put on __________ something. (dread, cheer)
  4. Our prices are __________ with those in other shops. (compare)
  5. He held me personally __________ whenever anything went wrong in the project. (respond)
  6. He was able to provide the police with some __________ information. (value)
  7. Their refusal to cooperate is completely__________, considering the circumstances. (understand)
  8. There are few __________ signs of the illness that kept her in hospital for so long. (vision)
  9. Surely a diplomatic solution is __________ to war. (prefer)
  10. The old photograph brought back __________ memories. (pain)
  11. Machine-__________ passports will permit precise identity-checking. (read)
  12. Is the strap on this helmet __________? (adjust)
  13. Covent Garden has made some attempt to make opera __________ to a wider public. (access)
  14. A certain amount of caution is __________ at this point. (advise)
  15. His moods are very __________. (change)
  16. That was a __________ thing to say! (horror)
  17. The President is more __________ than the Prime Minister. (power)
  18. I need someone __________ to look after the children while I am at work. (depend)
  19. She has very __________ skin. (youth)
  20. My schedule is quite __________ - I could arrange to meet with you any day next week. (flexibility)
  21. Be _____ what you say – he is rather __________ today. (care, irritation)
  22. «Will a £50 donation be enough?» «Yes, that would be quite __________.» (accept)
  23. Many illnesses which once killed are today __________. (cure)
  24. Thank you for phoning when I was ill - it was very __________ of you. (think)
  25. Government targets for increased productivity are described as «tough but __________». (manage)
  26. The family kept their __________ secret for years. (shame)
  27. He's very __________ about German literature. (knowledge)
  28. They haven't produced any __________ evidence for convicting him. (credit)
  29. We spent a most __________ evening by the river. (agree)


Ex.5. Make adjectives ending in -ive from the words in brackets, making any necessary changes in spelling.

-ive   встречается в прилагательных, образованных от глагольных основ со значением характерного признака, качества (active, demonstrative).


1. If I criticize him he gets __________ and starts shouting. (aggression)

2. The new policy is aimed at developing __________ energy sources. (alter)

3. She criticized my writing but in a way that was very __________. (construct)

4. These are purely __________ weapons not designed for attack. (defend)

5. He told some really __________ racist jokes. (offend)

6. Modern weapons have an extremely high __________ force. (destroy)

7. We had a very __________ meeting – we sorted out a lot of problems. (produce)

8. The firm needs strong __________ management if it is to survive the crisis. (decide)

9. How will such a small firm survive in the __________ world of business? (compete)

10. They had very __________ children. (attract)

11. He was very _____ of all I had done for him. (appreciate)

12. The factory has been more __________ since we bought new automatic machines. (produce)

13. His appearance is __________. He’s older than he looks. (deceive)

14. Nuclear weapons are terribly __________. (destroy)

15. His lecture was very __________. We learnt a lot. (inform)

16. She’s very __________. She paints, makes sculpture and designs textiles. (create)

17. She’s a very __________ girl. Men always like her. (attract)

18. She was very __________. She told me all about herself and her family. (talk)

19. Firemen wear __________ clothing, otherwise they would get burnt. (protect)

20. He’s not afraid to take action. He’s very __________. (decide)


Ex.6. Make adjectives ending in -ish from the words in brackets, making any necessary changes in spelling.

  -ish   a) выделяется в прилагательных, образованных от имен существительных, являющихся названиями страны, расы, национальности (British, Polish); b) образует от основ существительных прилагательные со значением характерного признака, иногда с оттенком отрицательной оценки (bookish, mannish); c) образует прилагательные от основ прилагательных со значением неполной степени качества (reddish); d) образует от основ слов, обозначающих время, прилагательные со значением «около» (eightish).


  1. She had her hair cut in a __________ style. (boy)
  2. He wasn't enjoying the occasion so he thought he'd spoil it for everyone else - it was very __________ of him. (child)
  3. She was afraid that she would look __________ if she refused. (fool)
  4. His eyelashes were long and __________. (girl)
  5. His attitude showed a __________ disregard for others. (self)
  6. She gave me a __________ smile and apologized. (sheep)
  7. The leaves vary from __________-green to dark green. (yellow)
  8. The __________ contingent sang loudest at the show. (Ireland)
  9. "Is she old?" "__________ - late sixties maybe." (old)
  10. I met some __________ people yesterday. (Spain)


Ex.7. Make adjectives ending in –ant/-ent from the words in brackets, making any necessary changes in spelling.

  -ant/ -ent   встречается в прилагательных, образованных преимущественно от основ имен существительных (observant, existent).


  1. I found him __________ and rude. (arrogance)
  2. She wrote an __________ letter to the paper complaining about the council's action. (indignation)
  3. She could hear the __________ sound of fireworks exploding. (distance)
  4. To keep the company alive, half the workforce is being made __________. (redundancy)
  5. Unemployment will be a _________ issue at the next election. (dominance)
  6. This type of account offers you __________ access to your money. (instance)
  7. Education should be __________ to the child's needs. (relevance)
  8. Many parents feel __________ to talk openly with their children. (reluctance)
  9. There has been a __________ increase in the number of women students in recent years. (significance)
  10. On the continent people are more __________ of children in public places. (tolerance)
  11. It seemed as though the whole city had turned out for their team's _________ homecoming. (triumph)
  12. The hospital has no __________ beds. (vacancy)
  13. Many teenagers are surprisingly __________ about current politics. (ignorance)
  14. There is __________ evidence that cars have a harmful effect on the environment. (abundance)
  15. _________ walkers may see red deer along this stretch of the road. (observe)
  16. Whether I go to university or not is __________ on what exam grades I get. (depend)
  17. The teacher is __________ that the school is not to blame for the situation. (insist)
  18. Symptoms of the illness include a high temperature and a __________ dry cough. (persist)
  19. Dinner will be ready in half an hour - just be __________! (patience)
  20. Students are expected to be quiet and __________ in the classroom. (obedience)


Ex.8. Make adjectives from the nouns in brackets, making any necessary changes in spelling.

  1. He's currently the best __________ player on the team. (defend)
  2. This programme contains language that some viewers might find __________. (offend)
  3. The opposition parties have so far failed to set out an __________ strategy. (alter)
  4. Contrary to expectations, the film was an __________ success. (instance)
  5. I need someone __________ to look after the children while I'm at work. (dependence)
  6. New technology often makes old skills and even whole communities __________. (redundancy)
  7. Acting is very __________ - you've got to really push yourself if you want to succeed. (compete)
  8. At some point in the __________ future I would like to have my own house. (distance)
  9. It was __________ of them to pay so much. (fool)
  10. I'm sorry but your personal wishes are not __________ in this case. (relevance)
  11. Even as an old man he retained his __________ charm. (boy)
  12. We had a very __________ meeting - I felt we sorted out a lot of problems. (produce)
  13. I worry about the __________ effect that violent films may have on children. (destruct)
  14. I'm very __________ of all the support you've given me. (appreciate)
  15. He's __________, with fair hair and glasses. (tall)
  16. Whether I go to university or not is ____________ on what exam grades I get. (dependence)
  17. He became very __________ when it was suggested he had made a mistake. (indignation)
  18. She made a __________ return to the stage after several years working in television. (triumph)
  19. This is an interesting and highly __________ book. (information)
  20. It's ___________ - from the outside the building looks small, but inside it's quite big. (deceive)
  21. Nicky's got __________-blond hair. (red)
  22. Harry's courage during his illness was __________ to everyone. (evidence)
  23. She persuaded her __________ husband to take a trip to Florida with her. (reluctance)
  24. It's easy to be too __________ towards your children. (protect)
  25. Cheap consumer goods are __________ in this part of the world. (abundance)


Ex.9. In each space below put an adjective ending in -ous made from the noun in brackets.

-ous   выделяется в прилагательных, имеющих значение обладающий в полной мере качеством, обозначенным основой (mountainous, dangerous)


1. a __________ plant (poison)

2. a __________ organisation (religion)

3. a __________ soldier (courage)

4. an __________ journey (adventure)

5. a __________ earthquake (disaster)

6. a __________ movement (nerve)

7. a __________ film star (fame)

8. a __________ country (mountain)

9. a __________ student (industry)

10. a __________ story (humour)

11. an __________ disease (infection)

12. a __________ escape (miracle)

13. a __________ disappearance (mystery)

14. a __________ machine (danger)

15. a __________ army (victory)

16. an __________ politician (ambition)

17. a __________ person (suspicion)

18. __________ results (marvel)

19. a __________ driver. (caution)

20. a __________ sunset (glory)

21. an __________ friend (envy)

22. __________ occasions (number)


Ex.10. In each space below put an adjective ending in -ary or -ular made from the noun in brackets.

-ary -ular   встречаются в относительных прилагательных литературно-книжной лексики (exemplary, fragmentary, molecular)


  1. the __________ way (custom)
  2. a __________ code (discipline)
  3. an __________ figure (imagine)
  1. a __________ hero (legend)
  2. a __________ session (parliament)
  3. a __________ school (second)
  4. a __________ pension (supplement)
  5. __________ references (compliment)
  6. __________ subscription (volunteer)
  7. __________ structures (cell)
  8. __________ effort (muscle)
  9. a __________ verb (single)
  10. an __________ face (angle)
  11. a __________ hole (circle)
  12. a __________ garden (rectangle)
  13. __________ in shape (triangle)
  14. a __________ view (spectacle)
  15. a __________ level (molecule)

Ex.11. Make adjectives from the nouns in brackets, making any necessary changes in spelling.


  1. I did not find any of the characters in the film __________ (believe).
  2. He is done a __________ job of the decorating the hall for the wedding. (marvel)
  3. Vitamin deficiency results in a defect in __________ function. (cell)
  4. We have a strong team and a __________ chance of winning the game. (reason)
  5. The lower tax rate is particularly _________ to poorer families. (advantage)
  6. We must find a compromise that is __________ to both sides of the party. (agree)
  7. Have you got anything __________ in your bag? (break)
  8. She has some __________ expansion plans for her business. (ambition)
  9. He was shorter and more __________ than his father. (muscle)
  10. I was __________ that the meeting didn't last long, because I had a train to catch. (thank)
  11. Some people are __________ about spilling salt on the table. (superstition)
  12. I made __________ use of my time mixing with a lot of different people and practising my Spanish. (profit)
  13. I saw my sister’s __________ face at the window. (anxiety)
  14. He was __________ about the outcome of the meeting. (hope)
  15. At the __________ hour the doctor knocked at my door. (custom)
  16. It is very easy to become __________ on sleeping pills. (depend)
  17. I found him at an __________ desk in a room full of busy-looking journalists. (angle)
  18. He had no ___________ problems in his class. (discipline)
  19. There is a __________-looking van parked at the end of the road. (suspicion)
  20. Attendance at the parade was __________. (volunteer)
  21. He saw a large __________ pool of very clear water. (circle)
  22. Everyone was __________ about our costumes at the fancy ball. (compliment)
  23. I was late and he was __________ with me. (fury)
  24. You may be able to get __________ benefit while you are looking for work. (supplement)
  25. We came across a sort of trench, ____

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