Don't hide from it, and (притворяйтесь) _____________ it is not happening
Look at your (список) ______________ of _________ (things that you own)
Make a debt re_________nt (расписание) _______________.
Seek h_______st w____s of finding (дополнительный доход) ________.
Learn to be happy and (довольными) with w____t you h_______.
B_________ your time
Don't ______ ___!
Adjectives and Adverbs: Comparative and Superlative Degrees
-er, the -est
more …, the most …
1 syllable
# short – shorter– the shortest
NB:If the adjective ends in consonant-vowel-consonant, we double the last consonant:
# sad – sad d er – the sad d est; # big – bigger – the biggest
2 syllables or more
# interesting – more interesting – the most interesting
# quickly – morequickly – the most quickly# happily – morehappily – the most happily
2-syllable adjectives ending in:
- le(simple, simpler, the simplest)
- ow(narrow, narrower, thenarrowest)
- er(clever, cleverer, thecleverest)
- y(heavy, heavier, theheaviest)
# This is the simplestquestion!
1 syllable / 2 syllables + y: “y” changes into “i”
#happy – happier – the happiest
The following adverbs are used with -er, the -est!
early, fast, near, soon, hard, late
# early – earli er – the earli est
# fast – fast er – the fast est
# late – lat er – the lat est
Comparative and Superlative Degrees: Exceptions Similes
Good – better – the best Bad – worse – the worst
Many/much – more – the most Little – less – the least
Far1 – further/farther – the furthest/the farthest
Old2 (when we talk about relatives) – elder – the eldest
Old3 (when we talk about the age)- older – the oldest
Passive Voice
Present Simple
am/is/are + V3/Ved
He is asked
Past Simple
was/were + V3/Ved
He was asked
Future Simple (Future Continuous)
will be + V3/Ved
He will be asked
Present Continuous
am/is/are + being + V3/Ved
He is being asked now
Past Continuous
was/were + being + V3/Ved
He was being asked
Present Perfect (Present Perfect Continuous)
have (has) been + V3/Ved
He has been asked
Past Perfect (Past Perfect Continuous)
had been + V3/Ved
He had been asked
Future Perfect
will have been + V3/Ved
He will have been asked
to be going to
to be going to + be + V3/Ved
He is going to be asked
used to
used to + be + V3/Ved
He used to be asked
have (has) to
have (has) to + be + V3/Ved
He has to be asked
can / could
can / could + be + V3/Ved
He can/could be asked
must + be + V3/Ved
He must be asked
should + be + V3/Ved
He should be asked
would + be + V3/Ved
He would be asked
may + be + V3/Ved
He may be asked
might + be + V3/Ved
He might be asked
Too, Also, So, Neither, Either
1) Same with me (her/ him/them…)! (+/-)
+: I am hungry. – Same with me! (Я тоже)
-: I don’t want to go to the party! – Same with her!
2) also (+/-)
+: I’m a good person! – She is also a good person.
-: I don’t know – I also don’t know.
3) too (+)
+: They can swim! – I can swim, too!
4) So + A.V. + J (+)
+: I wrote a letter yesterday – So did she!
5) either (-)
(at the end of the sentence)
-: She doesn’t like semolina! – I don’t like it either! Short:Me neither /ni͟ːðə/
6) Neither +A.V.+ J (-)
-: I haven’t seen her – Neither have we!
Both / Both of <…>
NB! “ Both” is NOT used in negative sentences. Instead, we use “neither”.
Оба / Оба из…
# Both dresses are beautiful / Both of these dresses are beautiful
# We both are smart / Both of us are smart
Both <…> and <…>
NB! This structure is NOT used in negative sentences. Instead, we use “neither…nor”.
И…и… / Как…так и…
# He is both strong and handsome
# Both Mary and Katy were late
# He can both swim and dance
Either / Either of <…>
Любой / Любой (один) из …
# You can take either bus, they will both take you to East Side.
# Take either of these books!
# Either car is available / Either of the cars is available
Either <…> or <…>
NB! When the subject consists of two elements and they are both singular, the verb is singular too.
If the elements are different, the verb agrees with the element closest to it.
Или…или… /Либо…либо…
# He is eitherChineseor Japanese, I’m not sure
# You can either apologize to him or go home!
# Either John or Lucy is home
# Either my sister or my friends were at the party
Neither / Neither of <…>/ None of <…>
NB! In formal English a singular verb is used after none of + plural noun (pronoun)/ neither of + plural noun (pronoun). In everyday English both singular and plural verbs are used.
Ни один из…
# Neither cake is delicious
# Neither of these movies is (are) interesting
# None of the students is (are) ready
Neither <…> nor <…>
NB! When the subject consists of two elements and they are both singular, the verb is singular too.
If the elements are different the verb agrees with the element closest to it.
# He neither speaks nor listens to me!
# You can neithertalk to him nor see him
# Neither Lily nor James is here
# Neither my friends nor I am ready to help you
# Neithermy sister nor my friends were at the party
Neither / Either / Both
используются в ответе
# Would you like tea or coffee? – Neither. I’d like some water, please.
# Do you think I should wear a green dress or a blue one? – Either.
# Which book do you like more? – Both/ I like both.
11. Он вытащил курицу из сумки
He took the chicken out of a bag
Она выбежала из цирка
She ran out of the circus
Я постараюсь узнать его адрес
I’ll try to find out his address
Я не могу разобрать его почерк
I can’t make out his handwriting
out of date
на улице, не дома
out of doors
не в порядке = не работает
out of order
На собрании было свыше ста домохозяек
There were over/more than a 100 housewives at the meeting
Он перелез через стену без какого-либо труда
He climbed /klaɪmd/ over the wall without any difficulty
Я обдумаю это
I’ll think it over
По всему миру (стране)
All over the world (country)
новый мост через реку
a new bridge over the river
снова и снова
over and over (again)
Только через мой труп!
Over my dead body!
12. Я так и сказал
That’s what I said
Следи за языком!
Watch your tongue!
Ты такая болтушка!
You’re such a chatterbox!
Как я уже говорил
As I was saying
Давайте не отклоняться от темы
Let’s keep to the subject (topic)
Это одни разговоры!
It’s all talk!
Передайте ему мои поздравления
Give him my congratulations!
Всего наилучшего!
All the best!
Get well!
Пожелай мне удачи!
Wish me luck!
Take a guess!
Я не возражаю, если ты…
I don’t mind if you….
Я последовал вашему совету
I followed your advice
Кто посоветовал вам сделать так?
Who advised you to do that?
Что ты думаешь мне надо делать?
What do you think I should do?
13 Меня достало твое поведение.
I’m fed up with your behavior.
Это наша вина.
It’s our fault.
Он, кажется, надежный человек.
He seems to be a reliable person.
Я бы не советовал тебе делать это.
I wouldn’t advise you to do this.
В любом случае, ты мог бы попробовать.
Anyway, you could try.
Если ты хоть немного в своем уме, брось курить немедленно!
If you have any sense, give up smoking immediately!
Не рассчитывай на удачу!
Don’t count on luck!
Это прекрасная мысль!
That’s such a good idea! This idea is so good!
Мне не нужны советчики!
I don’t need advisers!
Я сделаю все возможное!
I’ll do my best!
Ему нужна поддержка.
He needs support.
Дом надо ремонтировать.
The house needs repairing.
Есть необходимость торопиться?
Is there any need to hurry?
Нет необходимости делать это.
There’s no need to do it.
14 работать над книгой /этим
to work on a book / it
удивляться чему-то (увидеть тебя)
to be surprised at/by smth (seeing you)
по крайней мере (он знал)
at least (he knew)
наконец (ты здесь)
at last (you are here)
бросать в кого-то
to throw at smb
Никогда не судите по внешнему виду.
Never judge by appearance.
Его поведение отличалось от других.
His behavior differed from others.
Дождь помешал мне прийти.
Rain prevented me from coming.
Он страдал от похмелья.
He was suffering from a hangover.
от начала до конца
from the beginning till the end
Ему удалось достать ее адрес.
He succeeded in finding out her address.
Он принял участие в обсуждении.
He took part in the discussion.
Он был одет в серый костюм.
He was dressed in a grey suit.
У меня привычка вставать рано!
I’m in the habit of getting up early!
15. Это в моих интересах.
It’s in my interests.
in time / on time
Я стыжусь, что я глупый.
I’m ashamed of being stupid.
быть независимым от к-т
to be independent from sb/st
никуда не годный
good-for-nothing / worthless
Какое ваше мнение по этому вопросу?
What’s your opinion on this subject?
Я поздравил его с успехом.
I congratulated him on his success
принимать это во внимание
take it into account
Я настаиваю на вашем присутствии
I insist on your presence.
от имени всех нас
on behalf of everyone
из-за зависти, любопытства, благотворительности
out of envy, curiosity, charity
Я привык делать это сам.
I’m used to doing it myself.
16. Чай, кофе? – Хоть что!
Tea, coffee? – Either!
Ни одна команда не играла хорошо.
Neither team (neither/none of the teams) played well.
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