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Wash ye, make you clean; put away from your souls the evils of your doings before mine eyes; that the assembly of the angels may call unto you

Blessed are they whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered.'", "Again cap. 6 (hicec.), Cyril admonishes the newly baptized: 'As you have put off the old garments, and put on those that are according to the Spirit, you shall henceforth always walk in white garments.' By this we do not mean to say that it is necessary for you always to have on white garments, but that you are to clothe yourselves in such garments as are white, bright, and spiritual before God. And in cap. 10, he says: 'Would to God, that we could all of a truth say: My soul is joyful in the Lord; for he hath clothed me with the garments of salvation, and with the robe of gladness.'";

Then he shows how holy, divine, and blessed a thing it is, to have joined one's self by baptism to the nobility of Christ, that is, to His church. It is truly wonderful, how affectionately, sweetly, and comfortingly he addresses them, saying, "You have now given in your names to the nobility of Christ, and have received the bridal torches, the desire for the kingdom of heaven, the good purpose, hope, etc." And, cap. 38, he thus addresses the baptized, "Now the odor of salvation is on you, O ye enlightened I Gather you heavenly flowers, to make heavenly crowns of them. Now, now! he odor of the Holy Spirit smells sweetly on you. You have been at the gate of the King's palace. Would to God, that you were already led before the King Himself. The blossoms have now appeared on the trees; but, oh I that the fruit also were conceivedl" Jac. Mehrn. Baptism. Hist. on the third century, page 320.

How could it be possible that Cyril of Jerusalem should have taught differently concerning baptism, than the Anabaptists today teach, namely, that it must be accompanied by faith and repentance; seeing he, as has been shown, employs throughout such manner of speech as cannot be applied otherwise than to this baptism, and by no means to infant baptism.

For instance, in the first passage he admonishes the catechumens who had spent several years in voluptuousness, not to think it grievous, to do penance before baptism for forty days; which well accords with what was said to those who were not prepared for baptism. Matt. 3:7, 8.

This he confirms in the five subsequent passages, using these arguments: That they must not neglect to repent, so that the grace of baptism may not be withheld from them. Again, that they would not have to hear it said to them, as the unprepared guest in the Gospel, "Friend, how camest thou in hither?" Again, that they, being called to the marriage of the Lamb, might be found worthy. Again, that to this end they should hear the voice of the prophet, that saith, "Wash ye, make you clean; put away the evil of your doings.";

In the sixth passage he admonishes the newly baptized: As you have put off the old garments (that is, forsaken the old life) and put on those that are according to the Spirit (that is, put on a new life), you shall henceforth always walk in white garments, that is, henceforth you shall live a holy life and pay unto God your vows made unto Him when you were baptized. This is certainly a scriptural exposition, and is not obscurely expressed in Cyril's words.

We now come to the seventh or last passage, of which we shall say but little, as it contains not a single word which does not clearly indicate that he speaks of the baptism of the believers and penitent; for he there says to the baptized, that being enlightened they now had on them the odor of salvation, and admonishes them, to gather heavenly flowers with which to make heavenly crowns, adding this wish, "The blossoms have now appeared on the trees; but oh! that also the fruit were conceived!";

Any one with only a little understanding can easily see that these words of Cyril do not pertain to infants, and that he therefore does not speak to infants or of infant baptism, but is speaking to reasonable persons, and of the baptism that is administered to such. Moreover, from his having previously mentioned the catechumens, it is evident that it was customary at that time in the church where he was teacher, first to instruct the youth in the

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