Commanded and practiced, 64
Extracts from history, 339 Frequency, 683 Heretical views of, 223, 322 Importance, 65 Infant, forced, 448 Infant has no instruction or faith, 303 Infant, introduced, 118, 119, 170 Infant, obligatory, 214 Infant, opposed by Victor, 187 Infant, refused, 224 Infant, unknown early, 104 Instrution prior, 237 Instruction six years, 153 Invisible elements in, 134 Kinds of, four, 234 241 Kinds o, water, 153 Reasons for infant, 397, 1116, 1117 Roman practice favorable to, 223 Of faith, 251 Of Jews, 192, 207, 215 Of tears, 250 Persons and things associated with, 224, 225 Place of, 611 Principal points of, 301 Required of catechumens, 224 Scripturally practiced, 340 Slaves, 237 Time of, 171, 216, 224, 263, 264, 326, 366 Vow, 993 Baptism of Ambrose, 159 Anastasius, 214 Anthymius, 194 Athanasius, 155 Augustine, 169 Basilla, 123 Brunechildis, 207 Caesarea, 214 Clodovug and people, 197 Constantine, 171 Ephiphaniug, 171 Fusco, 154 Heringild, 221 Hilarfus, 157 Jerome, 167 Jesus, 64 John, 63, 64 Martin, St., 159 Monica, 158 Namesius, 254 Mozarius, 194 Nectarias, 162 Nemesis, 123 Olympius, 254 Pancratius, 123 Placidus and family, 254 Pontes, 123 Sisainius, 194 Synesius, Syrenus, 186 Taborites, 337 Theodosius, 171 Victorious, 188 Varian, Marcellinus and Justin, 123 Wittikind, 224 Zeno of Verona, 215 Barana, 1069, 1089, 1103 Barbelius and sister Barbara, slain, 104, 108, 112 Barnabas, burned (A.D. 64), Ill., 75, 76 ---- ---- Barnabas; St., 326 Baronies, 247, 269, 306 Barriers, Waldenses burned, 315 Barsaemeus of Edessa (A.D. 108), 104, 112 Bartholomew, beheaded (A.D. 70), 88 Basil, 204 Basileus, martyred, 186 Basllideg, beheaded, 128, 209 Basilius, on baptism, 163 Sells out, 162 Basle, 429, 1127 Bastewart, 428 Bathsheba, 1015 Bavaria, 432, 473 Bedenborgh, on antichrist, 325