Frederick II contra Waldenses and Albigenses, 316, 317
Ilphonsus, King of Aragon, contra Waldenses, 298 Menno Simons, contra, 466 Pope Leo II, 286 Renewed, 551553 Roman Catholic, 412 To introduce the rules of the inquisition, 328, 329, 501 Dodoes received, 125 Dagoberts' son, catechumen, 213 Daniel, 13, 223, 357, 569, 606, 647, 652, 698, 748, 854, 873, 875, 895, 903, 918, 920, 984, 986, 1053 David, 12, 22, 751, 794, 825, 892, 903, 906, 908, 923, 1015, 1017, 1022, 1023 David's tears, 712 And Goliath, 569, 1032 Flees Soul, 357 Not innocent, 361 Neck broken, 549 Deacons in Mennonite Church, 590 Dean of Keatenne, 542 Dean of Polet, 542, 582 Deans of Ronse, 537, 541 543, 582, 1096 Miserable end, 1095 Decrease and Decay of Apostolical Church, 726 Delft. 531 Demos, 361, 609 Demetrius, died, 185 Denmark, kings, 241, 256 Departure from faith, reasons for, 672, 678 Derthuin, charged, 229 Didius, died, 185 Dionysia, beheaded (A.D. 253), 134 ---- ---- Dionysius, 364 Dionysius the Areopaqite (A.D. 70), 109, 246, 247 Dionysius, banished (A.D. 260), 139 Dionysius, wrote, 122 Dioscorus, burned (A.D. 253), 134 Dircksz, Abraham, 44 Dircksz, Class, 44 Discipline, Church, 404 Dispensations, five, 21 D. J. V., wrote, 273 Doctrines, 19 Doctrines, stable, 22 Dominic, preaches, 314 Dominicus, condemned, 428 Donatus, baptized, 153 Donatus of Carthage, 154 Donotian, beheaded, 186 Donuina, beaten, 144, 145 Dortrecht, 27, 44, 345, 550, 575, 586, 587, 871, 897, 899, 907, 916, 918, 925, 926, 930, 1132, 1133 D.P.'s in Palatinate, 1126, 1127 Dulcinus of Novaria, 321 And wife, 329 E Ecbert's account, 296 Educated ministry, 395 Egystus, martyred (A.D. 70), 94 Eight persons burnt, 300 Eighty sentenced to fire, 313 Eleazar (Maccabaean), 13, 357, 567, 855, 895, 953, 954, 960, 964, 1049 Elentherus et al (A.D. 120), 109 Elias, martyred, 183 Elijah, 12, 36, 358, 569, 748 Elijah and 7000, 233 Elisha, 12 Eli's sons, 695 Emden, 555 Emllas, slain, 245 Emilius, 306 Encouragement, 564, 567 Encouragement to steadfastness, 520, 521 End of world, 726 England, 1046 England relief, 1132 Enjoyment in tribulation, 570 572