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Section C



Women, transport and safety



Read this with a dictionary - but don't look up more than eight of the underlined words.


Many women are attacked when using transport or driving. What can they do to avoid this?

Police advice when: Driving

• Get your car serviced and check petrol regularly.

• Make the effor t to join a breakdown organisation.

• Keep a map handy.

• Make sure you have change for emergency calls.

• Park in well-lit, preferably busy areas. On returning, have

your key ready. Check the back seat. Keep windows closed and doors locked.

• If you think you're about to break down on a motorway, park as near to an emergency phone as you can.

• If you think you're being followed, drive until you reach a busy place or a police station.

Using a mini-cab 1

• Never get in a cab you haven't ordered.

• Use a cab firm you know, ask what colour and kind of car is likely to come, try to get the driver's name.


Using tubes, trains or buses

• Sit near women or the driver when on buses.

• On tubes and trains try to sit in the compartment nearest the guard or driver. Never sit in a single compartment or

an empty one. Move if you have to.

• At the station, wait near the ticket office.

Other action

• If you work late, ask for a cab home to be paid for you.

• When out with friends, try to see each other home as far

as possible. Ring and check they've all arrived.


(adapted from an article in Company magazine)



!his story, about a day when everything began to talk, ts told by the Ashanti people of Ghana.


Once, not far from the city of Accra on the Gulf of Guinea, a country man went out to his garden to dig up1 some yams to take to market. While he was digging, one of the yams said

to him: 'Well, at last you're here. You never weeded 2 me, but now you come around with your digging stick. Go away and leave me alone!'

The farmer turned around and looked at his cow in surprise.

'Did you say something?' he asked.

The cow said nothing, but the man's dog spoke up.

'It wasn't the cow who spoke to you,' the dog said. 'It was the yam. The yam says leave him alone.'

The man became angry, so he took his knife and cut a branch frOm a palm tree to hit his dog. Just then the palm tree said: 'Put that branch down!'

The man was getting very upset and he started to throw the palm branch away, but the palm branch said: 'Man, put me down softly!'

He put the branch down gently on a stone, and the stone said: 'Hey, take that thing off me.'

This was enough, and the frightened farmer started to run for his village. On the way he met a fisherman with a fish trap on his head.

'What's the hurry?' the fisherman asked.

'My yam said, "Leave me alone!" Then the dog said,

"Listen to what the yam says!" When I went to whip the dog with a palm branch the tree said, "Put that branch down!" Then the palm branch said, "Do it softly!" Then the stone said, "Take that thing off me!"'

'Is that all?' the man with the fish trap asked. 'Is that so frightening?'

'Well,' the man's fish trap said, 'did he take it off the stone?'

'Wah!' the fisherman shouted. He began to run with the farmer, and on the trail they met a weaver with a bundle of cloth on his head.

'Where are you going in such a rush?' he asked them.

'My yam said, "Leave me alone!"' the farmer said. 'The dog said, "Listen to what the yam says!" The tree said, "Put that branch down!" The branch said, "Do it softly." And the stone said, "Take that thing off me!"'

'And then,' the fisherman continued, 'the fish trap said, "Did he take it off?"'

'That's nothing to get excited about,' the weaver said, 'no reason at all.'

'Oh yes it is,' his bundle of cloth said. 'If it happened to you, you'd run too!'

'Wah!' the weaver shouted. He started running with the other men. They ran to the house of the chief. The chief's servants brought his stool out, and he came and sat on it to listen to their complaints.

'I went out to my garden to dig yams,' the farmer said.

'Then everything began to talk! My yam said, "Leave me alone!" My dog said, "Pay attention to your yam!" The tree said, "Put that branch down!" The branch said, "Do it softly!" And the stone said, "Take it off me!"'

'And my fish trap said, "Well, did he take if off?"· the fisherman said.

'And my cloth said, "You'd run too!"' the weaver said. The chief listened to them patiently, but he couldn't stop

himself from getting angry.

mini-cab 1

a kind of taxi

'Now this really is a wild story,' he said at last. 'You'd better all go back to your work before I punish you for disturbing the peace3




So the men went away and the chief shook his head and mumbled to himself, 'Stupid stories like that upset the community.'

'Fantastic, isn't it?' his stool said. 'Imagine a talking yam!'


(adapted from Voices from Twentieth-Century Africa)

A mirror, an echo


Ved Mehta became blind at the age of three after a serious illness. Although he couldn't see, he tried to do everything that normal children did. His father also

dig up 1

take plants out of the ground using a stick

wanted Ved to live as normal a life as possible, and he

weeded 2: took away unwanted plants

disturbing the peace 3: making people angry or frightened


Match the words and phrases from the text (1-6) with their meanings (A-F). Example: 1E.

1. upset the community

2. cloth

3. yam

4. punish

5. weaver

6. stool

A. a kind of vegetable

B. a small chair with no back and three legs

C. someone who makes cloth

D. something you can make clothes with

E. make people angry or frightened

F. do something unpleasant to a person who has done

wrong (e.g. send them to prison)


Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 581. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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