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Conversational grammar


Leaving out subjects

'What did you do?' '(I) had lunch with her.' (It) sounds like a boring day.

'Did anything interesting happen?' '(I) don't think so. (I) can't remember.'



Auxiliary verbs without main verbs


Short answers

'Is it raining?' 'Yes, it is.'

'Have you got a cold?' 'No, I haven't.'

'Can you speak French?' 'Yes, I can a bit.'

'Are you ready?' 'No, I'm not.'

'Do you like skiing?' 'Yes, I do.'

'Did you sleep well?' 'No, I didn't.'

'Give my love to Andy.' 'I will.'


Showing interest: reply questions

'It's raining.' 'Is it?'

'I've got a cold.' 'Oh, have you?'

'My father can speak five languages.' 'Can he?'

'I'm Pisces.' 'Are you?'

'I love skiing.' 'Do you really?'

'I slept badly last night.' 'Oh, did you?'


So am I etc.

'I've got a pink Rolls-Royce.' 'So have I.' 'I haven't.'

'I'm tired.' 'So am 1.' 'I'm not.'

'Mary can swim.' 'So can Alice.' 'Louise can't.'

'I go skiing twice a year.' 'So do I.' 'I don't.'

'John phoned last night.' 'So did your mother.'


Question tags


It is..., isn't it?

You will..., won't you?

She can..., can't she?

They have..., haven't they?

You remember..., don't you? She likes..., doesn't she?

It isn't..., is it?

You won't..., will you?

She can't..., can she?

They haven't..., have they?

You don't..., do you?


It's raining, isn't it?

You'll tell Ann, won't you?

She likes fish, doesn't she?

Joe can't swim, can he?

The children haven't come back yet, have they?

You didn't see Lucy on your way, did you?


Intonation of question tags

Real questions

'You're French, · 'No, I'm Swiss.' Asking for agreement

'Nice day, · 'Yes, lovely.'



Doing things in English


Meeting and greeting


Introductions; meeting people

'Joe, this is Pat.' 'How do you do?'

'How do you do?'

I'd like to introduce... This is...

Do you know...?

May I introduce myself? My name's... Excuse me, aren't you...?

I'm glad to meet you.

I'm sorry. I didn't catch your name.

Nice to see you again. Where are you from? Whereabouts in...?



Asking for personal information

'Where are you from?' 'Scotland.'

'Where do you live?' 'In Edinburgh.'

'Where do you work?' 'In a small shop in George


'What's your phone number?' '7623305.' (Seven six

two, double three oh five.)



Opinions, likes and dislikes

'How do you like this place?' 'Great I Not bad I Not much I Terrible.'

Do you like modern jazz?

What do you think of the government? What's your favourite food?

I like dancing very much.




'Excuse me, is your name Fred Andrews?'

'No, I'm sorry, it's not. It's Jake Barker.'




Inviting and answering invitations

'Are you doing anything this evening? Would you like to see a film?'

'I don't know, I'm a bit tired. I don't really want to go

out tonight.'

'Well, what about tomorrow?'

'Let me look in my diary. No, I'd love to, but I'm afraid

I'm not free. I'm going to a concert in London.'

'How about Thursday?'



Making suggestions

'I haven't got anything to wear.' 'What/How about your blue dress?'

Why don't you borrow something of mine?



Formal greetings


Good morning/afternoon/evening. Goodbye I Good night.


Informal greetings


Bye I Goodbye I See you.


Asking about health

'How are you?' 'Very well, thanks.'

'Fine, thanks. And you?'

'Not too bad.'



'What newspaper do you read?' 'The Independent.'

'How do you travel to work?' 'By bus.'

'What sort of books do you like?' 'Science fiction.'

'Are you interested in politics?' 'Yes, I am.'



I quite like sport. It's OK.

I like football best. I hate shopping.

I don't like classical music at all.

'Do you like travelling?' 'It depends.'



'It's Jake Barker.'

'Oh, I'm sorry.'

'That's all right.'



'Thursday's a bit difficult. Let's do something at the weekend. Are you free?'

'Perhaps. Yes, why not?'

'How about Saturday? Shall we have dinner?'

'What a nice idea!'

'OK. See you about eight o'clock.'

'Could it be earlier? Half past seven?'

'Right, see you then.'



Why not borrow something of mine? I'll lend you my new shoes.

'Shall I iron it for you?' 'If you really don't mind.'


Discussion: opinions and advice

I think we should take a lot of water.

You shouldn't mend it with the wheels on.

Why don't you turn it sideways? Don't forget to put it on the table.

Remember to take the wheels off first.

It would be better to turn it upside down.


Asking for and giving permission



That's right.

You're right.!

I think you're wrong.

I agree. (I am agFee.)

I don't agree.

Do you mind if I sit here?

open the window?


look at your paper?


I'm sorry, it's not free. Well, it's a bit cold.

Well, I'd rather you didn't.

Well, I'm reading it myself, actually.

Not at all.

No, please do. Go ahead.


Asking for things; asking for help; borrowing and lending

Can you give me a hand? (informal)

Could you (possibly) help me for a few minutes?

(more formal)

Can you lend me a stamp?

I'm sorry to trouble you, but could you lend me

some sugar?

Could you possibly lend me your car?

Could I borrow your keys for a moment?


Offers and replies

Shall I open it for you?

No thanks. I can do it myself.


I'll answer it, shall I? That's very kind of you.


Can I hang your coat up for you? No thanks. I'll keep it on.


Would you like some toast? I'd love some.


Telling people to do things

Please hurry! Take your time. Don't worry. Look.

Come in.


Restaurants: ordering and asking

I'll start with soup, please, and then I'll have roast beef. Chicken for me, please.

Could you bring me a beer?

Just some water, please.



'Can I help you?' 'I'm just looking.'

'I'm looking for a sweater.' 'Here's a lovely one.'

What a lovely sweater! (What loYely sweateF!) What nice shoes!

Those aren't very nice. I don't like that very much. Can I look round?

Can I try them on?

'Have you got anything in black?' 'I'll just see.'


Yes, here you are. Yes, of course.

I'm sorry, I need it/them.

I'm afraid I haven't got one/any. I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't.



Would you like some tea?

I'd prefer coffee, if you've got some.


Would you like to dance? I'd love to.


Would you like to go and see a film this evening? Not this evening, thanks. Perhaps another time?


Would you like me to carry that for you? Thank you very much.


Wait here, please. Be careful.

Follow me, please. Look out!



a little more coffee

Could you bring us the bill, please?

Is service included?



'No, I'm afraid I haven't. Would you like to try these?' (Wot1ld yot1 like tfy these?)

How much are they? How much is it? I'll take them, please.

I'd like a red one.

I'd like to look at some watches. (I'd like look at some watches.)


Asking for things when you don't know the words

a thing with a hole I with a handle a machine for making holes

a tool for cutting wood

a thing for putting pieces of paper together


Asking for and giving directions

Excuse me. Where's the nearest post office, please? Excuse me. Is there a post office near here, please?


It's over there by the police station.

First on the right, then second on the left.

Take the first right, second left, then straight on.

How far is it?


Talking about feeling ill

I feel ill.

What's the matter?

My eyes hurt. My arm hurts.

Do they hurt I Does it hurt very badly?



Can/Could I speak to...? This is...

Is that...? (American: Is this...?)



a woman with dark hair

a woman who has dark hair a dark-haired woman


Probability and certainty

Iknow she's at home. I'm sure



She's I certainly I at home. probably


Talking about ages, heights and weights

The Great Pyramid is 4,500 years old. It is 135 metres high.

The car is 4 metres long.

The statue weighs three kilos.

Lucy is four months old.

Her mother is 40 (years old). I am 1 metre 91.

I weigh 85 kilos.


Formal and informal language


some material for making curtains some liquid for cleaning windows some powder for washing clothes some stuff for killing insects



About a hundred metres. About a hundred yards.


Thank you very much. Not at all.


I'm sorry. I don't know. Thank you anyway.


I've got a (bad) cold I a (bad) headache I (bad) toothache I flu I a temperature. (American: a toothache; the flu)

Why don't you see the doctor I dentist?


He/She's not in.

Can I take a message?



a person with a thin face

a person who has a thin face a thin-faced person


She must be at home. may


could can't



She's over 21 and under 30. How old/tall are you?

How much do you weigh?




How are you?

Very well, thank you. Goodbye.

Excuse me.

Could you lend me...? Thank you very much. Do you mind if...?




How's it going? Not too bad. See you.


Have you got...? Thanks a lot.

Is it OK if...?


------------"'=--·---·. ------------

Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 688. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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